Meeting notes:
- Presentation by 5G about there proposal for PNF support in SDC.
Action items:
- Benjamin Cheung provides an overview of the monitoring dictionary.
- Michael Lando invite relevant internal stack holders
16:14:23 From ozge ayaz(netsia) : hi, We can use alarm dictionary for DCAE ? sorry I didn't hear
16:14:37 From Rebecca Lantz (Ericsson) : yes that is the intention
16:14:39 From Michael Lando (SDC) : right no no
16:14:42 From Michael Lando (SDC) : nos*
16:14:45 From Michael Lando (SDC) : 'no*
16:15:14 From Rebecca Lantz (Ericsson) : not today, but proposal is to add this
16:16:19 From ozge ayaz(netsia) : ok thanks
16:42:54 From ozge ayaz(netsia) : can we create special alarm from ves event?
16:44:45 From ozge ayaz(netsia) : thanks
16:53:38 From Rebecca Lantz (Ericsson) : dmaap can filter