- Leverage the SO, SDNC, and CDS Building
- Multicloud to support the onboarding of the values.yaml via SDC
- Override values.yaml file will be a template
- CDS shall resolved resource in name value pair and SDNC shall persist in mD_SAL
- SO shall retrieve the SDNC context and pass it to MultiCloud
- MultiCloud shall mesh the override .yaml template with sdnc context and trigger HELM.
- Extended the CDS Integration to LCM Action and Helm Creation/Deletion.
- Action Item:
- Eric/Lukasz to help with the integration strategy for Frankfurt release.
Face 2 Face Controller Design Studio Agenda
The ONAP CDS developer communities will be coming together at the Bell Canada facility in Montreal Canada.
title | Register for the Event |
Contact Information:
Session Virtual/In-Person
Agenda for the week of August 26th 2019
Welcome, Introduction, logistics, overview of Agenda and CDS roadmap. Adjust Agenda if needed
Dis-aggregation of CDS Resource Resolution from Blueprintprocessor
Go and See of Bell ONAP squads
CDS Test Strategy
Align test coverage with CDS features upgrades
Add CDS Health Check for Robot
Add a black box test case for CDS via Robot
Add a use case test case for CDS via Robot
UAT test
CDS: Queue Mechanism/Priority Execution
Resource LCM Resolution
VNF LCM Resolution, SO role
AAF Integration with Blueprint processor /Controller blueprint
Refactor Logging in CDS components to integrate full error management (error handler and error code)
CDS. Atomic Transaction for Multi Device level connection
CDS capabilities in Frankfurt to meet 5G requirements
CDS security and gRPC TLS/Authentication
(Buffer: DSL topic)
CDS Mediation Layer: Store the configlet content that is pushed to network via Ansible/Python in a database as a service. Retrieve configlet content form Ansible/Chef etc..
CDS Policy and roadmap.
Retrospective around the workshop
Meeting Minutes:
title | 8/26-CDS-Meeting Minutes |
Meeting Minutes:
- gRPC CDS Integration
- Action Item:
- Yuriy to create a US for Frankfurt to move all the CDS UI API leveraging the blueprint processor for enrich , save, publish, download
- NOTE: Work remaining for the integration of the controller blueprints capabilities in blueprint processor
- In Dublin release gRPC not supported by Controller blueprints
- Frankfurt release there is an effort to combine the controller blueprints with blueprint processor. Blueprint processors support gRPC endpoints.
- Event Based Message integration with CDS
- CDS à Kakfa/Dmaap
- Kafka/Dmaap à CDS
- Action Item:
- Work with Abdel/Ali/Alexis on show casing this capability in ONAP.
- Use Case need to be show cases in ONAP. Bell C has up streamed the Kafka and Dmaap support in ONAP with CDS integration.
- Health Check Strategy
- Action Item:
- Yuriy to work with Abdel to support the health check integration with new health check API
- Alexis to provide guidance on the standardize on the health check implementation for all the endpoint and provide the output via a single api. Janani??
- The current health check API only checks the self service API. In Frankfurt release, the proposal is to expose endpoint that will be able to do all the health check api for all the cds design time and run time functions.
- Testing Strategy:
- 1. Verify Job integration the sonar check to prevent new code from being submitted --> refining the JJ-Job --to define the Jenkins job builder. Prototype....
- Yuriy to setup a call with Jessica include Ebo, Alexis, Dan T, Prat
- Ebo to look into the tool to help provide a clear view on the health of the project before integration.
- Ebo add the capability for testing UAT Test as part of the run time. (Mock vs real ENV). combination of the run time output and Mock expectation output using the run time results. --SELF SERVICE CSIT for enriched CBA as part of run time execution.
- Yuriy to work with Ebo to extended the UAT Test file to vLB and vFW use case.
- Ebo to extended the declarative testing to enrichment validation for CBA Package.
- No Enrich Blueprint > Validate Enrichment process;
- Arundathi and Ebo to enable the Testing folder to allow a list of UAT files for verifying list of actions.
- Multiple file for UAT--is expecting --> we should have a pattern for each of the UAT and actions.
- Automatically create serverless function --running a build --Docker Image deploy > Kick off testing and returning test results.
- Providing mock information FOR EXTERNAL SYSTEM. Mock Packages.
