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[dcaegen2] Team ONAP11, TUESDAY UTC 14:30  (10.30 AM EDT)

ONAP Meeting 11 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


All attendees must set their Zoom name in First-name FAMILY-NAME (company) format




Host: Vijay Kumar (AT&T)

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Discussion Topics:

S.NO Time (est) Topics Requester/Assignee Notes/Links

Notes to moderator

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  • Participants List

Jakarata Release Updates



Only bug-fixes can be merged for Jakata release; master branch can be used for post J release work

Open J issues3146 - Fetch CU Cells data for intelligent slicingReview Jakarta Stretch - goal EPIC/Stories

05/10/22 - Missed the J release timeline; work will 3150 Fix bug in handling FM notification - - Plan to review/merge by 5/11 and complete container release and OOM update by 5/12 - Niranjana Y 

Review Jakarta Stretch - goal EPIC/Stories

05/10/22 - Missed the J release timeline; work will be continued and delivered under K release


Review commitments/stretch-goal items from DCAE R10 Jakarta M2 Release Planning   

ML MS (REQ-1074)

    1. Latest patch submission pending review -
      1. Should have all GR and BR code complaince requirements met. 
      2. Need detailed doc for deployment & integration in slice usecase documented in onap wiki

DCAEGEN2-2935 - Support configuration update through Configmap for DCAE service

(Kohn Release)

Review and finalize approach/design for Kohn release

  • Decided with Option#3 design path for implementing dynamic configuration update requirement. 


Use CBS_CLIENT_CONFIG_PATH env to point to the file required to be sourced by SDK (e.g. /app-config-input/application_config.yaml)

Option#1 To update file mounted post secret replacement to be editable by application ID
Option#2 Put credential into separate file
Option#3 Expose Secret as ENV and let application handle substitution (removing envsubs from dcaegen2 common template)
Option#4 Global approach under OOM for all MS to handle secret which can supported via configmap (via operator)

Option#3 is preferred; dynamic DR provisioning solution may need to enhanced to create secrets (and let SDK do the substitutions)

Kohn release

Kohn Release assessment
  1. EPIC DCAEGEN2-3119 created for DCAE Helm Transformation - Post migration and deferred activities
    1. DCAEGEN2-2774 - DCAE MS SVC template enhancement (question)
    2. DCAEGEN2-3087 - helm generator should use "log.path" rather than "logDirectory"  (Kohn)
    3. DFC test case (related to config update) disabled currently; will be added back in Kohn release (INT-2074)
  2. Add DCAE MS optional component under daily/weekly 
  3. Verify/cleanup DL-Feeder charts on consul config
  4. DCAEGEN2-3120 (IBN/CCVPN)- Enhance sliceanalysis MS to use DCAE SDK dmaap-client lib  -  Former user (Deleted)
  5. DCAEGEN2-3094 - DR Feed pub/sub (& secret) cleanup on helm uninstall
  6. DCAEGEN2-3039 - DFC AAF dependency to be configurable (require non-TLS DR support - dependent on DMAAP-1714) Former user (Deleted) 
  7. DCAEGEN2-3095 - RESTConf - Make certificate dependencies configurable  Former user (Deleted) Mukesh Paliwal 
  8. Sonar coverage improvements - - Vijay Kumar  to create jira's
  9. Other Jira:
  1. m1od-poc) - Vijay Kumar  will review/prioritize Kohn items for discussion by next meeting

Other usecase/function impacts?impacts7

Topics/Demos' for future meetings

<Topics can be added below by presenters as they are ready>

TBD - OpenSSF Best Practice Goals for DCAE and Secure programming consideration - Tony Hansen 
