IRC Minutes
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Discussion items
Duration | Agenda Item | Requested by | Notes / Links | |
5 m | Housekeeping | |||
15 m | Marketing Update | Nermin Mohamed | ||
40 m | TSC Composition Votes | |||
15 m | S3P/Platform Maturity Recommendations | djhunt | Gathering input here: Casablanca Platform Maturity S3P Planning Presentation: | |
15 m | TSC vote Logging scope change for POMBA | 2nd week carried forward from last week
Approved at 0510 on 20180621 in Beijing GMT+8 | ||
20 m | Finalize Casablanca priorities | |||
15 m | Container Images Best Practices and tools Project Approval | Adolfo Perez-Duran |
Full IRC Log
06:47:35 <kennypaul> #startmeeting tsc-2018-06-21 06:47:35 <collabot_> Meeting started Thu Jun 21 06:47:35 2018 UTC. The chair is kennypaul. Information about MeetBot at 06:47:35 <collabot_> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 06:47:35 <collabot_> The meeting name has been set to 'tsc_2018_06_21' 06:47:50 <kennypaul> #chair phrobb, SteveT 06:47:50 <collabot_> Current chairs: SteveT kennypaul phrobb 06:48:02 <kennypaul> #topic rollcall 06:48:14 <frankbrockners> #info Frank Brockners 06:51:01 * frankbrockners is wondering why we made the meeting a "webinar" instead of a regular zoom call 06:51:49 <frankbrockners> Is the meeting on? I don't get any audio from the bridge.... 06:52:16 <kennypaul> #info Timo Perala nokia proxy 06:52:49 <Huabing_Zhao> #info proxy Huabing Zhao, ZTE 06:53:40 <kennypaul> #info Jason Hunt, IBM 06:54:24 <SteveT> #info Stephen Terrill, Ericsson 06:56:48 <EricDebeau> #info Eric Debeau, Orange 06:58:43 <frankbrockners> Hey folks - does anyone have audio from the bridge? 06:58:52 <frankbrockners> I see slides moving but don't hear anything 07:11:47 <kennypaul> #info in room- Alla, Lingli, Davide Cherubini, Milind Jalwadi, Xinhui, Srini Addepalli, Chris, Mazin 07:14:29 <Xiaojun> #info Xiaojun Xie, China Telecom 07:14:49 <kennypaul> #topic S3P Casablanca requirements 07:16:04 <kennypaul> #info Chris reviewed the slides prepared by Jason based upon the input received this week 07:19:06 <kennypaul> #info from chat: If we did implement istio across all projects, I’d agree that transaction tracing would be easier to implement and put in level 2, but it doesn’t sound like that’s there yet? 07:19:06 <kennypaul> we can put level 3 as a stretch 07:19:16 <kennypaul> #info abov e from Jason 07:23:13 <kennypaul> #info monday PTL meeting will be discussing this - post to wiki page needed for review 07:24:35 <kennypaul> #link 07:33:54 <kennypaul> #topic functional requirtements 07:35:12 <kennypaul> #info Gildas reviewed wiki page 07:42:37 <kennypaul> #infoSuggest that as a community we drive VNF adoption more aggressively. Can we take that as priority for Casablanca. i.e. goal is to to have say "x' number of VNFs across Core, Acess, Tx both cloud ready and cloud native being onboarded through ONAP's SDC. 07:42:37 <kennypaul> From Dhananjay Pavgi to All panelists: (03:36 PM) 07:42:37 <kennypaul> i.e. to have something similar along the lines of ETSI Plugtest to drive that. It's pretty much needed. 07:42:52 <kennypaul> #info above from Dhananjay 07:43:36 <kennypaul> #info service providers are to meet with Gildas following this meeting. 07:44:14 <kennypaul> #info monday PTL meeting discuss high/med/low and expect feedback from PTLs on Thursday. 07:47:05 <kennypaul> #info Murat Tupcu, Turk Telekom 07:48:40 <kennypaul> #link 07:53:23 <kennypaul> #topic new usecases in casablanca 07:54:03 <kennypaul> #info any new usecases must include resources. Will not be considered w/o. 07:54:36 <kennypaul> #info includes add'l Integration team 07:55:15 <kennypaul> #topic non-fun requrementas 07:59:38 <kennypaul> #info long discussion over inclusion of HEAT 08:04:37 <kennypaul> #info discussion over javascript code cov erage 08:20:00 <kennypaul> #topic diversity goal 08:24:21 <kennypaul> #info strongly encouraging all projects to have Committers from at lease 3 different companies 08:25:29 <kennypaul> #topic Docker/OCI Images - Best Practices and Tools 08:26:13 <kennypaul> #link 08:34:54 <kennypaul> #agreed that the expansionb of scope for integration 08:36:01 <kennypaul> #topic TSC Composition 08:37:38 <kennypaul> #info phrobb reviewed the slides attached to the tsc minutes 09:01:54 <kennypaul> #info add an option with platinimum LFN members for 1 year. 09:15:31 <kennypaul> #action phrobb to send emails on vote out 09:15:45 <kennypaul> #topic pomba 09:16:15 <kennypaul> #info approved by Sec SC 09:16:15 <kennypaul> 09:16:15 <kennypaul> Michael o'Brien will start putting tasks to the LF and Gildas 09:16:22 <kennypaul> #endmeeting
Zoom Chat Log
From Jason Hunt to All panelists and attendees: (02:46 PM)
FYI, I cannot join IRC, if someone could #info for me
From Me to All panelists and attendees: (02:48 PM)
got it
From Jason Hunt to All panelists and attendees: (02:48 PM)
thank you!
