Project Architectural Review Requirements and Process (Draft)

Project Architectural Review Requirements and Process (Draft)


  1. All ONAP projects that commit code to a repository are subject to an architectural review.

  2. ONAP projects that do not plan to participate in a release are still subject to architectural review, if they plan to commit code to a repository during the timeframe of the release.

  3. Project teams/Feature Sponsors must demonstrate that they have requested an arch review in order to pass M1.

  4. Arch review status and results will be published in the release notes.


Prior to M1

  1. Project PTLs/Feature Sponsors request a review by email from the chair of the arch subcommittee.

  2. The chair of the arch subcommittee creates a JIRA issue for the review and emails a link to the project PTL.

  3. The project PTL/Feature Sponsor adds the JIRA issue link to the architecture review JIRA task in the M1 epic, as confirmation that a review has been requested.

Prior to M2/M3

  1. The project PTL/Feature Sponsor completed the Component Architecture Description Form and adds a link to it in the architecture review JIRA task.

  2. The project PTL/Feature Sponsor completed the Functional Architecture Description Form and adds a link to it in the architecture review JIRA task. 

  3. The arch subcommittee schedules a review with the project PTL.

  4. At the scheduled time, the project PTL and the Arch Subcommittee meet to conduct the project review:

    1. The project PTL/Feature Sponsor presents the project, including the submitted forms.

    2. The arch subcommittee reviews the changes and asks the PTL questions.

    3. The subcommittee may approve the project at that point, or ask for changes, or additional information, followed by another review.

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