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UCA-20 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Purpose: prototype a REST client on top of ONAP - specifically for VF-Module orchestration.

The MSO Rest post workaround to avoid VID for VF-Module creation fixes  VID-19 - Getting issue details... STATUS


vFirewall Demo Sequence of Events

All the events during a VF creation so we can understand all the orchestration steps at a granular REST level.

Passwords in /testsuite/properties/

Status (current/future) Flow

BeforeAfter (REST extraction)

in init (customer create, service model create)

in vid deploy service model

in vid create service instance

in vid add vnf to service instance

in preload

in vid vf-module creation

in appc

2 AAI rest calls

unchanged vid

unchanged vid

unchanged vid

SDNC rest call

MSO rest call

unchanged robot


IAD region






SeqNameSourceTargetActorREST writeREST read

License Model



Licence Key Group

where id is from LM above


Entitlement Pool

where id is from LM above


Feature Group

where id is from LM above


License Aggreement

where id is from LM above




get index by LM id "vendorId": "FD0FBEDB1AB64D1CA1A4E266862CAEE7"


SeqNameSourceTargetActorrobotREST writeREST read

create customerrobotaai./ init

Executing robot tests at log level TRACE


OpenECOMP ETE                                                                 


OpenECOMP ETE.Robot                                                           


OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites                                                


OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites.Demo :: Executes the VNF Orchestration Test ...


Initialize Customer And Models                                        | PASS |


OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites.Demo :: Executes the VNF Orchestrat... | PASS |

1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed

1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed


OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites                                        | PASS |

1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed

1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed


OpenECOMP ETE.Robot                                                   | PASS |

1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed

1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed


OpenECOMP ETE                                                         | PASS |

1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed

1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed


Output:  /share/logs/demo/InitDemo/output.xml

Log:     /share/logs/demo/InitDemo/log.html

Report:  /share/logs/demo/InitDemo/report.html



{ "global-customer-id": "ONAP-User",
"service-subscriptions": {
"service-subscription": [{
"relationship-list": {
"relationship": [{
"related-to": "tenant",
"relationship-data": [{
"relationship-key": "",
"relationship-value": "Rackspace"
}, {
"relationship-key": "",
"relationship-value": "DFW"
}, {
"relationship-key": "tenant.tenant-id",
"relationship-value": "{{tenant_id}}"
}] }]},
"service-type": "vFW"
}] },
"subscriber-name": "ONAP-User",
"subscriber-type": "INFRA"}

however on a clean system - where the tenant target node in the graph db does not exist yet - we fail

"requestError": {
"serviceException": {
"messageId": "SVC3003",
"text": "Failed to make edge to missing target node of type %3 with keys %4 performing %1 on %2 (msg=%5) (ec=%6)",
"variables": [
"Error making edge to target node:Node of type tenant. Could not find object at: /cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/Rackspace/DFW/tenants/tenant/1035021",
]} }}


{ "global-customer-id": "Demonstration","subscriber-name": "Demonstration",

create service modelrobotaai./ init
PUT aai/v8/service-design-and-creation/services
{   "service-id": "${UUID}",
"service-description": "${service_type}"}


"model-name-version-id": "dcb40136-9cec-45be-b080-2a36b31c2f06",
"model-type": "service", "model-name": "vfservice",
"model-id": "43d59b70-8829-4a50-a3f7-d261b220ceef"