- Technology YAML > YAML error prone? DSL Domain Specific language. Brinda recommendation
- General Comment from Dan T: No permission to disable false positive discovery by sonar. --talk to Jessica
- Move integration test to unit test
- integration test –
- Unit Test --- complimentary to acceptance test
- Acceptance test --- ete test with external testing.
- UAT Testing of the CBA critical to verify the backwards compatibility and introduction of new features.
- Select the ENV to run---
- Linux foundation support might be needed...to have sonar analysis the new code coverage
- Action Item:
- 1. Verify Job integration the sonar check to prevent new code from being submitted --> refining the JJ-Job --to define the Jenkins job builder. Prototype....
- Test Coverage -->
- ideas
- Heat Bridge
- Munir to contribute the heat bridge so implementation for create A&AI object which include the pserver object creation.
- Munir contribute the heat bridge so implementation to delete the A&AI object as part of the delete flow.
- Action Items:
- CDS & AAF Integration
- CBA support the notion of adding new action which needs to be correlated to the list of users that might be able to executed as part of the design time activity.
- Brinda to provide update to Mike on the AAF/Service Meshing integration. Brinda to share AAF documentation for CBA Package integration notion.
- Yuriy to add Mike to the thread for AAF Integration
- Yuriy to setup a call with Ajay S on the call NPM Implementation of user role management via AAF REST API layer.
- Yuriy to add a roadmap item for CDS UI and AAF Integration for User Role Management –ADMIN User needed??? Placeholder
- Henry to add a flag to turn off aaf
- If aaf is disable then http is supported.
- New Servlet version à Intercept concept is supported with version 3.0.
- Bell Canada is leading effort for service mesh/ISTO
- Need to be bound to AAF, Service Meshing and ISTO
- Mike à ISTO/Service Meshing support à What is possible Frankfurt ???
- Endpoint role management à Web flux (non-block integration) ???
- Service mesh and ISTO
- Namespace Creation and User Role Management is managed with AAF
- CBA Package should include reference to the AAF Namespace for role and users that are able to execution the CDS action within the CBA context. Each CBA might have a unique or shareable namespace. This implementation should be implemented via REST Layer.
- Action Items:
- Platform CDS Logging, Tracing, and Error Modeling
- Error Code to Error message mapping within a component
- All Error code and messages need to be document with hints of common remediation/resolution
- Aggregated all the errors and make sure if an error occurs its tied to error code.
- Platform Error à Derived from NodeTypes.
- Parallel process request error à capture multiple error and aggregate back to the users.
- Ebo provide link to à
- Does this help? https://sentry.io/welcome/
- Common problem in any mS component in ONAP
- Event based logging needed for CDS Platform. Logging message event. (Request to maintain all the chain) (Diary of events) Request , Blueprint name, version.
- Application performance monitoring à Tracing tracking the run time actions within the CBA.
- Benefits: what are the benefits.
- ELK à provides but not opensource.
- Alexis looking at alternative. à Zipkin is opensource. (Elizar provide this as well)
- Resource à Required ???
- Error Modeling à
- Logging:
- Tracing à
- CBA Specification Generation [Janani??]
- As part of the enrichment process generate a spec using a template engine.
- Create a folder to store
- Template Engine for a Version
- Google Protobuf (gRPC Client)
- Any model
- Which version to generate à
- Action Item: Rashmi to bring this topic up with CLAMP UI Team.
- Options: gRPC and OPEN-API
- CLAMP UI support TOSCA rendering???
- Legacy Swagger Rest Implementation reference: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/ccsdk/apps/+/79667
- Spec genereation
- Frankfurt Controller Blueprints implementation consolidation into controller blueprint processor.
- Yuriy to create placeholder US to cover the below UI Scope planned for Frankfurt release:
- Serverless function create an dynamically image and deploy with native k8s API. [Roadmap Item]
- Spin up new blueprint processor only in testing environment and not in production is expected.
- Serverless function allows you to build image on the fly.
- Assumption: Production will have a stable set of containers/pod.
- CDS UI to call the CDS Blueprints designer apià
- CDS UI to discover the blueprint process instance à Configuration management [roadmap. item]
- CDS UI to spin up run time. [Roadmap item]
- Yuriy to create placeholder US to cover the below UI Scope planned for Frankfurt release:
- Action Item:
- blueprints management -- Pending work items
- Combine the two table for where we store the design time and runtime…. Frankfurt Release à
- One instance of blueprint processor to manage the package for all CBA à Master [Frankfurt Roadmap]
- Design time & Run time validation is standalone today but need to combine validation for design time and run time.
