Control Loop Sub Committee - TSC Status 5-10-2018.pdf
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13:39:25 <kennypaul>#startmeeting tsc-2018-051013:39:25 <collabot`> Meeting started Thu May 10 13:39:25 2018 UTC. The chair is kennypaul. Information about MeetBot at
13:39:25 <collabot`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
13:39:25 <collabot`> The meeting name has been set to 'tsc_2018_0510'
13:39:54 <kennypaul>#chair gildaslanilis, SteveT13:39:54 <collabot`>Warning: Nick not in channel: gildaslanilis
13:39:54 <collabot`> Current chairs: SteveT gildaslanilis kennypaul
13:40:14 <kennypaul>#topic rollcall13:58:28 <SteveT>#info Stephen Terrill, Ericsson13:59:00 <EricDebeau>#info Eric Debeau, Orange13:59:22 <Chaker>#info Proxy Chaker Al-Hakim Huawei13:59:22 <kennypaul>#info Alla Goldner, AMDOCS14:01:54 <kennypaul>#info Lingli Deng, China Mobile14:01:59 <Srini>#info proxy Srini Addepalli, Intel14:02:16 <xinhuili>#info Xinhui Li, VMware14:02:38 <JasonHunt>#info Jason Hunt, IBM14:02:41 <gilbert>#info mazin (AT&T)14:02:47 <RannyHaiby>#info Ranny Haiby, Nokia14:02:50 <Xiaojun>#info Xiaojun Xie, China Telecom14:03:34 <kennypaul>#info Murat Turpcu, Turk Telekom14:03:55 <gilesheron>#info Giles Heron, Cisco (proxy for Frank Brockners)14:04:49 <susana>#info Susana Sabater, Vodafone14:04:56 <ningso>#info Ning So, Reliance Jio14:05:08 <DhananjayPavgi>#info Dhananjay Pavgi, Tech Mahindra Ltd14:05:08 <SteveT>#topic Housekeeping14:05:22 <SteveT>#info Next week is RC2.14:06:08 <SteveT>#info LFN TAC projects to give an update to the GB on the themes for their upcoming release. Discuss early in teh release cycle.14:06:25 <SteveT>#info To provide an update to the GB at June 13.14:07:20 <SteveT>#info Visa letters should have been distributed for the casablanca event. If you haven't got it, please send an email to kenny, with his name in the subject line14:07:53 <SteveT>#info TSC composition survey, closes Tue May 15. Plan is for voting on composition at the TSC next week.14:08:14 <SteveT>#info TSC composition voting on 24/514:09:13 <SteveT>#info bitergia - config setting in bitgera is a config setting not a bug. should be enabled by monday14:10:20 <EricDebeau>#info we could also use revealjs like presentation14:10:24 <SteveT>#info upload documents. keep in mind that uploading .ppts makes it difficult to see. They can be downloaded. There was a suggestion to upload both14:10:43 <SteveT>#topic Integration Update14:11:26 <kennypaul>#info helenychen shared her slides14:11:44 <SteveT>#info For health check. for HEAT all passed. for OOM, 39 passing, 3 to go.14:11:51 <kennypaul>#info heat healthchecks (HC) have passed14:11:57 <kennypaul>#undo14:11:57 <collabot`> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x2997a50>
14:12:21 <SteveT> kenny. I let you capture the notes now, instead of double noting.