Service Deployment

SeqNameSourceTargetActorREST writeREST readREST delete

deploy service modelvidaaidemo user


create service instancevidaaidemo user




07/27/17 12:10:39 HTTP Status: OK (200)
  "request": {
    "requestId": "96dcaa23-88cb-41ac-bf8c-e1e5bb423232",
    "startTime": "Wed, 26 Jul 2017 16:10:26 GMT",
    "requestScope": "service",
    "requestType": "createInstance",
    "requestDetails": {
      "modelInfo": {
        "modelCustomizationName": null,
        "modelInvariantId": "43d59b70-8829-4a50-a3f7-d261b220ceef",
        "modelType": "service",
        "modelNameVersionId": "dcb40136-9cec-45be-b080-2a36b31c2f06",
        "modelName": "vfservice",
        "modelVersion": "1.0"
      "requestInfo": {
        "billingAccountNumber": null,
        "callbackUrl": null,
        "correlator": null,
        "orderNumber": null,
        "productFamilyId": null,
        "orderVersion": null,
        "source": "VID",
        "instanceName": "DemoInstance",
        "suppressRollback": false
      "relatedInstanceList": null,
      "subscriberInfo": {
        "globalSubscriberId": "Demonstration",
        "subscriberName": null
      "cloudConfiguration": null,
      "requestParameters": {
        "subscriptionServiceType": "vFW",
        "userParams": []
    "instanceReferences": {
      "serviceInstanceId": "cd2eb659-2463-461b-9c3b-3bf03619c167",
      "serviceInstanceName": "DemoInstance",
      "vnfInstanceId": null,
      "vnfInstanceName": null,
      "vfModuleInstanceId": null,
      "vfModuleInstanceName": null,
      "volumeGroupInstanceId": null,
      "volumeGroupInstanceName": null,
      "networkInstanceId": null,
      "networkInstanceName": null
    "requestStatus": {
      "requestState": "COMPLETE",
      "statusMessage": "Service Instance has been created successfully.",
      "percentProgress": 100,
      "finishTime": "Wed, 26 Jul 2017 16:10:31 GMT"

07/27/17 12:10:28 HTTP Status: Accepted (202)
  "requestReferences": {
    "instanceId": "cd2eb659-2463-461b-9c3b-3bf03619c167",
    "requestId": "96dcaa23-88cb-41ac-bf8c-e1e5bb423232"



{ "service-instance": [{
"service-instance-id": "c54316d8-464e-4967-bece-8c2b2f458b66",
"service-instance-name": "DemoInstance",
"persona-model-id": "2a01ef12-9bb1-4205-9941-a506cbae99c9",


"requestReferences": {
"instanceId": "cd2eb659-2463-461b-9c3b-3bf03619c167",
"requestId": "1764e091-7d43-4eb0-92d6-b449a85926d2"

VNF Creation

SeqNameSourceTargetActorREST writeREST readREST delete

Add VNF to

Service Instance


demo user

07/27/17 12:15:13 HTTP Status: OK (200)
  "request": {
    "requestId": "e867be64-e725-4e29-8448-c9eceb51ce3c",
    "startTime": "Wed, 26 Jul 2017 16:15:02 GMT",
    "requestScope": "vnf",
    "requestType": "createInstance",
    "requestDetails": {
      "modelInfo": {
        "modelCustomizationName": "vsp 1",
        "modelInvariantId": "27036887-1053-48e8-a55e-3d2a7264a658",
        "modelType": "vnf",
        "modelNameVersionId": "b63a0b42-a151-460a-9bb2-ba469948622b",
        "modelName": "vsp",
        "modelVersion": "1.0"
      "requestInfo": {
        "billingAccountNumber": null,
        "callbackUrl": null,
        "correlator": null,
        "orderNumber": null,
        "productFamilyId": "03606d31-c2f3-483e-9882-6d050ab3610f",
        "orderVersion": null,
        "source": "VID",
        "instanceName": "DemoVNF",
        "suppressRollback": false
      "relatedInstanceList": [
          "relatedInstance": {
            "instanceName": null,
            "instanceId": "cd2eb659-2463-461b-9c3b-3bf03619c167",
            "modelInfo": {
              "modelCustomizationName": null,
              "modelInvariantId": "43d59b70-8829-4a50-a3f7-d261b220ceef",
              "modelType": "service",
              "modelNameVersionId": "dcb40136-9cec-45be-b080-2a36b31c2f06",
              "modelName": "vfservice",
              "modelVersion": "1.0"
      "subscriberInfo": null,
      "cloudConfiguration": {
        "aicNodeClli": null,
        "tenantId": "your_tenant_id",
        "lcpCloudRegionId": "DFW"
      "requestParameters": {
        "subscriptionServiceType": null,
        "userParams": []
    "instanceReferences": {
      "serviceInstanceId": "cd2eb659-2463-461b-9c3b-3bf03619c167",
      "serviceInstanceName": null,
      "vnfInstanceId": "110f0e9c-52f9-4b12-8bd8-fa2980e48454",
      "vnfInstanceName": "DemoVNF",
      "vfModuleInstanceId": null,
      "vfModuleInstanceName": null,
      "volumeGroupInstanceId": null,
      "volumeGroupInstanceName": null,
      "networkInstanceId": null,
      "networkInstanceName": null
    "requestStatus": {
      "requestState": "COMPLETE",
      "statusMessage": "Vnf has been created successfully.",
      "percentProgress": 100,
      "finishTime": "Wed, 26 Jul 2017 16:15:03 GMT"

