Security Notes
ONAP has adopted the CII Best Practice Badge Program. The goal of the Beijing release is for all ONAP projects to be close to achieving a CII Passing badge.
The results of the badging and the known vulnerability assessment for <ProjectName> can be found on the project page. <ProjectName> code is formally scanned during build time using NexusIQ and all Critical vulnerabilities found in these scans are closed. The remaining security vulnerabilities and their workarounds are captured in <LinkToProjectVulnerabilityReviewTable>.
Quick Links
<ProjectName> project page: <LinkToProjectPage>
Badging information for <ProjectName>: <linkToProjectNameBadgeResultsOnCIIBestPractices>
Project Vulnerability Review Table for <ProjectName>: <LinkToProjectVulnerabilityTable>
Badging Requirements:
Badging Status for all ONAP projects: