- Srinivasa Addepalli
- Parviz Yegani
- Ramamani Yeleswarapu (Deactivated)
- Shashank Kumar Shankar (Deactivated)
- Former user (Deleted)
The project can be addressed by two complementary efforts
- MultiCloud/Kubernetes Plugin: Which translates the ONAP runtime instructions into Kubernetes RESTful API calls. This project must provide the same functionality that other Multicloud plugins offer as well as following the CI/CD ONAP requirements. The official repository is
- Kubernetes Reference Deployment: Offers Ansible playbooks for installing a Kubernetes deployment and its additional required components, its main goal is to offer just a Reference Deployment which can be consumed by the plugin. Even when this reference doesn't pretend to be used in production, it must to contain production ready elements on it. The temporal repository is
The initial plan is to support private cloud deployments (bare metal or virtual machine) to later work on public cloud use cases( Azure/GCP/IBM/AWS)
Kubernetes Reference Deployment
The minimal add-ons that a Kubernetes Deployment must have are:
- K8S - Implemented
- OVN - Implemented
- Virtlet (
- CRIProxy (
- Flannel (
- Multus
- SRIOV (Low priority)
Given that Virtlet offers a CRI implementation and can work with generic VM images it was chosen from other alternatives.
MultiCloud/Kubernetes Plugin
In a similar manner that another ONAP components exposes their API through swagger endpoint, it was suggested the swagger endpoint uses the 2.0 version which corresponds to OpenAPI ( Kubernetes project has implemented that version( and it seems the way to go.
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
10min | Main efforts explanation | ||
30min | KRD - Details | ||
30min | multicloud/k8s - Details |
Action items
- Victor Morales will document the requirements and usage of Kubernetes Reference Deployment