Quick Start
Installation and Configuration
Installing from the Source Code
Get HAS seed code from the Linux Foundation Projects page.
git clone https://gerrit.onap.org/r/optf/has
Use virtual environment to create and manage libraries and dependencies for HAS project.
virtualenv {virtual_environment_location} source {virtual_environment_location}/bin/activate
Inside of /has/conductor folder, run the following commands:
python setup.py install pip install -e .
In {virtual_environment_location}/bin folder, you should see the five components of HAS/Conductor project and you can with the commands below.
conductor-api,conductor-controller, conductor-solver, conductor-reservation, conductor-data
conductor-api --port=8091 -- --config-file={conductor_conf_file_location} conductor-controller --config-file={conductor_conf_file_location} conductor-solver --config-file={conductor_conf_file_location} conductor-reservation --config-file={conductor_conf_file_location} conductor-data --config-file={conductor_conf_file_location}
Installing through OOM
Please first follow the steps inside ONAP on Kubernetes with Rancher to build a kubernetes environment for ONAP deployment.
Clone the OOM repository from ONAP Gerrit
git clone -b casablanca http://gerrit.onap.org/r/oom cd oom/kubernetes
Install Helm plugins to enable ONAP deployment.
sudo cp -R ~/oom/kubernetes/helm/plugins/ ~/.helm
Configure the onap/values.yaml inside /oom/kubernetes/onap/ folder
Setup the helm server and build local helm repository
cd ~/oom/kubernetes helm serve & helm repo add local make all; make onap
Deploy ONAP through Helm
helm deploy dev local/onap --namespace onap
Load changes inside the development environment
Commiting the Code
git commit -am "Initial proj struct"
git review -s
git commit -as --amend# scroll down
lines (above your Change-ID)
insert "Issue-ID: {issue_id}
git review