To add a new ONAP component to Heat it is necessary to complete the following three steps:
- Add the definition of a new component VM to the Heat template
- Make sure that all the component-specific configuration is in the Gerrit repository
- Prepare installation scripts that install software dependencies and docker containers
Add the definition of a new component VM to the Heat template
The Heat template contains the definition of the ONAP components and the Operation And Management (OAM) private network that those components use to communicate with each other. Each component has a fixed private IP address towards the OAM network, in the address space.
The Heat stack contains a DNS server that resolves the Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs) to IP addresses. The DNS configuration has an entry for each component VM, for example: IN A aai1_ip_addr
Then, all the services that run in a VM are associated to that FQDN: IN CNAME IN CNAME IN CNAME
Adding a new ONAP component requires to add a description of the host VM in terms of operating system, flavor (number of vCPUs, RAM, disk), ports, etc. The VM description also contains a "user data" section that is used to implement custom operations. In ONAP, the "user data" section is used to save environment-specific parameters in the VM and make them usable by installation scripts (see next sections).
Find below the description of the SO VM:
# MSO instantiation
type: OS::Neutron::Port
network: { get_resource: oam_onap }
fixed_ips: [{"subnet": { get_resource: oam_onap_subnet }, "ip_address": { get_param: mso_ip_addr }}]
type: OS::Neutron::FloatingIP
floating_network_id: { get_param: public_net_id }
port_id: { get_resource: mso_private_port }
type: OS::Nova::Server
image: { get_param: ubuntu_1604_image }
flavor: { get_param: flavor_large }
template: base-mso
base: { get_param: vm_base_name }
key_name: { get_resource: vm_key }
- port: { get_resource: mso_private_port }
user_data_format: RAW
__nexus_repo__: { get_param: nexus_repo }
__nexus_docker_repo__: { get_param: nexus_docker_repo }
__nexus_username__: { get_param: nexus_username }
__nexus_password__: { get_param: nexus_password }
__openstack_username__: { get_param: openstack_username }
__openstack_tenant_id__: { get_param: openstack_tenant_id }
__openstack_api_key__: { get_param: openstack_api_key }
__openstack_region__: { get_param: openstack_region }
__keystone_url__: { get_param: keystone_url }
__dmaap_topic__: { get_param: dmaap_topic }
__artifacts_version__: { get_param: artifacts_version }
__dns_ip_addr__: { get_param: dns_ip_addr }
__docker_version__: { get_param: docker_version }
__gerrit_branch__: { get_param: gerrit_branch }
__cloud_env__: { get_param: cloud_env }
__external_dns__: { get_param: external_dns }
__mso_repo__: { get_param: mso_repo }
template: |
# Create configuration files
mkdir -p /opt/config
echo "__nexus_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_repo.txt
echo "__nexus_docker_repo__" > /opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt
echo "__nexus_username__" > /opt/config/nexus_username.txt
echo "__nexus_password__" > /opt/config/nexus_password.txt
echo "__artifacts_version__" > /opt/config/artifacts_version.txt
echo "__dns_ip_addr__" > /opt/config/dns_ip_addr.txt
echo "__dmaap_topic__" > /opt/config/dmaap_topic.txt
echo "__openstack_username__" > /opt/config/openstack_username.txt
echo "__openstack_tenant_id__" > /opt/config/tenant_id.txt
echo "__openstack_api_key__" > /opt/config/openstack_api_key.txt
echo "__openstack_region__" > /opt/config/openstack_region.txt
echo "__keystone_url__" > /opt/config/keystone.txt
echo "__docker_version__" > /opt/config/docker_version.txt
echo "__gerrit_branch__" > /opt/config/gerrit_branch.txt
echo "__cloud_env__" > /opt/config/cloud_env.txt
echo "__external_dns__" > /opt/config/external_dns.txt
echo "__mso_repo__" > /opt/config/remote_repo.txt
# Download and run install script
curl -k __nexus_repo__/org.onap.demo/boot/__artifacts_version__/ -o /opt/
cd /opt
chmod +x
The function get_param gets parameter values defined in the Heat environment file, for example:
public_net_id: 03bd2691-2660-4f85-8913-65ef9c9b02df
ubuntu_1404_image: ubuntu-14-04-cloud-amd64
ubuntu_1604_image: ubuntu-16-04-cloud-amd64
flavor_small: m1.small
flavor_medium: m1.medium
flavor_large: m1.large
flavor_xlarge: m1.xlarge
vm_base_name: vm1
key_name: onap_key
nexus_username: docker
nexus_password: docker
dmaap_topic: AUTO
artifacts_version: 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
docker_version: 1.1-STAGING-latest
gerrit_branch: master
These parameters mainly refer to the OpenStack environment, docker URL and credentials, Gerrit URL, VM private addresses, etc. We warmly suggest to keep component-specific configuration in Gerrit, such that the repository can be cloned and that configuration is made available to installation scripts.
For each VM, the last instruction in the Heat template is to run <component_name>, which install software dependencies such as docker, Java, make, gcc, git, etc. This script also downloads and runs another script, called <component_name>, which is in charge of downloading and running docker containers.
For detailed information about Heat templates and their installation, please refer to ONAP Installation in Vanilla OpenStack.
What should ONAP teams to onboard a new component? Just provide the VM specs that they want, we will create the VM accordingly. We will also create <component_name>