Step 1: Design the Control Loop Flow in SDC (DCAE-Design Studio)
What will be the scope of control loop flows in Casablanca:
Which microservices will be used?
Will flows contain more than one node representing a microservice
Will DMaaP topics be provisioned at deploy time?
Will microservices be capable of receiving more than one configuration policy?
Will the singleton vs. dynamically deployed distrinction be described in the TOSCA?
Step 2: Generate artifacts
Cloudify TOSCA is different from standard TOSCA
Many details of deployment are not relevant to CLAMP
There should be parallel artifacts: Service Template and Blueprint
Service Template is not Cloudify-specific
Based on Service Template, any deployment of Blueprint should be possible from CLAMP
Service Template and Blueprint must define the same inputs
Step 3: Distribute artifacts
Step 4: CLAMP Processes artifact
Assumptions of how parsing will be done
Getting TOSCA model of Policy through Policy API