- Need a flag to retrieve the CDS Blueprint cba package from a file path [mounted to a file path ]
- Action Item:
- Brinda is finalizing the implementation for following items:
- DSL Concept à Multiple CBA file
- DSL and JSON file should keep constant reference for cds_model_name and cds_model_version.
- As part of the distribution the onap component should extract the cds model name and version from a constant sdc tosca service.
- Keep the constant name from SDC, SO, and CDS.
- Work with Nokia on this implementation.
- SDC and CDS Integration à Frankfurt
- Action Item:
- CDS UI should enforce the populate using the tosca meta file.
- For CBA Package reference based on the tosca meta data.
- Brinda to change template_model and template version to CBA_MODEL_NAME and CBA_MODEL_VERSION.
- Yuriy to create requirement for UI team:
- Alexis to support Migration of existing CBA in Bell from json blueprints tosca meta data to tosca file meta section for frankfurt.
- Other TOPICS:
- Enable grpc and rest both? Brinda and Alexis ? Is this possible. Proxy Port.
- Netty Listerner Proxy
- One Server with two instances???one for gRPC and one for REST?? Challenge ? Benefits
- Kafka ? Can we remove spring layer?
- Alexis to check the idea.
- Action Item: Brinda to provide doc to Alexis.
- MultiCloud/VIM and CDS Integration
- Instatition Alignment
- agreement is that the VM and CNF Building Block orchestration should be common with the only difference is that SO as part of Create Building Block shall call trigger MultiCloud/Vim adapter for helm creation for the pod.
- LCM Action
- CDS shall call the multiCloud/VIm Openstack Keystone v3 API or k8S based API for LCM Cloud actions.
- Instatition Alignment
title | 8/27-CDS-Meeting Minutes |
Meeting Minutes:
- Disaggregation à resource resolution ms from blueprint processor
- Resource Resolution mS shall be created
- Self Service API shall forward the call to resource resolution mS
- Resource resolution engine
- Template engine generation
- Decouple the Database management for persisting the resource resolution. [nice to have]
- Database is outside of the mS For resource resolution. (mariagaleriadb)
- Resource Resolution Context Key à
- Resource resolution Component need to be extended to support unassignment based on the data dictionary capabilities for unassign.
- The resource tables shall be extended to store the resource keys and configlet id
- Alexis to make the change: Default to true for storing the configlet generation in the tables;
- Action Item:
- Alexis to provide POC implementation and provide feedback.
- Revisit Brinda idea of device modeling using json path.
- Atomic Transaction—
- For a given action within support configlet generation and download for multiple
- Each Transaction support rollback /Failure
- Rollback include previously successful configlet download
- All Device are lock until all the action are implemented.
- Atomic Transaction should be supported in parallel;
- Alexis Solution:
- NetConf Protocol
- Commit confirm capability supported
- Commit Confirm success
- Commit works for the first 2
- Commit fails on 3rd.
- CDS Platform capability for rollback is supported via imperative workflow and/or DG CDS failed action.
- Action
- Yuriy to create a US for testing the rollback activities as a roadmap item.
- Dan T to provide a WIP patch of Om implementation of atomic transaction for Alexis to review.
- General premise is to support a disconnect flow for rollback use case.
- Support the capability of Commit Id Rollback (also can be supported but the team felt that disc is more likely—this implementation can be modeled.
- Resource Resolution for Ansible/Pyton:
- Action Item:
- Yuriy to create a placeholder US for supporting the capability for persisting resolved resource using Ansible/Python script. The Ansible/Pything script shall call the resource resolution API to store the resource resolve context. Notion is that CDS is the source of truth for all resolved resource that is pushed to the network.
- Alexis to upstream it.
- Building Block Orchestration using CDS Resource Assignment:
- Bell is looking a way to eliminate the resource accumulator template and simplify the resource resolution for cloud orchestration.
- The approach is to use the directly the CDS Building block for Service, VNF, VF Module Assign and Unassign
- Assign:
- Option 1: (preferred)
- have SO retrieve the CDS context using the A&AI self-link.