From Frank Brockners to All panelists: (02:52 PM)
is the meeting on?
I don’t get any audio..
From Jason Hunt to All panelists and attendees: (02:52 PM)
Kenny, you are loud and clear
From Michael O'Brien to All panelists and attendees: (02:53 PM)
Kenny can hear you
From Murat Turpcu ( Turk Telekom) to All panelists: (02:53 PM)
kenny we can hear you
From Jason Hunt to All panelists and attendees: (02:54 PM)
Tell Phil to chill out until I disconnect. ;)
From Frank Brockners to All panelists and attendees: (02:59 PM)
I don't hear anything...
From Jason Hunt to All panelists and attendees: (03:00 PM)
I can hear just fine
From Frank Brockners to All panelists and attendees: (03:00 PM)
I dropped and rejoined
works now
From Jason Hunt to All panelists and attendees: (03:11 PM)
got it
I think Gildas had a definition for Beijing
From Michael O'Brien to All panelists and attendees: (03:16 PM)
level 2 is required before level 3 for level 3 to work
From Jason Hunt to All panelists and attendees: (03:16 PM)
If we did implement istio across all projects, I’d agree that transaction tracing would be easier to implement and put in level 2, but it doesn’t sound like that’s there yet?
we can put level 3 as a stretch
From Jason Hunt to All panelists and attendees: (03:20 PM)
We did tamp down several of the S3P goals based on feedback yesterday from PTLs, who already know some of the other scope on the table. So, the hope is that is a reasonable scope.
From Dhananjay Pavgi to All panelists: (03:21 PM)
What do we mean by Deployability. How do we define and measure that?
From Jason Hunt to All panelists and attendees: (03:21 PM)
what Chris said… :)
From Gildas Lanilis to All panelists: (03:23 PM)
@Jason, would you be able to attend PTLs meeting on monday at 6 am PDT.
From Jason Hunt to All panelists and attendees: (03:23 PM)
There was a suggestion that we ask for volunteers for each S3P category who can flesh out the details. To date, it has been up to the PTLs to determine if they felt they were meeting the requirements.
From Gildas Lanilis to All panelists: (03:23 PM)
that will help to answer PTLs’ questions.
From Jason Hunt to All panelists and attendees: (03:24 PM)
Master page for S3P (sub links to further details):
From Me to All panelists and attendees: (03:24 PM)
thank you
From Dhananjay Pavgi to All panelists: (03:35 PM)
Suggest that as a community we drive VNF adoption more aggressively. Can we take that as priority for Casablanca. i.e. goal is to to have say "x' number of VNFs across Core, Acess, Tx both cloud ready and cloud native being onboarded through ONAP's SDC.
From Dhananjay Pavgi to All panelists: (03:36 PM)
i.e. to have something similar along the lines of ETSI Plugtest to drive that. It's pretty much needed.
From Michael O'Brien to All panelists and attendees: (03:39 PM)
We are halfway through the meeting
From Dhananjay Pavgi to All panelists: (03:40 PM)
Not sure if my voice is heard.
Have typed in POV in this window. Can someone relay that please?