07/27/17 12:15:02 HTTP Status: Accepted (202)
  "requestReferences": {
    "instanceId": "110f0e9c-52f9-4b12-8bd8-fa2980e48454",
    "requestId": "e867be64-e725-4e29-8448-c9eceb51ce3c"

get VSPs


"name": "vsp",
"description": "vsp",
"category": "resourceNewCategory.application l4+",




VfModule Preload

SeqNameSourceTargetActorrobotREST writeREST read

preload vnfrobot

./ preload <DemoVNF> <DemoModule>



Add VNF Profile

Starting Xvfb on display :89 with res 1280x1024x24

Executing robot tests at log level TRACE


OpenECOMP ETE                                                                 


OpenECOMP ETE.Robot                                                           


OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites                                                


OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites.Demo :: Executes the VNF Orchestration Test ...


Preload VNF                                                           | PASS |


OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites.Demo :: Executes the VNF Orchestrat... | PASS |

1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed

1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed


OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites                                        | PASS |

1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed

1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed


OpenECOMP ETE.Robot                                                   | PASS |

1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed

1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed


OpenECOMP ETE                                                         | PASS |

1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed

1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed


Output:  /share/logs/demo/PreloadDemo/output.xml

Log:     /share/logs/demo/PreloadDemo/log.html

Report:  /share/logs/demo/PreloadDemo/report.html


where "service-type" = the root service instance id at top of vid page

(do a get on - https://{{aai_ip}}:8443/aai/v8/business/customers/customer/Demonstration/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/vFW/service-instances/




X-FromAppId:API client

Authorization:Basic YWRtaW46S3A4Yko0U1hzek0wV1hsaGFrM2VIbGNzZTJnQXc4NHZhb0dHbUp2VXkyVQ==

{    "input": {

        "request-information": {

            "notification-url": "",

            "order-number": "1",

            "order-version": "1",

            "request-action": "PreloadVNFRequest",

            "request-id": "test"


        "sdnc-request-header": {

            "svc-action": "reserve",

            "svc-notification-url": "http:\/\/\/adapters\/rest\/SDNCNotify",

            "svc-request-id": "test"


        "vnf-topology-information": {

            "vnf-assignments": {

                "availability-zones": [],

                "vnf-networks": [],

                "vnf-vms": []


            "vnf-parameters": [{

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "vfw_private_ip_0",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": ""

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "vfw_private_ip_1",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": ""

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "vfw_private_ip_2",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": ""

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "vpg_name_0",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": "demofwl01pgn"

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "demo_artifacts_version",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": "1.0.0"

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "ecomp_private_net_cidr",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": ""

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "key_name",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": "vfw_keydemo"

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "repo_url_artifacts",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": ""

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "protected_private_net_id",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": "demofwl_protected"

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "vpg_private_ip_0",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": ""

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "vpg_private_ip_1",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": ""

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "unprotected_private_net_cidr",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": ""

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "dcae_collector_ip",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": ""

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "repo_url_blob",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": ""

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "vsn_private_ip_0",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": ""

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "vsn_private_ip_1",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": ""

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "vsn_name_0",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": "demofwl01snk"

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "vfw_name_0",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": "demofwl01fwl"

