Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
Action items from last week:
Offline Meetings
- Functional testing (Leonardo, Dileep, Ikram, Sastry)
- SONAR coverage (Dileep, Amjath, Ikram, Sastry)
- Dockerization sync up (Ramki, Ikram, Shankar, Sastry)
- Build scripts need to be provided by individual projects (shell script for building)
- CMSO-Simple API (Jerry, Ankit, Sastry) – Sastry to pull in someone for CMSO use case
- Template for homing (Dileep, Ankit, Ritu, Shankar)
- SO API (Ankit, Shankar, Ramki, Dileep, Ritu, Seshu and Shankar) – Ankit/Shankar to reach out to Seshu from SO
Multicloud API (Ankit, Ramki, Dileep, Ritu, Sastry, Shankar) – Ramki and some other Multicloud person
A&AI API consuming (Ankit, Ramki, Sastry, Shankar) – Need to identify contacts from A&AI