HAS Developer Guide
Quick Start
Installation and Configuration
Install the HAS project
Installing from the Source Code
The conductor has a runtime dependency on SMS and MUSIC. They can be set up using the following steps.
To run SMS, Run the following commands
docker exec --user root -i sms /bin/sh -c "mkdir -p /preload/config"
docker cp has.json sms:/preload/config/has.json
docker cp osdf.json sms:/preload/config/osdf.json
docker exec --user root -i sms /bin/sh -c "/sms/bin/preload -cacert /sms/certs/aaf_root_ca.cer -jsondir /preload/config -serviceport 10443 -serviceurl http://localhost"
To run music, Run the following commands
tar -xvf music.tar.gz
cd music
# to start music
# to stop music
curl -vvvvv --noproxy "*" --request POST http://localhost:8080/MUSIC/rest/v2/admin/onboardAppWithMusic -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic Y29uZHVjdG9yOmMwbmR1Y3Qwcg==" --data @onboard.json
For HAS to communicate with SMS, The following changes have to be done to the conductor.conf
In the SMS URL, Protocol has to be changed from HTTPS to HTTP
In the same URL, hostname has to be changed from aaf-sms.onap to localhost
Get HAS seed code from the Linux Foundation Projects page.