- Sub-Option 1
- Retrieve the Resolved name/value pair context
- Sub-Option 2 (Preferred)
- Retrieve the Cloud Meshed Context
- Sub-Option 1 & 2
- CDS will provide right link for retrieving the correct sub-option.
- Sub-Option 1
- Option2:
- have CDS Create either MD-SAL structure for SO to extract context as part of create
- Option 1 & 2:
- Partial assignment should be supported. Meaning that if the capability is already resolved and it has a value instance then it resource-resolution component shouldnt call the capability component for resolution.
- Can be model in CDS similar to the current DG implementation.
- Partial assignment should be supported. Meaning that if the capability is already resolved and it has a value instance then it resource-resolution component shouldnt call the capability component for resolution.
- Unassign/Delete
- Have CDS unassign the capability using the unassign capability reference in the data dictionary.
- SDNC Helm Chart Update
- Update CDS chart to be standalone.
- Default CDS Chart to be Y
- Action Item:
- Yuriy to create US for Abdel.
- MultiCloud , SO and CDS Integration
Face 2 Face Controller Design Studio Agenda
The ONAP CDS developer communities met at Bell Canada facility in Montreal Canada.
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Contact Information:
Agenda for the week of August 26th 2019
NOTE: Monday and Tuesday session will happen in Downtown Montreal for ease of travel to most of those joining out of town. Wednesday session will take place at Nuns Island to allow a go and see to the Bell campus where the ONAP squads are located. | |||
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | |
NEWTON ROOM 8th floor- 671, rue de la Gauchetière O. MONTREAL PQ | NEWTON ROOM 8th floor- 671, rue de la Gauchetière O. MONTREAL PQ | Room E1.2 1, carrefour Alexander-Graham-Bell VERDUN - CAMPUS MONTREAL PQ, H3E3B3, | |
09:00AM | Welcome, Introduction, logistics, overview of Agenda and CDS roadmap. Adjust Agenda if needed | Dis-aggregation of CDS Resource Resolution from Blueprintprocessor | Go and See of Bell ONAP squads |
09:30AM | Designer screen for CBA package + feedback from Bell Network Programmability team carrie.lau No Recording | ||
10:00AM | |||
10:30AM | Break | Break | Break |
10:45AM | CDS Test Strategy Align test coverage with CDS features upgrades Add CDS Health Check for Robot Add a black box test case for CDS via Robot Add a use case test case for CDS via Robot UAT test | CDS: Queue Mechanism/Priority Execution | Resource LCM Resolution VNF LCM Resolution, SO and CDS tighter integration |
11:30AM | |||
12:00PM | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch
12:30PM | |||
1:00PM | AAF Integration with Blueprint processor /Controller blueprint Refactor Logging in CDS components to integrate full error management (error handler and error code) | CDS. Atomic Transaction for Multi Device level connection | CDS capabilities in Frankfurt to meet 5G requirements |
1:30PM | |||
2:00PM | |||
2:30PM | |||
3:00PM | Break | Break | Break |
3:30PM | CDS security and gRPC TLS/Authentication (Buffer: DSL topic, Consolidate Blueprint processor and controller blueprints MS) | CDS Mediation Layer: Store the configlet content that is pushed to network via Ansible/Python in a database as a service. Retrieve configlet content form Ansible/Chef etc.. | CDS Policy and roadmap. |
4:00PM | |||
4:30PM | |||
5:00PM | Generation of the OPEN-API google protobuff specification for CBA Packages. | CDS and MultiCloud Integration | |
5:30PM | |||
6:30-8PM | Team Dinner: Moxies, 1207 Boulevard Robert-Bourassa, Montréal, QC H3B 0C3 | Retrospective around the workshop (check and adjust) + Team Dinner | Retrospective around the workshop |
Meeting Minutes:
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Meeting Minutes:
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Meeting Minutes:
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Meeting Minutes: 5G Use Cases:
SO and CDS Integration comment---:
Policy and CDS Integration:
CDS UI Feedback
4 "attributes": { 5 "assignment-params": { 6 "required": true, 7 "type": "string" 8 }
Retrospective: What did we do well?
What should we have done better?
CDS Architecture Evolution from Dublin to Frankfurt
Deck | ||||||||||||
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Montreal onsite Logistics:
Monday and Tuesday: