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Table of Contents


Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 


Agenda Items

Presented By





Release Status - Inactive projects


David McBride

TSC to decide the list of components to be removed from the installer

(i.e.Pomba, Holmes, etc)


Do these add-ons below are already documented in the Project and Component Life Cycle Process? djhuntChaker Al-Hakim

  • If a module/project is not supported for a release then disable, no repo locked and keep Helm Chart
  • If a module/project is not supported and no code submitted over the last 6 months (question) then remove, repo locked and Helm Chart not kept

  • #AGREED Pomba from Logging project - Disable jenkins jobs incl. SonarCloud, Daily CI + in OOM while keeping Helm Chart + document in RDT; repo not locked 
  • #AGREED PNDA from DCAE project - Disable jenkins jobs incl. SonarCloud, Daily CI + in OOM while keeping Helm Chart + document in RDT; repo not locked
  • #AGREED Other Logging submodules - Disable jenkins jobs incl. SonarCloud, Daily CI + in OOM while keeping Helm Chart + document in RDT; repo not locked
  • #AGREED SNIRO Emulator from Integration project - Disable jenkins jobs incl. SonarCloud, Daily CI + in OOM while keeping Helm Chart + document in RDT; repo not locked
  • Holmes from DCAE project - No action due to dependencies on DCAE itself, A&AI etc.
  • CLI - dependencies on VNFSDK - fix for HTTPS, non root 
    • Vote taken on CLI inclusion in the Frankfurt Release - Proposal did no pass
    • Path to move forward - work with OOM/Integration to validate the patch
    • Proposal: continue in master the review of cli merge request when it's merged disable it in frankfurt and master branch if cli meets M1 criteria for G release, we reenable it on master - #Action: offline Discussion with TSC, Sylvain and Kanagarav



Release Status



  • Jira Legacy
    serverSystem Jira
  • Jira Legacy
    serverSystem Jira
    • onap_multicloud-azure is below 55% line coverage
    • Bin Yang reports that project is unable to correct and is requesting a waiver
    • Amy Zwarico SECCOM recommends the waiver
    • #AGREED the TSC grants the code coverage waiver


  • Jira Legacy
    serverSystem Jira
    • Sylvain Desbureaux has provided the info in the gerrit and Jira
    • David McBride does not recommend the approval of MUSIC for RC0
    • concerns raised over inpact to OOM
    • #AGREED The TSC approves an exception to MUSIC to deliver no later than  
    • Brendan Tschaen
  • Jira Legacy
    serverSystem Jira
    • cannot be resolved until mid next week at the earliest.
    • Action assigned to David
  • No Go/No Go recommendation.  
  • Blocking items
  • Frankfurt Milestone Status
  • Frankfurt Release Requirements
    Next stepsKenny Paul
      • #AGREED descoping of REQ-150
      • #AGREED deferring REQ-223 to RC2
    • #AGREED the TSC Approves the passage of RC0 with the project and requirement exceptions/waivers granted today.

    Next steps:




    • NO TSC Call on 4/24 due to LFN Virtual Event
    • LFN Technical Meetings:  April 21-23, 2020  - Virtual Event

    Please register asap:

    LFN Joint Planning Committee: Timo Perala

    Are you cancelling your weekly calls during the LFN Virtual Event?

    Bridge Management & future events


    2020 Spring Meeting Audit

    Tool to track comments: "Quicochat" integrated to confluence, etc.




    • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
      • IT-19129 S3 credentials for
    • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes
      • Documentation migration blocked gerrit 105796 on SDC and Usecase UI


    Subcommittee Update


    (POSTPONED TO 4/30)

    Security MVP for Frankfurt Release


     Subcommittee Update


    (POSTPONED TO 4/21)

    Arch review policy and process 

    VOTE: Does the TSC approve the architectural review policy and process documented above.


    Release Status

     Guilin M0

    (POSTPONED TO 5/7)

     Discussion about Release Cadence 

    •  M0 (Kick-Off) Guilin Date


    Marketing Update

    (POSTPONED TO 4/30)

    Frankfurt Marketing Launch 

    View file
    nameONAP Marketing Update 040920.pdf


    TAC Update

    (POSTPONED TO 4/30)

    OPNFV Charter Changes:

    OVP Charter Changes


    TSC Activities and Deadlines

    (POSTPONED TO 4/30)

    TAC and SPC reviews

    Action Items

    Zoom Chat Log 

    06:55:47 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic rollcall
    06:58:17 From Eric Debeau : #info Eric Debeau, Orange
    06:58:22 From Srini (Intel) : #info Srini Addepalli, Intel
    06:58:36 From Catherine Lefevre : #info, Catherine Lefevre, AT&T
    06:58:53 From Andreas Geissler : #info Andreas Geissler, DT
    06:59:10 From Ning So : #info, Ning So Reliance Jio
    07:00:13 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) : #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
    07:00:16 From Timo Perala : #info Timo Perala, Nokia
    07:00:26 From Murat Turpcu,Turk Telekom : #info Murat TURPCU, Türk Telekom
    07:00:29 From Murat Turpcu,Turk Telekom : amaa
    07:00:49 From : #info Bin Yang, Wind River
    07:01:38 From Mike Elliott : #info Mike Elliott, Amdocs (proxy for Alla Goldner)
    07:01:40 From Olivier Phenix : #info Olivier Phénix, Bell Canada
    07:01:42 From Sai Seshu : #info Seshu, huawei
    07:01:47 From Jason Hunt : #info Jason Hunt, IBM
    07:03:15 From Ranny Haiby (Samsung) : #info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
    07:03:49 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira : #info Fred Oliveira, Verizon
    07:06:59 From Davide (Vodafone) : #info Davide Cherubini, Vodafone (sorry for being late)
    07:07:00 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic inactive projects
    07:08:10 From Ciaran Johnston : #info Ciaran Johnston, Ericsson
    07:20:11 From Amy Zwarico : all of Logging was descoped from the Frankfurt release
    07:31:11 From : pnda: last (relevant) commit on OOM side —> November 2018 (although one from March 2019 may be relevant)
    07:33:08 From : Last commit from pnda repo : September 2019 (in line with march 2019 oom change)
    07:34:43 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : # link to lifecycle doc
    07:38:30 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : # link to slides
    07:40:04 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : time check: +10 min on Release Status
    07:44:32 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #ACTION @chaker/ @jason verify that the following 2 are part of the lifecycle process:
    07:44:36 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : If a module/project is not supported for a release then disable, no repo locked and keep Helm Chart If a module/project is not supported and no code submitted over the last 6 months  then remove, repo locked and Helm Chart not kept
    07:44:41 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : ---
    07:45:20 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #AGREED Pomba from Logging project - Disable jenkins jobs incl. SonarCloud, Daily CI + in OOM while keeping Helm Chart + document in RDT; repo not locked 
    07:45:41 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #AGREED PNDA from DCAE project - Disable jenkins jobs incl. SonarCloud, Daily CI + in OOM while keeping Helm Chart + document in RDT; repo not locked
    07:47:42 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #AGREED Other Logging submodules - Disable jenkins jobs incl. SonarCloud, Daily CI + in OOM while keeping Helm Chart + document in RDT; repo not locked
    07:48:06 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #AGREED SNIRO Emulator from Integration project - Disable jenkins jobs incl. SonarCloud, Daily CI + in OOM while keeping Helm Chart + document in RDT; repo not lockedolmes from DCAE project
    07:51:04 From Jason Hunt to Kenny Paul (LFN)(Privately) : Kenny - my apologies, but once again I have to leave at the top of the hour so will not be able to give the TAC update. Maybe we push 2 weeks? Sorry again.
    07:52:53 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : # request to add CLI to Frankfurt
    07:53:05 From Kenny Paul (LFN) to Jason Hunt(Privately) : NP
    07:55:17 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #AGREED Holmes from DCAE project - Disable jenkins jobs incl. SonarCloud, Daily CI + in OOM while keeping Helm Chart + document in RDT; repo not locked
