- Discussion result of tasks distribution
China Mobile and Raisecom will contribute alarm and performance functions.
After discussion with Huabing, ZTE will be charge of LCM function. - Deliverables for M2 stage (functionality freeze)
We should provide a high level architecture and sequence diagram for each function.
We should clarify details for JIRA stories. - API incoming dependencies with other projects
China Mobile will confirm with DCAE what APIs they will provide for Alarm and Performance.
ZTE should discuss with SO/VF-C to identify APIs provided for LCM.
- Xin will confirm their resources (developers) and which functionalities they will contribute.
- Huabing will confirm their resources (developers) and which functionalities they will contributeTao will discuss with DCAE to identify APIs provided for Alarm and Performance.
- Tao will contact with Portal Platform and request the instrction of portal framework for all portal developers.
- Tao will specify JIRA stories and what documents we should make before coding.