HAS Developer Guide

Quick Start

Installation and Configuration

Install the HAS project

Installing from the Source Code


The conductor has a runtime dependency on SMS and MUSIC. They can be set up using the following steps.

To run SMS, Run the following commands

./setup-sms.sh docker exec --user root -i sms /bin/sh -c "mkdir -p /preload/config" docker cp has.json sms:/preload/config/has.json docker cp osdf.json sms:/preload/config/osdf.json docker exec --user root -i sms /bin/sh -c "/sms/bin/preload -cacert /sms/certs/aaf_root_ca.cer -jsondir /preload/config -serviceport 10443 -serviceurl http://localhost"

To run music, Run the following commands

tar -xvf music.tar.gz cd music # to start music ./music_script.sh # to stop music ./music_teardown_script.sh curl -vvvvv --noproxy "*" --request POST http://localhost:8080/MUSIC/rest/v2/admin/onboardAppWithMusic -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic Y29uZHVjdG9yOmMwbmR1Y3Qwcg==" --data @onboard.json

For HAS to communicate with SMS, The following changes have to be done to the conductor.conf

  • In the SMS URL, Protocol has to be changed from HTTPS to HTTP

  •  In the same URL, hostname has to be changed from aaf-sms.onap to localhost

Get HAS seed code from the Linux Foundation Projects page.