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Comment: added chat logs and note.


Discussion items 

Platform Maturity Level proposal 13Dec2017.pdf



This page is maintained primarily for chat log content

Please see the following page for actual meeting agenda, schedule and content ONAP Beijing Release Developer Forum, Dec. 11-13, 2017, Santa Clara, CA US


Primarily a review and expectation setting for Wednesday's meeting. - no minutes

zoom chat log

RECORDINGDAYAgenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links


Starting at time index 00:32:30

Mon 12/11

Beijing Scope and PriorityEman Gil
40Mon 12/11

Review Amsterdam use cases for BeijingAlla.Goldner
Mon 12/11

Target Architecture Review
for BeijingChris Donley
60Mon 12/11

Target Software Architecture Review
for Beijing

Mon 12/11
Beijing Release Plan Review

Dec. 13 IRC Minutes

Full IRC log

zoom chat log 

RECORDINGDAYAgenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links


Starting at time index 00:14:15

Wed 12/13

Review/Approval of NEW project proposals Beijing

target 20 mins per proposal60
Wed 12/13Amsterdam Retrospectivemoved to 12/11 hosted by HelenWed 12/13
Platform Maturity Leveldjhunt
20Wed 12/13Process for Upcoming TSC Membership Electionsmoving to jan 4 mtg.
15Wed 12/13Security Subcommittee UpdateStephen terrill
30Development Best Practices for Beijinghandled throughout the eventWed 12/13Review LFN Technical CharterPhil Robb

Action items

Review LFN Technical CharterPhil Robb


Dec 11 zoom chat log 

09:05:32 From Catherine Lefevre to All Panelists : i have posted a Q/A in the chat room
09:05:57 From Catherine Lefevre to All Panelists : can u see it?
09:07:22 From meeting host to All Panelists : too many windows open :-{
09:07:26 From meeting host to All Panelists : sotty
09:08:13 From meeting host to Catherine Lefevre, All Panelists : was your q for alex or prev session
09:08:54 From Catherine Lefevre to All Panelists : previous session alla about S3P goal?
09:09:37 From meeting host to Catherine Lefevre, All Panelists : ok. i'll ask whan alex is finished.
09:12:45 From Catherine Lefevre to All Panelists : thanks
09:20:36 From Catherine Lefevre to All Panelists : sorry I could not speak
09:20:55 From Catherine Lefevre to All Panelists : are u able to see my question in the Q&A panel?
09:20:58 From meeting host to Catherine Lefevre, All Panelists : challenges w/ audio. new zoom feature that I evidently don't understand fully
09:21:19 From Catherine Lefevre to All Panelists : I can follow up with Alla later
09:39:29 From Tony Hansen to All Panelists : when a question comes in that is not spoken into the mike, please make sure that the speaker at the podium repeats the question before answering it
09:47:51 From Kenny Paul to Tony Hansen, All Panelists : That is the goal however at the moment I do not have a mic myself and I’m in the very back of the auditorium and it is a very large room.
09:57:37 From Kenny Paul : I am unable to make any adjustments to the audio level.
10:06:16 From David Bainbridge to All Panelists : There are similarities between upgrading a VNF and standard HA of a VNF (fail / restart). There are some complexities a well, backward compatibility to API, state upgrade ext.)
10:06:35 From David Bainbridge to All Panelists : Do you envision putting requirements on VNFs to work with the upgrade policies
10:06:55 From Atul Purohit to All Panelists : Hi i guess i will be presenting next from Vodafone. Will someone have to unmute me on zoom ?
10:09:29 From Kenny Paul to All Panelists : I will unmute you now.
10:20:29 From Catherine Lefevre to All Panelists : is the proposal to create a new parser or is the proposal to make an existing parser more generic?
10:22:10 From Catherine Lefevre to All Panelists : sounds like a new parser ...
10:23:02 From Catherine Lefevre to All Panelists : can we reuse sdc parser that we have for tosca?\
10:24:27 From Atul Purohit : Existing parser more generic, we are not proposing a new parser we are suggesting a technical ungrade to current implementation so that it becomes a better architecture, this idea is not related to any use case. It is applicable to all, a core generic technical capability
10:25:36 From Catherine Lefevre to All Panelists : thanks - I like this ;-)
10:25:53 From Catherine Lefevre to All Panelists : and GoooooD Morning to all of You !!!
10:50:28 From Catherine Lefevre to All Panelists : will Use Case UI evolve independently from Portal/VID etc? is there anyway to converge or is it still a need to develop multiple UIs?
10:52:57 From Catherine Lefevre to All Panelists : does the architecture team look at the proposed project - certificate and secret management service vs AAF?
10:53:20 From Catherine Lefevre to All Panelists : is it complementary or redundant?
11:00:39 From Catherine Lefevre to All Panelists : does the new archi consider the new proposed projects? I think Alla is covering with her response the use cases aspects but not sure about the proposed projects in case of these will be approved by TSC
11:02:13 From Catherine Lefevre to All Panelists : PTL is submitting their plan on 1/8 so 1/5 they have the weekend to readjust
11:54:06 From Catherine Lefevre to All Panelists : can we align CII Badging test coverage to Beijing test coverage?
11:54:16 From Catherine Lefevre to All Panelists : 50%