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "pub_key",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEAqqnA9BAiMLtjOPSYBfhzLu4CiBolWoskDg4KVwhTJVTTeB6CqrQNcadlGXxOHhCYuNCKkUmIVF4WTOisVOJ75Z1c4OMoZLL85xVPKSIeH63kgVugwgPYQu55NbbWX+rsbUha3LnElDhNviMM3iTPbD5nnhKixNERAJMTLKXvZZZGqxW94bREknYPQTT2qrk3YRqwldncopp6Nkgv3AnSJz2gc9tjxnWF0poTQnQm/3D6hiJICrzKfAV0EaPN0KdtYjPhKrYoy6Qb/tKOVaaqsvwfKBJGrT9LfcA7D7M/yj292RT1XN63hI84WC383LsaPJ6eWdDTE6zUP1eGTWCoOw== rsa-key-20161026"

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "ecomp_private_net_id",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": "oam_ecomp_LbMf" // wrong network oam_ecomp_QbZ1 will fail vfModule creation later (get it from an openstack server call)

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "dcae_collector_port",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": "8080"

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "unprotected_private_net_id",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": "demofwl_unprotected"

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "ecomp_private_subnet_id",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": "oam_ecomp_LbMf"

                        },                        {

                            "vnf-parameter-name": "protected_private_net_cidr",

                            "vnf-parameter-value": ""

                        }            ],

            "vnf-topology-identifier": {

                "generic-vnf-name": "DemoVNF",

                "generic-vnf-type": "service/vsp 1",

                "service-type": "c54316d8-464e-4967-bece-8c2b2f458b66",

                "vnf-name": "DemoModule",

                "vnf-type": "Vsp..base_vfw..module-0"

            }        }    }}


{ "output": {
"response-code": "200",
"ack-final-indicator": "Y",
"svc-request-id": "test"

see also

Tutorial: Creating a Service Instance from a Design Model#PreloadFlow


{ "preload-vnfs": {
"vnf-preload-list": [
{ "vnf-name": "DemoModule",
"vnf-type": "Vsp..base_vfw..module-0",


{"vnf-preload-list": [{
"vnf-name": "DemoModule",
"vnf-type": "Vsp..base_vfw..module-0",

VfModule Creation

SeqNameSourceTargetActorREST writeREST readREST delete

create Vf module <DemoModule>vid
demo user

Success without running VID! - workaround for VID-19 - Getting issue details... STATUS



via OpenStack

openstack server list

4be336b3-a31c-4be0-9261-0cb1cb51227d | demofwl01fwl  | ACTIVE | oam_ecomp_LbMf=; demofwl_unprotected=; public=, | ||  | |  | 2001:4802:7803:104:be76:4eff:fe20:377b; demofwl_protected= 

post call



serviceInstance id = c543... from relatedInstance:type=service

vnf id = 6229.. from relatedInstance:type=vnf



get: "relatedInstance": { "instanceId": "6229cdee-10f6-4ec4-a5e0-0593154e6d83",

from: {"generic-vnf": [{"vnf-id": "6229cdee-10f6-4ec4-a5e0-0593154e6d83"

get: modelInvariantId": "7425ba97-e159-4c0f-87dd-3af3b439148b"

from: "persona-model-id": "7425ba97-e159-4c0f-87dd-3af3b439148b"



get: "instanceReferences": { "serviceInstanceId": "c54316d8-464e-4967-bece-8c2b2f458b66"

from: { "service-instance": [{"service-instance-id": "c54316d8-464e-4967-bece-8c2b2f458b66",

body :

{ "requestDetails": {
"requestInfo": {
"instanceName": "DemoModule",
"source": "VID",
"suppressRollback": false
"modelInfo": {
"modelType": "vfModule",
"modelInvariantId": "1051e887-365f-4e90-b4cc-3f5c6f588188",
"modelNameVersionId": "02b1cf61-2dc9-4be9-869c-354395670faf",
"modelName": "Vsp..base_vfw..module-0",
"modelVersion": "1.0"
"requestParameters": {
"userParams": []
"relatedInstanceList": [
{"relatedInstance": {
"instanceId": "cd2eb659-2463-461b-9c3b-3bf03619c167", // from "service-instance-id" of https://{{aai_ip}}:8443/aai/v8/business/customers/customer/Demonstration/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/vFW/service-instances/
"modelInfo": {
"modelName":"vfservice", // from vnf-type of https://{{aai_ip}}:8443/aai/v8/network/generic-vnfs
"modelInvariantId":"43d59b70-8829-4a50-a3f7-d261b220ceef", // from "persona-model-id" of https://{{aai_ip}}:8443/aai/v8/business/customers/customer/Demonstration/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/vFW/service-instances/
} } },
{"relatedInstance": {
"instanceId": "110f0e9c-52f9-4b12-8bd8-fa2980e48454", // from "vnf-id" of https://{{aai_ip}}:8443/aai/v8/network/generic-vnfs
"modelInfo": {
"modelInvariantId":"27036887-1053-48e8-a55e-3d2a7264a658", // from "persona-model-id" of https://{{aai_ip}}:8443/aai/v8/network/generic-vnfs
"modelCustomizationName":"vsp 1"
} } }],
"cloudConfiguration": {
"lcpCloudRegionId": "DFW",
"tenantId": "{{tenant_id}}"
} }}

