- Discussion is open to the ONAP community.
- Aaron Hay followed up with Wind River (Stephen Gooch) on the availability of adding the VM necessary to conduct the test.
- The team still has the capability of creating the environment. APPC's existing env got blown away but the stack is still there.
- For Beijing, APPC will use the Kubernetes env, Hector Anapan may have an env with Kubernetes.
- AI: Hector Anapan will setup a call for OOM and Kubernetes.
- APPC team has the ability to setup up to 10 instances.
- Allocation can be done dynamically.
- With the Resiliency/Kubernetes env APPC will rquire more than 10 instances.
- AI: Aaron Hay to ask Stephen to bump APPC allocation up to 20.
- Automated failover in a single site for Resiliency (Germane to Stability in that the env will be shared)
- APPC needs a robust HealthCheck to determine if the cluster is healthy.
- What collaboration is needed to ensure lab isn't touched during the testing period.
- Need to closely collaborate with WindRiver to make sure they know when APPC is running the 72 hour testing.
- WindRiver is working on improvements to their notification system.
- ONAP Discuss subscribe list is where Stephen typically posts any downtime for the lab
- Each user would need to subscribe.
- AI: Scott Seabolt to post link to subscribe in meeting minutes
- onap-discuss subscribe click here
- Need to closely collaborate with WindRiver to make sure they know when APPC is running the 72 hour testing.
- Follow up with APPC team on possible VNF options for the Configure and ConfigModify.
- One possibility is to setup APPC to support vFirewall/PacketGen to work with LCM Provider instead of the legacy API Provider.
- The vFirewall will be available. Need a more thorough eval on how to adapt to LCM.
- AI: Patrick Brady to research if pgstreams can be supported through LCM.
- Layout plan for establishing data in A&AI in regards to the test VNFs/VMs.
- Due TBD.
- Document the Test Approach including the design, environment and expected results.
- Due TBD.
- APPC Benchmarking and Jmeter
- ONAP component development will do the initial testing prior to the Integration team conducting their tests.
- Integration testing uses Jmeter to test since it is standard.
- Jmeter has good REST capabilities.
- The team will need to do a little work to get DMaaP integrated into the Jmeter test.
- Randa Maher asked:
- Does Jmeter profile memory to see if you have a memory leak?
- APPC needs to define a set of metrics we will collect on this stability run, like CPU usage, etc..
- AI Ryan Young - Investigate capabilities of Jmeter and provide a list of capabilities.
- Randa Maher asked:
- APPC Metrics logging
- How can we track transactions? Elk?
- AI: Scott Seabolt to follow up with Taka as he is familiar with Elk.
- AI: Scott Seabolt - Determine how much logging space would be required?
- The OAM KPI -
- AI: Patrick Brady, what is SONAR Regression test.
- What is it and how can it be used for the Stability Testing.
- How can we track transactions? Elk?
- AI: Randa Maher to create EPIC for testing 1/17/2018 (Complete)
- AI: Scott Seabolt to create stories and tasks for stability testing.
- Where does the code/config items go for this test?
- For now this code will go into the Deployment repo.
Action Items to be completed by our next call 1/23/2018:
- AI: Hector Anapan will setup a call for OOM and Kubernetes.
- AI: Aaron Hay to ask Stephen to bump APPC allocation up to 20.
- AI: Scott Seabolt to post link to subscribe in meeting minutes (Complete)
- AI: Patrick Brady to research if pgstreams can be supported through LCM.
- AI: Ryan Young - Investigate capabilities of Jmeter and provide a list of capabilities.
- AI: Scott Seabolt to follow up with Taka as he is familiar with Elk.
- AI: Scott Seabolt - Determine how much logging space would be required?
- AI: Patrick Brady, what is SONAR Regression test.
- What is it and how can it be used for the Stability Testing.
- AI: Randa Maher to create EPIC for testing 1/17/2018 (Complete)
- AI: Scott Seabolt to create stories and tasks for stability testing.