Dec 13 Full IRC Log 

16:27:32 <kennypaul> #startmeeting tsc Dec 13, 2017
16:27:32 <collabot> Meeting started Wed Dec 13 16:27:32 2017 UTC.  The chair is kennypaul. Information about MeetBot at
16:27:32 <collabot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
16:27:32 <collabot> The meeting name has been set to 'tsc_dec_13__2017'
16:27:41 <kennypaul> #chair phrobb
16:27:41 <collabot> Current chairs: kennypaul phrobb
16:32:48 <amir_levy> #join Amir Levy proxy for Arthur Cloudify
16:34:14 <kennypaul> #chair gildaslanis
16:34:14 <collabot> Warning: Nick not in channel: gildaslanis
16:34:14 <collabot> Current chairs: gildaslanis kennypaul phrobb
16:34:23 <frankbrockners> #info Frank Brockners, Cisco
16:34:26 <SteveT> #info Stephen Terrill, Ericsson
16:34:39 <kennypaul> #topic beijing scope
16:34:52 <RannyHaiby> #info Ranny Haiby, Nokia
16:35:03 <phrobb> #topic Beijing Scope and TSC agenda
16:36:09 <phrobb> #topic Beijing Release Plan Review and approval
16:36:42 <EricDebeau> #info Eric Debeau, temporary proxy for Jamil Chawki, Orange
16:37:21 <phrobb> #info, folks may ask questions on the IRC channel as well and we will address
16:40:39 <Chrisdonley> #info Chris Donley Huawei
16:40:41 <RajeshGadiyar> #info Rajesh Gadiyar Intel
16:44:38 <kennypaul> #chair SteveT
16:44:38 <collabot> Current chairs: SteveT gildaslanis kennypaul phrobb
16:46:19 <alla_> #info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
16:50:11 <kennypaul> #info Feb 15 Chinese new yew holiday
16:52:21 <kennypaul> #infoprojected F2F dates for 2018 March @ONS Los Angeles , June in China, Sept. @ONS Amsterdam, December
16:52:46 <kennypaul> #info F2F dates for 2018 March @ONS Los Angeles , June in China, Sept. @ONS Amsterdam, December
16:54:53 <kennypaul> #agreed the TSC approves the schedule as presented by a hand vote of 15 in the room
16:55:54 <kennypaul> #topic recommended platform maturity levelas
17:33:41 <kennypaul> #agreed the TSC approves the platform maturity levels for Beijing as proposed with a feedback deadline from PTLs of M1 by a hand vote of 15 in the room
17:38:49 <kennypaul> #topic usecases
18:19:13 <kennypaul> #info LFN Charter
18:20:54 <kennypaul> #undo
18:20:54 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x2f02190>
18:21:05 <kennypaul> #topic LFN Charter
18:29:15 <kennypaul> #info Frank reviewed some minor changes implemented in the OPNFV charter with regards to budget and personnel decision.
18:31:39 <kennypaul> #action kenny send out info out on LFN webinar
18:34:23 <kennypaul> #topic Image Manager
18:35:03 <kennypaul> #link
18:44:18 <kennypaul> #arch committee has reviewed
18:45:28 <kennypaul> #info concerns about scenario 2 for security
18:48:50 <kennypaul> #info arch committee has reviewed.
19:02:12 <kennypaul> #info approval deferred must be approved by M1
19:04:12 <kennypaul> #topic Container based network service/function deployment
19:04:41 <kennypaul> #link
19:08:13 <dbainbri> is the project (k8s VNFs) going to support chaining between a container VNF and a non-container VNF?
19:08:18 <kennypaul> #info has been reviewed by arch, but not sure this fits the definition for a project. More a series of usecases.
19:09:12 <dbainbri> Also, k8s mostly supports L3 networking, so the project needs to answer how L2 chaining
19:17:15 <kennypaul> #topic
22:37:42 <kennypaul> #info I will need to go to the recording for a types set of minutes. - No way to manage A/V, in room Q&A, attendee support and take meaningful minutes.
22:37:52 <kennypaul> #undo
22:37:52 <collabot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x2aa5850>
22:38:40 <kennypaul> #info I will need to go to the recording for a typed set of minutes. - No way to manage A/V, in room Q&A, attendee support and take meaningful minutes at the same time. :-}
22:38:49 <kennypaul> #endmeeting


Dec 13 zoom chat log 

08:29:25 From Catherine Lefevre to All Panelists : good morning - just checking audio on? thank you
08:30:03 From Kenny Paul : should be now
08:30:22 From Catherine Lefevre to All Panelists : ok I can hear you
08:30:24 From Steve Polston to All Panelists : can hear
09:50:40 From CatherineLefevre to All Panelists : i would like to ask if company could notify PTL no later than the end of this year if they want too work on any project. because PTL must provide their plan by 1/8
09:51:31 From CatherineLefevre to All Panelists : and if prioritization can also be available by 12/31 so PTL can build their plan