From Me to All panelists and attendees: (03:40 PM)
i just displayerd all of your comments
From Dhananjay Pavgi to All panelists: (03:40 PM)
Thanks, Kenny.
From Michael O'Brien to All panelists and attendees: (03:41 PM)
Dhanajay Pavgi - please mute
From Me to All panelists and attendees: (03:41 PM)
Dhanajay i havbe muted you
Logged Murat into IRC
From Me to All panelists and attendees: (03:48 PM)
From Michael O'Brien to All panelists and attendees: (03:51 PM)
The Arch SC works well for questions and discussions - can we close on this
From jason hunt to All panelists and attendees: (03:51 PM)
I can flesh out details on the S3P but we did not do a mapping of features to software architecture.
what Mazin is asking for has not been done.
From Michael O'Brien to All panelists and attendees: (03:55 PM)
ELKaaS reduced to common charts for Logging and CLMAP
From Me to All panelists and attendees: (03:57 PM)
I’ll communicater that in a minute
From Dhananjay Pavgi to All panelists: (03:57 PM)
Sorry need to rush for another meeting. Signging out for now. Have concerns on Deployability. May be, haven't understood that right. But, unless we can define, measure and monitor it. not sure as to how do we go forward.
From RanPollak to All panelists and attendees: (03:57 PM)
We said its going to be deprecated
From Michael O'Brien to All panelists and attendees: (03:57 PM)
We already discussed this - HEAT has a subset of S3P (no scaling) - we need to move on to managed containers and away from legacy deployments
some projects are not part of the HEAT deployment
From Michael O'Brien to All panelists and attendees: (04:07 PM)
Javascript and Java are completely different languages (front and backend) - can we move on
We have common charts in oom for DB's - DBaaS pending?
POMBA had 2 meetings with Chris's team
elk is non-functional
pomba is functional
From Michael O'Brien to All panelists and attendees: (04:11 PM)
elk was not reviewed - just collaboration between clamp and log
will post an ARC sc
yes like the AAF colaborations on roles
removing ELK line - until a SecSC review
My wife is not happy - we have 30 min left til 445 am
From Michael O'Brien to All panelists and attendees: (04:22 PM)
Logging scope change vote - so we can start requesting LF resource changes in CIMAN
From jason hunt to All panelists and attendees: (04:24 PM)
I have to disconnect but I thought there was a suggestion on Tuesday that this be part of another project not a standalone project.
From Me to All panelists and attendees: (04:24 PM)
From jason hunt to All panelists: (04:25 PM)
oh, well they are now not pushing back for 25 mins so I’ll stay on. :)
From Me to All panelists and attendees: (04:26 PM)
From RanPollak to All panelists and attendees: (04:29 PM)
Can we get this PPT ?
From Tina Tsou to All panelists: (04:34 PM)
thank you
From Michael O'Brien to All panelists and attendees: (04:35 PM)
We have another scope change to vote on
From Michael O'Brien to All panelists and attendees: (04:41 PM)
Logging scope change for POMBA was bumped last week - can we in before 445 - both ARC meet min on
and faq
From Michael O'Brien to All panelists and attendees: (04:50 PM)
Sharon and I were bumped by the other scope change that came in after my entry on the agenda - can we make sure pomba gets on the next TSC - we have a lot of pending work/repos/epics/merge-reviews in queue for the OK
From Murat Turpcu ( Turk Telekom) to All panelists: (04:55 PM)
can we fix tsc size and give %50 cap for both operators and rest of tbe community. w
From Murat Turpcu ( Turk Telekom) to All panelists: (04:56 PM)
we can select top voted companies to fill the slots
one guy is the release manager i think
release manager is a member of tsc and i think this positon will be voted
this positon can be from a operator or from a provider
From Murat Turpcu ( Turk Telekom) to All panelists: (05:01 PM)
From Michael O'Brien to All panelists and attendees: (05:02 PM)
We need a vote on the Logging scope change so we can proceed - it has been 2 weeks - we got the OK in the Arch SC
From Michael O'Brien to All panelists and attendees: (05:09 PM)
can we vote on the scope change before the meeting closes
I was scheduled above the docker scope change
approved by Sec SC
I will start putting tasks to the LF and Gildas then
From Michael O'Brien to All panelists and attendees: (05:14 PM)
I will document POMBA scope change for logging as approved - thanks
Zoom Webinar Attendance