14:13:27 <kennypaul>#info pairwise 50% ,14:14:07 <kennypaul>#info usecase testing: vFW passed for HEAT, vLB is wip14:15:09 <kennypaul>#info vCPE, Volte both wip, new feature testing started, progress made on benchmark and maturity tests14:16:10 <kennypaul>#need help with jenkins performance and images - Jessica looking at it.14:17:39 <kennypaul>#action kennypaul set up meeting w/ LF-IT today14:18:56 <kennypaul>#info helenycvhen shared the integration dashboards from the wiki14:19:32 <kennypaul>#link <kennypaul>#info vFW blocked by SO for OOM14:22:00 <kennypaul>#info change mangement and manual scaling feature testing in progress. no E2E testing from HPA14:22:35 <kennypaul>#info PNF feature may not be in Beijing14:26:17 <kennypaul>#info discussion on functional requirement testing14:31:08 <kennypaul>#info HPA testing is ongoing14:37:35 <kennypaul>#info Ajay Mahimkar reviewed change management progress14:38:52 <kennypaul>#link <kennypaul>#info e2e testing should be completed by next week14:40:25 <kennypaul>#info Marco Platania reviewed manual scaling progress14:41:57 <DhananjayPavgi>#info Dhananjay Pavgi, Tech Mahindra Ltd14:42:34 <kennypaul>#link <kennypaul>#undo14:45:26 <collabot`> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Link object at 0x27a6190>
14:45:30 <kennypaul>#link <kennypaul>#info Alex Vul reviewed HPA14:46:42 <kennypaul>#link14:46:48 <kennypaul>#link <kennypaul>#info Liu Yue reviewed Benchmark14:48:03 <kennypaul>#info included in Helen's slide deck14:50:11 <kennypaul>#topic Relase Management14:50:31 <kennypaul>#info gildaslanilis reviewed his slides14:52:00 <kennypaul>#info concerned that low-med bugs are being addressed rather than high and critical14:52:21 <kennypaul>#info free up unused resources in windriver and Tlabs14:52:31 <kennypaul>#info review pending coimmits14:52:48 <kennypaul>#info update java and docker manifest14:53:31 <kennypaul>#info do not include "v", "Staging" or other tags14:53:54 <kennypaul>#topic Beijing gating items14:54:08 <kennypaul>#info gildaslanilis shared slides14:55:35 <DhananjayPavgi>#help14:55:56 <kennypaul>#info recommend stability, security, scalabilotyu, oom recilincy be the focus, performance usabiliy and managability come afterwards14:55:56 <DhananjayPavgi>#sorry typed in wrong window14:56:54 <kennypaul>#info regression testing - vFW & vLB OK - focus on vCPE, VoLTE14:57:49 <kennypaul>#info stability testing cannot start until next week.14:59:10 <kennypaul>#info security - cii badging 98% to goal , 2 projects to finalize vulnaribility14:59:51 <kennypaul>#info Jason Hunt asks where the priority recommendations came from15:00:49 <kennypaul>#info do not manage the priorities set at the beginning od the relase15:00:54 <kennypaul>#info gildaslanilis - "from discussions.15:01:12 <kennypaul>#info scalability testing not started15:01:53 <kennypaul>#info resiliency using OOM - testing not started15:03:57 <helenychen>#link <kennypaul>#info PTLs need to update the platform maturity page15:04:32 <helenychen>#link <helenychen>#info Please put the summery at the weather board once you think your project met the goal you put at the first link.15:05:18 <kennypaul>#info goal for beijing is to run for 72 hours15:06:42 <kennypaul>#info logging framework question from Jason15:12:22 <kennypaul>#action ALL PTLs - adding a logging column to their pairwise template15:16:35 <kennypaul>#info Gating- HPA (wip nop eta), CM (e2e next week), MS (almost done), PNF (likely to descope from Alla)15:17:54 <kennypaul>#info gilbert S3P was our commitment for Beijing, functional requirements are a big deal but secondary.15:18:33 <kennypaul>#info CORRECTION functional requirements important but NOT gating15:20:39 <kennypaul>#info to be tested by integration time permitting:15:21:16 <kennypaul> VVP, VNFSDK, VNFRQTS, EXTAPI, CLI, Holmes, OOF
15:21:29 <kennypaul>#info VVP, VNFSDK, VNFRQTS, EXTAPI, CLI, Holmes, OOF15:22:42 <kennypaul>#info discussion about patch release date - not set15:23:56 <kennypaul>#info need clarity on S3P next week15:27:45 <kennypaul>#topic usecase approval15:29:38 <kennypaul>#info approval to take place at usecase sub meeting on monday15:30:56 <kennypaul>#action - Alla Goldner send kennypaul agenda,15:31:06 <kennypaul> kenny to send invite.