- AI: Scott Seabolt to setup a follow up call for next week.
- Discussion is open to the ONAP community.
- Aaron Hay followed up with Wind River (Stephen Gooch) on the availability of adding the VM necessary to conduct the test.
- The team still has the capability of creating the environment. APPC's existing env got blown away but the stack is still there.
- For Beijing, APPC will use the Kubernetes env, Hector Anapan may have an env with Kubernetes.
- AI: Hector Anapan will setup a call for OOM and Kubernetes.
- APPC team has the ability to setup up to 10 instances.
- Allocation can be done dynamically.
- With the Resiliency/Kubernetes env APPC will rquire more than 10 instances.
- AI: Aaron Hay to ask Stephen to bump APPC allocation up to 20.
- Automated failover in a single site for Resiliency (Germane to Stability in that the env will be shared)
- APPC needs a robust HealthCheck to determine if the cluster is healthy.
- What collaboration is needed to ensure lab isn't touched during the testing period.
- Need to closely collaborate with WindRiver to make sure they know when APPC is running the 72 hour testing.
- WindRiver is working on improvements to their notification system.
- ONAP Discuss subscribe list is where Stephen typically posts any downtime for the lab
- Each user would need to subscribe.
- AI: Scott Seabolt to post link to subscribe in meeting minutes
- onap-discuss subscribe click here
- Follow up with APPC team on possible VNF options for the Configure and ConfigModify.
- One possibility is to setup APPC to support vFirewall/PacketGen to work with LCM Provider instead of the legacy API Provider.
- The vFirewall will be available. Need a more thorough eval on how to adapt to LCM.
- AI: Patrick Brady to research if pgstreams can be supported through LCM.
- Layout plan for establishing data in A&AI in regards to the test VNFs/VMs.
- Due TBD.
- Document the Test Approach including the design, environment and expected results.
- Due TBD.
- APPC Benchmarking and Jmeter
- ONAP component development will do the initial testing prior to the Integration team conducting their tests.
- Integration testing uses Jmeter to test since it is standard.
- Jmeter has good REST capabilities.
- The team will need to do a little work to get DMaaP integrated into the Jmeter test.
- Randa Maher asked:
- Does Jmeter profile memory to see if you have a memory leak?
- APPC needs to define a set of metrics we will collect on this stability run, like CPU usage, etc..
- AI Ryan Young - Investigate capabilities of Jmeter and provide a list of capabilities.
- APPC Metrics logging
- How can we track transactions? Elk?
- AI: Scott Seabolt to follow up with Taka as he is familiar with Elk.
- AI: Scott Seabolt - Determine how much logging space would be required?
- The OAM KPI -
- Doesn't look like this will have all that is required to determine cluster health.
- AI: Patrick Brady, what is SONAR Regression test.
- What is it and how can it be used for the Stability Testing.
- AI: Randa Maher to create EPIC for testing 1/17/2018 (Complete)
- AI: Scott Seabolt to create stories and tasks for stability testing.
- Where does the code/config items go for this test?
- For now this code will go into the Deployment repo.
- Action Items to be completed by our next call 1/23/2018:
- AI: Hector Anapan will setup a call for OOM and Kubernetes.
- AI: Aaron Hay to ask Stephen to bump APPC allocation up to 20.
- AI: Scott Seabolt to post link to subscribe in meeting minutes (Complete)
- AI: Patrick Brady to research if pgstreams can be supported through LCM.
- AI Ryan Young - Investigate capabilities of Jmeter and provide a list of capabilities.
- AI: Scott Seabolt to follow up with Taka as he is familiar with Elk.
- AI: Scott Seabolt - Determine how much logging space would be required?
- AI: Patrick Brady, what is SONAR Regression test.
- What is it and how can it be used for the Stability Testing.
- AI: Randa Maher to create EPIC for testing 1/17/2018 (Complete)
- AI: Scott Seabolt to create stories and tasks for stability testing.
- AI: Scott Seabolt to setup a follow up call for next week.