The agenda will be:
- Discussion of the CSAR structure supported for R1
- Discussion on the sequence design in SDC
discussion points:
SDC supported input CSAR structure which is supported for R1.
3 Directories: /TOSCA-Metadata, /Artifacts, /Definitions
SDC development team to check if the import CSAR structure can be the same as the output CSAR structure (nested directories inside /Artifacts)
- SDC is not supporting images in R1
- SDC is doing basic package validation and would fail incorrect package structure/content
- VNFSDK team asks about SDC TOSCA validation code
- SDC presented the number of options for VNF sequencing.
- Using the relationships between the nodes - The following example (
Shows how the relationships in the model translated to the instantiation sequencing: - Using the workflow - suggesting to check with SO and VF-C how this is done today
- Using the relationships between the nodes - The following example (
- Aug-29 Modelling call will have a slot to discuss the leftovers about CSAR package format
- SDC suggested having a 3-hours call with VF-C team to manually craft one of VoLTE VNFs and the discuss SDC output
- VF-C needs to discuss with VoLTE use case team the E2E flow how the design-time output gets to VF-C. Possible options (additional options might exist):
- Option 1:
- VF-C implements DMaaP API to register on service and resource notification
- VF-C implements SDC catalog API to get service and VNFs
- Option 2:
- VF-C implements only SDC catalog API and based on SO call gets the service/VNFs from SDC
- Option 1:
Action items (to be completed by Tuesday Aug-29):
- Can the SDC support nested artifacts in imported CSAR? (owner Tal H.)
- can the CSAR structure be aligned according to the request to have the service template yaml and mf in the root level (owner Meopeng)
- Provide VNFSDK team with information and code location about the current SDC CSAR validations (owner Tal H.)
- VF-C team to provide the list of artifacts that would be included in the onboarded VNF and used by VF-C (owner Meoperg)
- SDC team to make sure WiKi page is updated with the latest CSAR structure documentation (owner Michael L.)
- SDC development team to response VF-C questions about TOSCA parser (owner Michael L.)
Metting recording:
meeting Chat:
00:38:55 maopeng: TOSCA-Meta-Version: 1.0 CSAR-Version: 1.0 Created-By: Winery 0.1.37-SNAPSHOT Entry-Definitions: Definitions/openons__vIMS_NS.yaml
00:40:16 maopeng: TOSCA-Meta-File-Version: 1.0 CSAR-Version: 1.1 Created-By: Carlos Santana Entry-Definitions: Definitions/service-33d1f589Dfbc492e8e9b-template.yml
00:45:21 DENG Hui: will VFC get same package format from SDC?
00:46:05 DENG Hui: one change in artificats, two directory: deployment
00:49:33 Nagesha (Nokia): what does helloworld.yml contain ?
00:52:56 DENG Hui: will CSAR package be used for heat vnf as well?
00:54:57 maopeng: In R1, can the VNF package incloude other directiories besides the three mentioned?
00:55:00 David Shadmi: There are some discussion about using it for vCPE. however it would not include HEAT.
00:55:25 David Shadmi: additional directories would be discarded.
00:56:14 David Shadmi: the comment about "additional directories would be discarded" is a response to @maopeng
01:00:15 maopeng: understand, but it is too limited for the VNF vendors. If it can support additional dirctories, it will be more helpful.
01:03:41 DENG Hui: maopeng, could it create other folder under artifact, not in the root directory?
01:04:31 maopeng: it has said it does not support the nesting directories in the artifacts
01:05:18 halfont: David said that we will check it tomaroow and give an answer about it
01:06:10 Nagesha (Nokia): Is this CSAR format for VNF package and also for service package (which user creates service using SDC gui) ?
01:15:08 DENG Hui: mainservice is duplicate of tosca.meta for SDC
01:16:01 Bharath Thiruveedula-Verizon: can we quickly discuss about the VNF sequencing after this topic, we raised about VNF sequencing in mailing list
01:17:41 Nagesha (Nokia): is "MainServiceTemplate" hardcoded name or it can be anything abc.yaml ?
01:17:52 DENG Hui: copy both files from definitions to root
01:18:02 DENG Hui: can u do it ?
01:20:17 DENG Hui: tosca.meta will still configure root direcotry?
01:20:24 maopeng: Entry-Definitions: ./MainserviceTemplate.yaml
01:21:40 DENG Hui: clear
01:22:15 DENG Hui: just copy, don't change content
01:23:54 Victor Gao: does the mainservicetemplate is hardcode?
01:24:13 Victor Gao: the name of ya m l
01:27:52 Nagesha (Nokia): in format the services are distributed ?