• General
-This function requirement is to support VNF/NS manual scaling.
-Will be tested on Amsterdam's vDNS and vVoLTE use cases.
-This function requirement is not limited to VoLTE VNFs (MME, SGW, CSCF, TAS), it aims to be supported by both VF-C and APP-C VNFs and Services.
• Manual Scaling
-This is a first step towards auto-scaling and will be useful beyond the development of auto-scaling. This involves Operations triggering a scaling event through UUI/VID.
-Manual scaling provides the capability of VNF/NS scale in/out triggered by operators on demand.
-The ONAP platform should be able to perform scaling of any VNF that supports scaling, in all flavors/levels supported by the VNF.NF
General Flows
Step 1-5 are trigger procedures: Step 1-5 are auto-scaling trigger procedures; 5a is manual scaling trigger procedures.
Step 6-7 are scaling execute procedures which is independent from trigger procedures. Step 7 is for VF-C scaling and 7a is for APP-C scaling.
VNF Capabilities
•Any dependencies on specific VNF capabilities
-VNF should support scaling in different flavors/levels
•VNFs that we would use to test the use cases
-VNFs in VoLTE usecase: MME, SAE-GW, CSCF, TAS
Companies willing to support
-China Mobile, AT&T, ZTE, Huawei, Wind River
Summary of ONAP platform impacts
VNFs/Services under either VF-C or APP-C have different detailed flows and requirements for each ONAP component.
The table summaries all the requirements for both VF-C and APP-C VNFs/Services, and also a overlap analysis provided.
Summary of ONAP platform impacts
Functional Req | Component | Used for | Impact |
Auto and Manual Scaling | UUI | VF-C VNFs | Support trigger manual scaling for a dedicate VNF instance. |
VID | APP-C VNFs | Support trigger manual scaling for a dedicate VNF instance. | |
SO | both | Support scaling recipe, forward scaling demand to VF-C and/or APP-C depends on which VNF is selected. | |
VF-C | VF-C VNFs | Support scaling API, and execute VNF scaling procedures. | |
APP-C | APP-C VNFs | ||
•ETSI GS NFV-MAN 001 —— “B.4 VNF instance scaling flows” describes flows of scaling. The scaling use case is grouped in 3 categories, auto-scaling, on-demand scaling and scaling based on management request.
-Auto-scaling and on-demand scaling refer to the scaling triggered by VNFM/EMS/VNF automatically, related to R46.
-Scaling based on management request refers to the scaling triggered by some senders (OSS/BSS/operators) manually, related to R47.
•ETSI IFA 005, 006, 007 define the stage 2 specifications of Or-Vnfm, Or-Vi, Vnfm-Vi interfaces;
•ETSI SOL 003 defines the stage 3 specifications of Or-Vnfm interface;
•Openstack defines the VIM NBI APIs;
•OASIS TOSCA defines the VNF Descriptor in TOSCA Format
•VoLTE use case support HPA capabilities