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zoom bridge:

Duration 60 minutes

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Dublin end game plans

RC2 Follow-up

Sign-off - June 6th

RC2 Follow-up

  • Latest "Release" Images?
  • Dublin release branch
  • Pair-wise Testing: Integration Weather Board for Dublin Release - Integration Weather Board for Dublin Release
    • Current Completion Status: Portal (77%) and S0 (89%)
  • Test Coverage Waiver Request

      JIRA Query - Remaining 675 Items

status != Closed AND status != Done AND project != "Sandbox Project" AND project != CI-Management AND project != "ONAP TSC" and fixVersion = "Dublin Release" ORDER BY key ASC, priority DESC, updated DESC

  • No Medium, Low, Lowest defect to be fixed at this stage on Dublin branch - only High/Highest

Please provide your Sign-Off checklist no later than June 5th 11am PST- thank you

Deliverables for Release Sign-Off Milestone Checklist Template

15 minsAlpine upstream packaging changed - breaking the ONAP build - CIA team to review and recommend long term strategyAdolfo Perez-Duran

20 minNexus → Dockerhub MigrationBrian Hedstrom Paul-Ionut VaduvaJessica Gonzalez

DEFER TO June 10

15 MinsEl Alto Release

Review/update your JIRA El Alto Content to be aligned with the scope a.k.a. “Reduce Internal Debt” (Every 4 ONAP releases)

  • Refactoring
  • JIRA Backlog Reduction (defects, etc.)
  • Vulnerability issues
  • Test Coverage including jS
  • Test Automation & CI/CD pipeline
  • Deployment procedure (including Upgrade Strategy)
  • Documentation
  • etc.

There are currently

-85 items where affectedversion is “El Alto release”

JIRA Query

status != Closed AND status != Done AND project != "Sandbox Project" AND project != CI-Management AND project != "ONAP TSC" and affectedVersion = "El Alto Release" ORDER BY key ASC, priority DESC, updated DESC

-1479 items where fixversion is “El Alto release”

JIRA Query

status != Closed AND status != Done AND project != "Sandbox Project" AND project != CI-Management AND project != "ONAP TSC" and fixVersion = "El Alto Release" ORDER BY key ASC, priority DESC, updated DESC

DEFER TO June 10

10 minsEl Alto release

Known vulnerabilities analysis for Dublin takeaways: 

  • identification of packages for upgrade, agreement on the target release
  • identification of packages for replacement, agreement on the target release

and coordination of action items between teams

Zoom Chat Log 

06:05:50 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic Integration blocker
06:08:55 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #ACTION Brian will mark Portal-596 and 597 as high
06:11:16 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Portal-579 will be documented - @Yang concerned that it may be hard to document the workaround
06:11:34 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @Yand and @ manoop will meet to discuss
06:12:26 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : -29 high/higesat still open. Please look ar what should be deferred.
06:12:58 From Catherine Lefevre : and also let's test asap any item in Delivered state so we understand if these have been fixed or not
06:14:50 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : -@Yang having a difficult building a full ONAP image in the windriver lab - @Brian still seeing openstack timeouts which will impact 72 hr soak
06:15:25 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @Yang requesting w Stephen Gooch
06:16:12 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : believe the issue is inside the lab
06:16:55 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @Brian agrees
06:17:40 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #ACTION @JB to set up the meeting
06:18:17 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : -to include@Yang @Brian and @Gaey
06:18:22 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Gary
06:18:55 From Eric Debeau : We closed some Documentation tickets this morning
06:20:00 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : - integration test status most are over 80%
06:21:25 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : - BBS is only # 37.5 %
06:23:16 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #ACTION @Seshu to add @ Brian to the BBS list
06:25:11 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : -xNF communication security - @Vijay DCAEGEN2-1539 ticket needs to be updated.
06:25:53 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : http and https cannot be enabled at the same time.
06:28:03 From Catherine Lefevre : #30 - 50% but all the remaining tickets are low or medium?
06:29:20 From Tony Hansen : el alto everyone should be using the tls version of ves collector
06:30:54 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : - DID NOT pass RC2 last week. Please ensure your open jiras are closed, docs are updated, etc.
06:31:20 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : cannot complete stability tests until RC2 is passed.
06:32:01 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @Catherine has statred populating data with open tickets,
06:39:59 From Catherine Lefevre : @Jil, test completion < 70% rED; tst completion >= 70% Orange?
06:40:02 From Catherine Lefevre : @Jim
06:40:12 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #AGREED a daily meeting will be set up to discuss high/highest defect review meeting - 1/2 hour - PTLs or proxy MUST attned the meeting - 1pm UTC.
06:40:28 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #ACTION @JB will set up the meeting
06:42:02 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : -It is acknoleged that this meeting will conflict with most project meetings, but it is to be prioriotized over any project meetin
06:42:50 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic Alpine Upstream Packaging
06:50:30 From Catherine Lefevre : @Bin yang, do you need any support for "Consistent ID of a Cloud Region" - currently at 50% completion but no blocker?
06:57:39 From Brian : if a team needs a newer version of alpine to resolve a CVE or for a feature they need what is the response time ?
06:59:30 From Catherine Lefevre : I need to drop sorry
07:00:08 From Keong : will these new base images also absorb the shared database work as common images?
07:04:47 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic Seccom - el alto
07:05:10 From Sai seshu : Need help on #76359
07:05:24 From Sai seshu : Lf Id ticket
07:05:47 From Sai seshu : Kenny/Jim if you could please...
07:07:49 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : is that blocking the release?
07:08:29 From Sai seshu : No it's an issue related to adding committer access to Max Benjamin.

Action Items

  •  FREEMAN, BRIAN D mark Portal-596 and 597 as high. Due  
  •  Former user (Deleted) set up meeting w/ Stephen Gooch Yang Xu FREEMAN, BRIAN D Gary Wu regarding lab network issue. Due   
  •  Seshu Kumar Mudiganti add FREEMAN, BRIAN D to "the BBS list" - Due  
  •  Former user (Deleted)  set up daily bug review meetings. Due  
  • 2/11: Migrate Docker image releases from Nexus3 into Docker Hub (Architecture Independence) by Dublin M4. 
    <2-15-2019> Preparing a preso for review of all known infrastructure change requests for review at PTL meeting 2-25-2019
    <2019-04-08: global-jjb progress report: start on DCAE soon - focus on El Alto delivery (precursor to Dockerhub)<2019-04-22 - Using mvn staging plugins to deploy - unfort many of the changes need to be in the source code to insure the job is running>
  • Tlab persistent storage IO architecture Rich Bennett 
    Request from Rich Bennett about Storage/Persistent Data Architecture Plan/PTLs - Single NFS server? 
    <2019-04-22: performance issues with old config - have bare metal cluster - - want to bring in more realistic operational aspects to the testing - network storage vs direct, would like to place modules in isolation into the environment. Evaluating the utility of testing this way. 
  • How to consume Alpine? Adolfo Perez-Duran (Deactivated)
    Meeting organized in May -
  • No labels