To Join:
- Introductions
- Review of Action Items
- ETSI SOL001 Update and Update of VNF Descriptor Design Time Data Model
- Element Group Discussion. See: Element Groups
- Continue Discuss VDU vs VNFC Descriptor and relationship to deployment flavors
- Proposal for extending the model to include deployment flavors at the VNFC/VDU level
- See annex in the ETSI document to be further discussed next week:
- Move to Papyrus Update
- Last time:
- TSC Update on Resource Design Model Alex Vul (Deactivated)
- See:
- It is not apparent that an ONAP decision has been made for Beijing on SOL001 or OASIS TOSCA Simple Profile for NVF v1 wd5 rev3.
- What is the VNF Descriptor TOSCA model for beyond Beijing?
- The list of HPA Capabilities may be found at:
- ETSI Update Thinh Nguyenphu (Unlicensed)
- ETSI decision of having a single NFV profile document (SOL001) and not relate on further progress of TOSCA NFV Profile
- SOL001 may be found at:
Team discuss aligning the ONAP TOSCA with the current SOL001 work
- ONAP Data model for Beijng based on most recent OASIS NFV Profile with additional alignment with SOL001 and ONAP needs.
- Specific pieces of data model applicable to Beijing will be identified and mapped (focus on getting the recommendation draft for next week)
- Begin approval of standalone spec SOL001 by ETSI starting March 20th (for 1 week)
- Discuss clean version wiki tables for reviewing information model classes for Beijing and
- Monitoring Parameters updates for VES. See: VES Specification
- Work in putting VES TOSCA into SOL001 form and structure. Work with Alex Vul (Deactivated) and andreik to bring updates back into ETSI.
- Relationship to Multi-VIM
- Auto-discovery use case
- Possible need for event type registry
- See: Class: MonitoringParameterDesc
- TOSCA constructs to implement the Monitoring feature
- andreik, alok411, Andy Mayer to work a use case to support addition of attribute (EventDesc) to IFA011 in early April
- Monitoring Parameters updates for VES. See: VES Specification
- Discuss move to Papyrus (status and approach) and Git Former user (Deleted)
- Need to create sub-models in order for teams to work concurrently(e.g., Service, Resource, etc.)
- Need to discuss model governance
- Stereotypes on model can be used to indicate element stability / stage (using IISOMI Open Model Profile)
- Need wiki based proposal for Modeling proposal during release cycle (need discussion during face to face) Kevin Scaggs on Modeling sub-committee page
- Should be presented to Architecture sub-committee (next week Kevin Scaggs)
- Updated here: Proposed ONAP Release Process Updates for Information and Data Modeling
- Next TIme
- Continue Discuss VDU vs VNFC Descriptor and relationship to deployment flavors
- Proposal for extending the model to include deployment flavors at the VNFC/VDU level
- See annex in the ETSI document to be further discussed next week:
Next call 6 APR2018
- Papyrus port - version, schedule.
- Model driven approach discussion (Alex Vul (Deactivated))
Model walkthrough
- SDC IM Gap assessment
Discuss VDU vs VNFC Descriptor and relationship to deployment flavors
- VoLTE VNF Descriptor to latest release of IFA011
Gap analysis of HEAT templates
- Event descriptors alignment with DCAE
- New Action items
here is the link, if you have access to ETSI NFV,
VNF Package Security Recomendation