however there is more to this than just a rest call - no heat stack means no vf instances yet


"requestReferences": {
"instanceId": "52d939c6-e603-4782-92e8-962387ae5de8",
"requestId": "8869bc00-f07e-48d2-a55b-c725cfca44f4"

however a call to the following - shows we need to get the right network name in the preload


"requestStatus": {
"requestState": "FAILED",
"statusMessage": "Received vfModuleException from VnfAdapter: category='INTERNAL' message='Exception during create VF 400 Bad Request: The server could not comply with the request since it is either malformed or otherwise incorrect., error.type=StackValidationFailed, error.message=Property error: :[0].subnet: : Error validating value 'oam_ecomp_LbMf': Unable to find subnet with name or id 'oam_ecomp_LbMf'' rolledBack='true'",

retry after redoing preload with proper subnet name oam_ecomp_QbZ1

200 OK

{ "requestReferences": {
"instanceId": "d5508965-35c6-4720-a7f0-4b0e17f25c9d",
"requestId": "9a3510d2-9aa7-486a-8b39-fab543c718ec"




{ "requestList": [{

"request": {
"requestId": "9a3510d2-9aa7-486a-8b39-fab543c718ec",
"startTime": "Wed, 26 Jul 2017 21:10:37 GMT",
"requestScope": "vfModule",
"requestType": "createInstance",
"requestDetails": {
"modelInfo": {
"modelCustomizationName": null,
"modelInvariantId": "1051e887-365f-4e90-b4cc-3f5c6f588188",
"modelType": "vfModule",
"modelNameVersionId": "02b1cf61-2dc9-4be9-869c-354395670faf",
"modelName": "Vsp..base_vfw..module-0",
"modelVersion": "1.0"
}, "requestInfo": {
"billingAccountNumber": null,
"callbackUrl": null,
"correlator": null,
"orderNumber": null,
"productFamilyId": null,
"orderVersion": null,
"source": "VID",
"instanceName": "DemoModule",
"suppressRollback": false
}, "relatedInstanceList": [
{ "relatedInstance": {
"instanceName": null,
"instanceId": "cd2eb659-2463-461b-9c3b-3bf03619c167",
"modelInfo": {
"modelCustomizationName": null,
"modelInvariantId": "43d59b70-8829-4a50-a3f7-d261b220ceef",
"modelType": "service",
"modelNameVersionId": "15eb2af8-766c-4e53-9038-a4a95e79f105",
"modelName": "vfservice",
"modelVersion": "1.0"
} } }, {
"relatedInstance": {
"instanceName": null,
"instanceId": "110f0e9c-52f9-4b12-8bd8-fa2980e48454",
"modelInfo": {
"modelCustomizationName": "vsp 1",
"modelInvariantId": "27036887-1053-48e8-a55e-3d2a7264a658",
"modelType": "vnf",
"modelNameVersionId": "2e5273f3-a6a4-4c50-9b0a-bc9b25749ca3",
"modelName": "vsp",
"modelVersion": "1.0"
} } } ],
"subscriberInfo": null,
"cloudConfiguration": {
"aicNodeClli": null,
"tenantId": "your_tenant_id",
"lcpCloudRegionId": "DFW"
"requestParameters": {
"subscriptionServiceType": null,
"userParams": []
} },
"instanceReferences": {
"serviceInstanceId": "cd2eb659-2463-461b-9c3b-3bf03619c167",
"serviceInstanceName": null,
"vnfInstanceId": "110f0e9c-52f9-4b12-8bd8-fa2980e48454",
"vnfInstanceName": null,
"vfModuleInstanceId": "d5508965-35c6-4720-a7f0-4b0e17f25c9d",
"vfModuleInstanceName": "DemoModule",
"volumeGroupInstanceId": null,
"volumeGroupInstanceName": null,
"networkInstanceId": null,
"networkInstanceName": null
}, "requestStatus": {
"requestState": "COMPLETE",
"statusMessage": "Vf Module has been created successfully.",
"percentProgress": 100,
"finishTime": "Wed, 26 Jul 2017 21:14:26 GMT"
} } } ]}

