TSC subcommittee name:
Open Lab Subcommittee (OPENLAB)
Chengli Wang wangchengli@chinamobile.com
Yang Xu yang.xu3@huawei.com
Stephen Gooch stephen.gooch@windriver.com
Oliver Spatscheck spatsch@research.att.com
Tracy Van Brakle vanbrakle@att.com
Yi Yang yangyi.bri@chinatelecom.cn
Helen Chen helen.chen@huawei.com
Maopeng Zhang zhang.maopeng1@zte.com.cn
Alon Strikovsky Alon.Strikovsky@amdocs.com
Elhay Efrat Elhay.Efrat1@amdocs.com
Bin Yang bin.yang@windriver.com
Michael O'Brien frank.obrien@amdocs.com
Meeting logistics?
Participating in OPENLAB meetings
Open Lab subcommittee is contribution-driven
People can sign up for slots on the agenda
We will request people to develop proposals/presentations to discuss during meetings and via email
TSC subcommittee purpose:
The open Lab subcommittee is responsible to define and maintain the requirements, monitor the availability and coordinate the usage of the community labs.
The subcommittee will coordinate community lab resources to support release use case testing, community demo for marketing events if needed, and the interoperation testing with 3rd part components, or others.
TSC subcommittee expected deliverables:
The subcommittee will publish the required/recommended device list of each kind of lab in terms of different application scenarios.
The subcommittee will maintain and update the available status/usages of each lab, for example resource allocation, releases, management and maintenance, etc.
TSC subcommittee starting participants:
The open lab subcommittee is open to all interested participants.