15:35:22 <kennypaul>#info discussion of adding new use cases after15:38:30 <kennypaul>#topic modeling15:39:00 <kennypaul>#info 3 Hui Deng - weeks now and unable to provide update15:40:40 <kennypaul>#info slides to be uploaded to the wiki, & sent to onap-tsc list. Also invlude appropriate updates relevant to R2 in helehycheng15:40:48 <kennypaul> report
15:41:25 <kennypaul>#topic vulnarability update15:42:28 <kennypaul>#info SDC and USECASEUI still open.15:42:35 <kennypaul>#endmeeting
Zoom Chat Log
07:01:20 From Lingli to Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) (Privately) : Hi Kenny, sorry to trouble you again. but would you help me with IRC login? thanks. Lingli 07:02:13 From Lingli to Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) (Privately) : Thank you. 07:03:20 From Murat Turpcu ( Turk Telekom) : thank you kenny 07:15:24 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : intermittent results due to timing - if it passes at least once every 1-3 days - should be ok 07:16:03 From Pamela Dragosh (AT&T Policy/CL) : Health checks can fail because of infrastructure issues. eg. the software fails to install onto the VM is one reason. eg. nexus is unavailable. 07:16:43 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : it is an ecosystem, also depends on # of VM's load - for example one of the pods saturating a particular cluster node - one of the dependencies not up first this time etc..... 07:19:30 From Stephen Terrill : One question regarding health checks and OOM. Does OOM re-try the instantiation if it fails? 07:19:39 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : 07:21:15 From Roger Maitland : Stephen, OOM brings up the components in a specific order. The health check is done independently of this so if the health check is done prior to the system being available there will be failures. A “pass” is normally achieved after several attempts. 07:21:41 From Stephen Terrill : Thanks Roger. 07:23:51 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : fine tuning the HC timing - currently using 90-120 min of wait time (even though 140 of 155 pods up in 20 min (sometimes DCAE 8 pods and some db init pods come up 35-55 min due to nexus3/other resource depenedencies) - run 3+ healthchecks and report the last with 3-5 min wait times between them - total time 2 hours - but currently using 3h 07:24:06 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : 07:32:55 From Tina Tsou @Arm : what time today 07:32:59 From Eric Debeau : Functional requirements covers much more than these 3 topics 07:33:22 From ALLA GOLDNER : new functional requirements in Beijing are, per what was defived: 07:33:37 From ALLA GOLDNER : HPA< PNF support, manual scaling out, Change Management 07:36:17 From Eric Debeau : These are new End to End functional requirements 07:38:54 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : 07:38:56 From ALLA GOLDNER : Yes 07:43:28 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : >dhananjay pavig joins irc 07:45:49 From Brian : BTW - I think the pair wise use case teams might be a little optimistic about next week :) 07:46:52 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : 07:47:13 From Brian : @MArcus - we are up to vCPE consumer instantiation testing - that might take a while if you remember :) 07:48:26 From Marcus Williams (Intel) : @Brian - :) I plan on joining those calls soon and think we are likely to have HPA config ready to test soon after vCPE regression is finished. 07:52:37 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : Note: HC currently 35, 36, 36 - we are working on syncing the exact environments between the 3 labs 07:52:40 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : 07:52:51 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : 07:53:19 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : 08:03:25 From Pamela Dragosh (AT&T Policy/CL) : Each S3P item had a priority assigned to it. 08:03:32 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : Static performance as well - for example a single container saturating one of the cluster hosts - would need a resource review - my logstash container needs some review by myself 08:03:33 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : 08:03:36 From Helen Chen : 08:10:07 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) : On Scalability & Resiliency,there is one observation. Many Helm charts have replica count set to 1. I guess we need to mandate this count to be set to 2 by every project (with some exceptions of course) for resliency and scalability testing. 08:11:16 From Roger Maitland : Srini - there is much more to it than just setting the replica count. The component needs to actually support clustering for a cluster to actually work correctly. 08:12:20 From Roger Maitland : The OOM team will create a ‘production’ yaml override file that will enable the clusters that are working but we don’t do this by default as this implies more docker containers. 08:14:03 From Roger Maitland : Anyone can also use the Helm —set option (double dash) to upgrade any of the configuration values including the replication count so this can be done on the fly. 08:14:51 From Roger Maitland : See the upgrade section of the OOM User Guide for more information: 08:16:01 From Srini Addepalli (Intel) : Thanks Roger. That would be good as I was told that people tend to copy existing helm charts and make minor modifications, thereby leaving the replica count to 1. By making the option as you are saying, it is good as it is moved out of individual project helm charts. 08:16:09 From Eric Debeau : Thanks Roger 08:17:49 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : Team will track logging work to enable S3P log checking for PTLS in the following (reviews, links, index queries) 08:17:49 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : 08:18:22 From ALLA GOLDNER : Zhao Peng 08:18:24 From Helen Chen : Yan Yang 08:22:31 From Michael O'Brien (Log, Amdocs) : I like the SO PTL - if you get a chance to meet Seshu in the face to face - he has a very positive effect on you - definitely do so!!! 08:23:28 From Pamela Dragosh (AT&T Policy/CL) : Seshu is great! 08:24:36 From Seshu : Thanks for the compliment guys now I have another task on shoulder then ;) 08:26:32 From Eric Debeau : I agree with Gildas proposal 08:37:32 From Stephen Terrill : as there is no time for the known vulnerabilities. The SDC known vulnerability report and the UseCase UI known vulnerability report still needs clarification.