get ID via


{ ...
} }, "instanceReferences": {
"serviceInstanceId": "cd2eb659-2463-461b-9c3b-3bf03619c167",
"serviceInstanceName": null,
"vnfInstanceId": "110f0e9c-52f9-4b12-8bd8-fa2980e48454",
"vnfInstanceName": null,
"vfModuleInstanceId": "d5508965-35c6-4720-a7f0-4b0e17f25c9d",
"vfModuleInstanceName": "DemoModule",
"volumeGroupInstanceId": null,
"volumeGroupInstanceName": null,
"networkInstanceId": null,
"networkInstanceName": null
"requestStatus": {
"requestState": "COMPLETE",
"statusMessage": "Vf Module has been created successfully.",
"percentProgress": 100,
"finishTime": "Wed, 26 Jul 2017 21:14:26 GMT"
} } } ]}

DEL to


fails - referencing an older preload

"serviceException": {
"messageId": "SVC0002",
"text": "Error parsing request. No valid serviceInstanceId matching the serviceInstanceId in request URI is specified"

Closed Loop

SeqNameSourceTargetActorRobotREST writeREST read

./ appc <DemoModule>

Starting Xvfb on display :89 with res 1280x1024x24

Executing robot tests at log level TRACE


OpenECOMP ETE                                                                 


OpenECOMP ETE.Robot                                                           


OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites                                                


OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites.Demo :: Executes the VNF Orchestration Test ...


Create APPC Mount Point                                               | PASS |


OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites.Demo :: Executes the VNF Orchestrat... | PASS |

1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed

1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed


OpenECOMP ETE.Robot.Testsuites                                        | PASS |

1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed

1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed


OpenECOMP ETE.Robot                                                   | PASS |

1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed

1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed


OpenECOMP ETE                                                         | PASS |

1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed

1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed


Output:  /share/logs/demo/APPCMountPointDemo/output.xml

Log:     /share/logs/demo/APPCMountPointDemo/log.html

Report:  /share/logs/demo/APPCMountPointDemo/report.html



see JSON.parse(returnedData[i].event.commonEventHeader.eventId

["{\"event\":{\"measurementsForVfScalingFields\":{\"measurementInterval\":10,\"measurementsForVfScalingVersion\":1.1,\"vNicUsageArray\":[{\"multicastPacketsIn\":0,\"bytesIn\":14500,\"unicastPacketsIn\":0,\"multicastPacketsOut\":0,\"broadcastPacketsOut\":0,\"packetsOut\":0,\"bytesOut\":0,\"broadcastPacketsIn\":0,\"packetsIn\":500,\"unicastPacketsOut\":0,\"vNicIdentifier\":\"eth1\"}]},\"commonEventHeader\":{\"reportingEntityName\":\"demofwl01fwl\",\"startEpochMicrosec\":1500849487268085,\"lastEpochMicrosec\":1500849497268085,\"eventId\":\"43434\",\"sourceName\":\"Dummy VM name - No Metadata available\",\"sequence\":43434,\"priority\":\"Normal\",\"functionalRole\":\"vFirewall\",\"domain\":\"measurementsForVfScaling\",\"reportingEntityId\":\"No UUID available\",\"sourceId\":\"Dummy VM UUID - No Metadata available\",\"version\":1.2}}}",



