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Team's Priority | Item | Who | Notes |
| Beijing Release leftovers |
| Beijing Retrospective | Shankar | Beijing Retrospective |
| Casablanca Planning | Shankar | Tentative list (please chime in with your thoughts): - VNF scale out - Scott B
- 5G (Vimal Begwani)
- Edge automation (Ramki, Raghu)
- Changes to the R2 workflows for supporting edge orchestration (Homing)
- Edge Analytics (functional requirement) - App analytics going to DCAE, infra analytics going into MultiCloud
- Homing enhancements
- Extensions to MultiCloud capacity checks and reservation
- Supporting HPA enhancements
- Discovering shared resources when processing multiple homing requests in parallel
Links: HAS (R3) Casablanca Release Planning OSDF Casablanca (R3) Planning |
Contributor | What did you do last week? | What will you do this week? | Are there any impediments in your way? |