Table of Contents |
Note |
Hint: This page refers to "Casablanca". For Dublin/El Alto goto here: SDN-R with OOM Rancher/Kubernetes Installation |
This page discusses the process to install SDNR/SDNC into the ONAP installation at OWL (Open Wireless Laboratory) in WINLAB at Rutgers University. The The OWL/WINLAB laboratory environment is described in the wiki page Open Wireless Laboratory (OWL) at Wireless Information Network Laboratory (WINLAB). This page describes how to install a development Docker image of SDNC into ONAP rather than the default image taken from the repository.
The instructions to create an ONAP installation using the OOM Rancher/Kubernetes approach are in the ONAP wiki site (be sure to select the Casablanca version of the instructions). Once installed, there are further instructions on deploying ONAP at this wiki page.
Working with the ONAP oom and integration repositories in the "ubuntu" home directory in sb4-rancher
sudo -i -u ubuntu | Change to user ubuntu |
cd ~/git/oom && git status && git checkout . && git pull | Discard any changes in the oom repository and pull down the latest. I assume that we keep all of our changes in override files and other locations |
cd ~/git/integration | This repository maintains version numbers of the latest code for the ONAP components. There is information about the repository at;a=summary. |
git checkout casablanca | We agreed to use the casablanca release for the proof-of-concept |
cd ~/git/integration/version-manifest/src/main/scripts | This folder contains scripts that update the OOM repository with the correct version numbers |
./ \ ~/git/integration/version-manifest/src/main/resources/docker-manifest-release.csv \ ~/git/oom | Execute a script to update version numbers in the Helm charts in the oom/kubernetes directory. This will make changes to the values.yaml files, so “git status” in ~/git/oom will return many changes. "Release” because there is also a “staging” script. We want to use the release version numbers. |
cd ~/git/oom/kubernetes | Start following instructions at |
sudo cp -r ~/oom/kubernetes/helm/plugins/ ~/.helm | Get the Helm deploy plugin developed by the OOM group |
make repo | This updates the Helm repo served by a local Helm process listening on port localhost:8879 |
make && make onap | I think this updates the local Helm repo with the latest versions in ~/git/oom/kubernetes. These commands take a while. |
The simplest way to override the values is to copy the entire values.yaml file into a separate file (I use ~/oof-pci/override-sndc.yaml) and modify the relevant parameters in that new file. The new values are shown below. We identify the repository with the source image name and tag, create a cluster of three ODL members, and create a redundant MySQL deployment of two instances.
# Application configuration defaults.
# application images
pullPolicy: Always
#image: onap/sdnc-image:1.4.1
image: ft3e0tab7p92qsoceonq/oof-pci-sdnr:1.4.2-SNAPSHOT
nameOverride: sdnc-db
name: sdnc-dbhost
internalPort: 3306
nfsprovisionerPrefix: sdnc
sdnctlPrefix: sdnc
mountSubPath: sdnc/mysql
enabled: true
disableNfsProvisioner: true
replicaCount: 2
geoEnabled: false
# default number of instances
replicaCount: 3
aaf | false |
aai | true |
appc | false |
clamp | false |
cli | false |
consul | false |
contrib | false |
dcaegen2 | false |
dmaap | true |
esr | false |
log | true |
sniro-emulator | true |
oof | true |
msb | false |
multicloud | false |
nbi | false |
policy | true |
pomba | false |
portal | true |
robot | true |
sdc | false |
sdnc | true |
so | true |
uui | false |
vfc | false |
vid | false |
vnfsdk | false |
Command to install ONAP with the development image
Following the guidelines at the OOM wiki page, I use this command to install ONAP with the desired configuration. The ~/oof-pci files are located into repository.
We see that there are three instances of SDNC running and two instances of SDNC-DB and that they are deployed in different nodes, as expected. All of the pods have private IP addresses that are not accessible from outside the ONAP deployment, but demo-sdnc-sdnc-0 is installed in NODE sb4-k8s-4, which has IP address If you cannot use ping to determine the IP address of the node, the command "kubectl describe node <node-name> -n <namespace>" will provide the address.
You can now enter this command.