[    "{\"closedLoopEventClient\":\"DCAE_INSTANCE_ID.dcae-tca\",\"policyVersion\":\"\",\"policyName\":\"vFirewall\",\"policyScope\":\"resource=SampleResource,service=SampleService,type=SampleType,closedLoopControlName=SampleClosedLoop\",\"target_type\":\"VNF\",\"AAI\":{\"generic-vnf.vnf-id\":\"demofwl01fwl\"},\"closedLoopAlarmStart\":1501103790415551,\"closedLoopEventStatus\":\"ONSET\",\"closedLoopControlName\":\"CL-FRWL-LOW-TRAFFIC-SIG-d925ed73-8231-4d02-9545-db4e101f88f8\",\"version\":\"1.0.2\",\"target\":\"generic-vnf.vnf-id\",\"requestID\":\"05ac4b8f-b844-439f-a6d1-c2713356e102\",\"from\":\"DCAE\"}",


API History




see also




Design Issues

DI 1: 20170712: AAI Cert required for HTTPS REST calls

Use postman for adhoc rest calls - but if you want to code up call chains or hammer an endpoint use Spring RestController or the Rest client in JAX-RS 2.0

Calls to AAI such as the following require both the authentication header and an imported certificate.  When running Postman - because it is a Chrome app - this is a simple case of loading a REST url in the browser and importing the certificate after an authentication challenge (AAI:AAI).  However for a java client like a JAX-RS 2.0 client we need the certificate in a keystore (the default or a specially defined one).

Below we import the cert into the default keystore.  Where did I get the cert? by extracting it from Firefox - however it is in the code base - looking it up

Note: we will need to replace the AAI Certificate before 1 Dec 2017 -  AAI-94 - Getting issue details... STATUS

$ ls $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts


sudo keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias aai -file /config/certs/aai/aaiapisimpledemoopenecomporg.cer -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts

on robot

root@vm1-robot:~# keytool -list -keystore /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/security/cacerts -v

sudo scp aaiapisimpledemoopenecomporg.cer root@robot:/opt

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias aai -file aaiapisimpledemoopenecomporg.cer -keystore  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/security/cacerts 

the aai keystore password does not work - I will use my own truststore

"AAI_KEYSTORE_PASSWD_X": "OBF:1vn21ugu1saj1v9i1v941sar1ugw1vo0"

Installing the AAI certificate in your own keystore on the Robot VM

root@vm1-robot:/opt# keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias aai -file aaiapisimpledemoopenecomporg.cer -keystore  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/security/cacerts

Enter keystore password:  

// use our own

keytool error: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect

root@vm1-robot:/opt# keytool -genkey -alias onap -keyalg RSA -keystore KeyStore.jks -keysize 2048

Enter keystore password:  

Is CN=Michael OBrien, OU=onap, O=onap, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=Unknown correct?

Enter key password for <onap>

(RETURN if same as keystore password):  

Re-enter new password: 

// import cer

root@vm1-robot:/opt# keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias aai -file aaiapisimpledemoopenecomporg.cer -keystore  KeyStore.jks 

Enter keystore password:  

Owner:,, OU=SimpleDemo, O=OpenECOMP, L=Bedminster, ST=NJ, C=US

Issuer:, CN=OpenECOMP simpledemo Server CA X1, OU=simpledemo, O=OpenECOMP, L=Bedminster, ST=NJ, C=US

Serial number: 83ca7c32dc9f7329

Valid from: Wed Nov 30 15:38:39 UTC 2016 until: Thu Nov 30 15:38:39 UTC 2017

Trust this certificate? [no]:  yes

Certificate was added to keystore

Running an https rest target using this certificate - if the cert is in a default keystore - you dont need to define it.

// require: cert, username, password, headers(X-FromAppId,Accept), Authenticator
public String run(boolean isSSL, String url, String port, String path) {
  String record = null;
Client client = null;
WebTarget latestTarget = null;
WebTarget rootTarget = null;
if(isSSL) {
SslConfigurator sslConfig = SslConfigurator.newInstance();
SSLContext sslContext = sslConfig.createSSLContext();
HostnameVerifier verifier = new HostnameVerifier() {
public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession sslSession) {
return true; // TODO: security breach
client = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().sslContext(sslContext).hostnameVerifier(verifier).build();
client.register(new Authenticator("AAI","AAI"));
} else {
      client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
rootTarget =;
latestTarget = rootTarget.path(path);
try {
try { Thread.sleep(1); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); }
record = finalTarget.request()
.header("X-FromAppId", "AAI").header("Accept", "application/json")
public class Authenticator implements ClientRequestFilter {
private final String user;
private final String pass;

