If DMaaP is available and configured in the ONAP system, PROM can make use of it for sending health and failover-oriented notifications to be consumed by other applications or operators.
Health transition notifications
When PROM detects that the state of the local site has transitioned from one state (e.g. 'healthy') to another (e.g. 'unhealthy'), a health-change notification is generated and delivered to the SDNC-GEO-REDUNDANCY topic in DMaaP:
[ "{\"site\":\"sdnc01\",\"type\":\"health-change\",\"status\":\"unhealthy\",\"timestamp\":\"2018-05-08 16:47:53.137170\",\"deployment\":\"test_onap\"}" ]
The notification shows which site that health is being reported for, the new health of the site, when this new state was discovered and the name of the ONAP deployment the site is part of.
Failover event notifications
When a site failover occurs, either through operator intervention or automatically via PROM (seeĀ SDN-C Site Failover), PROM generates a failover notification and delivers it the SDNC-GEO-REDUNDANCY topic in DMaaP:
[ "{\"site\":\"sdnc02\",\"type\":\"failover\",\"status\":\"success\",\"deployment\":\"test_onap\",\"timestamp\":\"2018-05-08 15:00:04\"}" ]
The notification shows which site was made active due to failover, whether or not the failover activity was successful, the name of the ONAP deployment the site is part of and the time at which the failover occurred.