actor "Service Operator"
participant BSS as "OSS/BSS System"
box "Central Compute" #LightBlue
participant SDC as "Service Design and Creation"
participant SO as "Service Orchestrator"
Participant AAI as "Active and Available Inventory"
participant OOF as "ONAP Optimization Framework"
participant Policy
participant DMaaP
participant MVIM as "Multi-VIM"
end box
box "Generally Edge" #LightGreen
Participant EMB as "Edge Message Bus"
Participant ESO as "Edge Service Orchestrator"
Participant EAAI as "Edge Inventory"
Participant DSC as "Domain Specific Controller"
Participant HA as "Hardware Abstraction"
Participant DU as "Distribution Unit"
end box
BSS->SO: Add Access Subscriber
SO->SDC: Request Service Models
SDC->SO: Response Service Models
SO->OOF: Request Access Subscriber Placement
OOF->Policy: Request Subscriber Placement Policy
Policy->OOF: Response Subscriber Placement Policy
OOF->AAI: Request target deployment location
AAI->OOF: Response target deployment location
OOF->SO: Response Target Location
SO->DMaaP: Publish Message for Access Subscriber Add
DMaaP->MVIM: Request Access Subscriber provisioning
MVIM->EMB: Publish Message for Access Subscriber provisioning
EMB->ESO: Request provisioning of Subscriber
ESO->EAAI: Update Inventory
ESO->HA: Provision Port
HA->DU: Update Hardware Device
ESO->EMB: Notify of Completion
EMB->DMaaP: Notify of Completion
DMaaP->AAI: Update Inventory
DMaaP->BSS: Notify OSS/BSS