public Authenticator(String user, String password) {
this.user = user; this.pass = password;

public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
MultivaluedMap<String, Object> headMap = requestContext.getHeaders();
String basicAuth = null;
try {
String aToken = user + ":" + pass;
basicAuth = "BASIC " + DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(aToken.getBytes("UTF-8"));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { throw new IllegalStateException("Encoding with UTF-8 failed", uee);}
headMap.add("Authorization", basicAuth);

Creating a custom keystore on the robot VM

DI 2: 20170712: Spring Boot Backend Framework

Instead of using a full Tomcat deployment server - we will use an embedded Jetty container.




        <!-- avoid restarts --><dependency><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-devtools</artifactId><optional>true</optional></dependency>


                <!-- may not be required --><configuration><addResources>true</addResources> </configuration></plugin></plugins></build>

DI 3: 20170712: JAX-RS 2.0 API Framework

DI 4: 20170712: 3D Framework: Three js OpenGL 3D wrapper on Canvas

Di 5: 20170712: Javascript Timer Framework

DI 6: 20170712: Three js Listener

DI 7: 20170712: Three js Edges between Nodes

DI 8: 20170712: Three js Click Context

DI 9: 20170712: AJAX JAX-RS Channel

DI 10: 20170712: WebSocket Channel

DI 11: 20170712: React.js Framework

DI 12: 20170712: Three js Text

DI 13: 20170721: Demo Robot REST extraction

Reverse engineer the orchestration rest calls coming out of

/testsuite/properties/ not /testsuite/docker/


/testsuite/resources/demo_preload.robot "Load Customer And Models"
"Create Customer For VNF Demo"

create_customer.robot (aai put /aai/v8//business/customers/customer/)

create_service.robot (aai put /aai/v8/service-design-and-creation/services

"Load Models" | Distribute Model | Model Distribution For Directory in model_test_template.robot | Distribute Model From ASDC in addc_interface.robot

(Add ASDC Catalog Service, Setup ASDC Catalog Resource, Get ASDC Catalog Resource, 
Add ASDC Resource Instance, Get ASDC Catalog Service, Checkin ASDC Catalog Service,
Request Certify ASDC Catalog Service, Start Certify ASDC Catalog Service, Certify ASDC Catalog Service, Approve ASDC Catalog Service, 
Distribute ASDC Catalog Service, Get ASDC Catalog Service, Check Catalog Service Distributed)
Preload VNF:demo.robot (
  Preload User Model:demo_preload.robot (
    Get Service Instance
    Get Relationship Data
    Get Persona Model Id
    Login To VID GUI
    Get Module Names from VID
    Preload Vnf:sdngc_interface.robot(
      Update Module Name
      Preload Vnf Profile(
        Login To SDNGC Admin GUI

goto sdnc:8843/mobility/getVnfProfile

        click add_vnf_profile

inserts directly to the DB from the client (for now)

/sdnc-oam/admportal/mobility.js'/addVnfNetwork', csp.checkAuth, function(req,res){
var sql = "INSERT INTO VNF_NETWORKS (vnf_type,network_role) VALUES ("
+ "'" + req.body.nf_vnf_type + "'," + "'" + req.body.nf_network_role + "')";
tasks.push( function(callback) { dbRoutes.executeSQL(sql,req,res,callback); } );


      Preload One Vnf Topology



DI 20: 20170721: Rest API Chaining

DI 21: 20170727: Parse VF-Module IPs from endpoint after VF-Module creation

DI 22: 20170728: Determine Healthcheck for vFW VMs are ready for appc Closed-Loop

The box should be ready for DMaaP TCA events - not just up with a 200.

Check port 667 on the sink vm.

DI 23: 20170728: Add granular Policy healthcheck for PDBD/PAP/PDP


Authorization:Basic aGVhbHRoY2hlY2s6emIhWHp0RzM0

DI 24: 20170728: Add TCA topic event capture between Policy and APPC

  • No labels