    08:02:09 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #startvote Does the TSC approve CLI as an exception process to be part of the Frankfurt release without meeting M1-RC0 milestone criteria? ?+1, 0 -1
    08:02:19 From Catherine Lefevre : #vote -1
    08:02:29 From Eric Debeau : #vote -1
    08:02:35 From Ning So : #vote -1
    08:02:36 From Olivier Phenix : #vote -1
    08:02:37 From Murat Turpcu,Turk Telekom : #vote -1
    08:02:38 From : #vote -1
    08:02:40 From Davide (Vodafone) : #vote 0
    08:02:40 From Andreas Geissler : #vote 0
    08:02:44 From Sai Seshu : #vote 0
    08:02:46 From Timo Perala : #vote 0
    08:02:47 From Mike Elliott : #vote -1
    08:02:49 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira to Kenny Paul (LFN)(Privately) : #vote -1
    08:02:51 From Ciaran Johnston : #vote -1
    08:02:54 From Ranny Haiby (Samsung) : #vote -1
    08:03:16 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #endvote
    08:03:23 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira : #vote -1
    08:03:30 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) : #vote -1
    08:03:45 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #info the proposal does not pass
    08:09:49 From Olivier Phenix : Could everyone else hear Sylvain well?
    08:10:01 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : yes
    08:10:21 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : well, speaking for myself :-)
    08:10:23 From Eric Debeau : yes
    08:10:26 From Olivier Phenix : :)
    08:10:59 From : Proposal:
    continue in master the review of cli merge request
    when it's merged disable it in frankfurt and master branch
    if cli meets M1 criteria for G release, we reenable it on master
    08:12:00 From Catherine Lefevre : I am back
    08:16:06 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : # didcussion on HOLMES revisited
    08:18:13 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : # previous agreement on HOLMES rescinded. - No action due to dependencies on DCAE itself, A&AI etc.
    08:18:47 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic Frankfurt Release Status
    08:26:29 From Amy Zwarico : multicloud-azure has 49.2% code coverage
    08:29:37 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #AGREED the TSC grants the code coverage waiver to MULTICLOUD
    08:30:18 From Catherine Lefevre :
    08:30:34 From Catherine Lefevre :
    08:31:27 From Olivier Phenix : Really sorry I'll have to drop, I have another meeting starting
    08:31:37 From Kenny Paul (LFN) to Catherine Lefevre(Privately) : I am going to cxl the CNF call
    08:32:26 From Catherine Lefevre to Kenny Paul (LFN)(Privately) : ok
    08:32:32 From Kenny Paul (LFN) to Catherine Lefevre(Privately) : #AGREED the TSC approves an exception to OOF to deliver no later than 17 Apr 2020 
    08:34:29 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #AGREED the TSC approves an exception to OOF to deliver no later than 17 Apr 2020 
    08:39:09 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #ACTION @david contact Barath and provide recommendation tomorrow
    08:42:51 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #ACTION @david contact Huabing and provide recommendation on MSB tomorrow
    08:45:06 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #action @david to provide recommendation on REQ-267 tomorrow
    08:46:25 From Andreas Geissler : I have to drop as well, sorry
    08:49:02 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #AGREED deferring REQ-220 to RC2
    08:51:16 From Catherine Lefevre : kenny - so have we an agreement that all the reqs/use cases are approved by TSC except the one that you have captured?
    08:51:22 From Catherine Lefevre : we might need to confirm this
    08:51:45 From Catherine Lefevre : thnaks
    08:52:29 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : I'm trying. can't keep up
    08:53:46 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #AGREED descoping of REQ-150
    08:54:39 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #AGREED deferring REQ-223 NOT 220 to RC2
    08:58:06 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #AGREED Mthe TSC approves an exception to MUSIC to deliver no later than 17 Apr 2020
    08:58:54 From Timo Perala : Virtual Event schedule:
    09:01:18 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #AGREED the TSC Approved the passage of RC0 with the exceptions/waivers granted today.