ONAP Meeting 11 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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Host: Vijay Kumar (AT&T)
Image Added
Discussion Topics:
| Time (est) | Topics | Requester/Assignee | Notes/Links |
1 |
| Project Status & General updates | | Guilin Maintenance release candidates -
BPGenerator yaml Fixes are different for yaml file and string (DCAEGEN2-2489) -
Slice Analysis - Avoid removal of data when insufficient samples are present (DCAEGEN2-2509,DCAEGEN2-2540) -
HV-VES - Pod recovery when config-fetch fails (DCAEGEN2-2516) - OOM-2641 (MOD issues due to ingress change) - Pending OOM merge on guiilin branch; Sylvain Desbureaux to check on this soon.
| Honolulu Release - Status check on current/Open issues
Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
jqlQuery | filter=12436 |
serverId | 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176 |
| OOM-2641 (MOD issues due to ingress change) Pending OOM merge; need to followup with Sylvain Desbureaux if this can be cherrypicked to guilin branchUpdate DCAE MOD documentation (wiki/rtd) - Vijay Kumar |
| |
| DCAE transformation proposal (DCAEGEN2-2488) / REQ-479 | |
- Discuss with OOM team on repo for DCAE service charts and ONAP CI/CD - Vijay Kumar
- DIscussed with OOM team and initial charts will be delivered under OOM repository
| Cloudify 5.1 upgrade | | Cloudify 5.1 integration status - Issue when TLS enabled; being investigated
- Validated deployment (with Dmaap integration) on non-TLS mode - DONE
- Python 3.x plugin version to build in ONAP CI - DONE
- K8S plugin for IPv6 enhancement (require k8spython client upgrade) - DONE
- Cloudify patch for TLS ready today; Jack Lucas will integrate and update into gerrit soon.
| VES OpenAPI Manager | | H release proposal. Slides: View file |
name | DCAE_openAPI_Manager_2021-01-06.pptx |
height | 250 |
| DCAE Committer update | | Joe and Kornel left company/ONAP assignment. New DCAE committers promotions will be considered soon; if intrested - pls review below and complete the template DCAE Committer Role Approval process |
| Acumos-DCAE Adapter | Shabnam Sultana | - Multiple json in model is creating issue for Acumos Adapter; need fix to pick only meta-data
- docker image was using info on meta; need to override part of deployment the docker credentials
| Deferred |
| H Release security and release complaince | | | DCAE transformation proposal (DCAEGEN2-2488) / REQ-479 | | Cloudify 5.1 upgrade | | Cloudify 5.1 integration status
Issue when TLS enabled; being investigated- Validated deployment (with Dmaap integration) on non-TLS mode - DONE
Cloudify patch for TLS expected by EOY; plan to switch cloudify, bootstrap to 3.x early Jan.Python 3.x plugin version to build in ONAP CI - DONEK8S plugin for IPv6 enhancement (require k8spython client upgrade). | - WIPOpenAPI manager | | H release proposal | DCAE Committer update | Vijay Kumar |
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