Bridge ONAP Meeting 11 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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T BA DCAE_Weekly_01062021.mp4
Attendees: Host: Vijay Kumar (AT&T)
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Time (est) Topics Requester/Assignee Notes/Links START RECORDING
1 Project Status & General updates Review Open action-items Status check on current/Open issues
Jira Legacyserver System Jira jqlQuery filter=12436 serverId 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176
RC1 - DCAEGEN2-2496 DCAE R7 M1 Release Planning DCAE ARC review Project Maturity Review for DCAE Jira Legacyserver System Jira serverId 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176 key DCAEGEN2-2516
- Issue with recovery when Configuration fetch failed; assigned to H release. DCAEGEN2-2529 (Bp-gen build) Guilin Maintenance release candidates
BPGenerator yaml Fixes are different for yaml file and string (DCAEGEN2-2489)
Slice Analysis - Avoid removal of data when insufficient samples are present (DCAEGEN2-2509, DCAEGEN2-2540 )
HV-VES - Pod recovery when config-fetch fails (DCAEGEN2-2516)
OOM-2641 (MOD issues due to ingress change) ; need to followup with if this can be cherrypicked to guilin branch Update DCAE MOD documentation (wiki/rtd) - Vijay Kumar Guilin Reference
Guilin priorities (TSC) - TSC presentation Guilin Release Requirements Release Planning: Guilin RC2 - DCAEGEN2-2510
Honolulu Release
Status check on current/Open issues
Jira Legacyserver System Jira jqlQuery filter=12436 serverId 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176
Honolulu Reference
Cont. discussion
Honolulu Release Requirements Honolulu Focus Honolulu Exceptions for DCAE (TBD)
DCAE transformation proposal (DCAEGEN2-2488) / REQ-479
Discuss with OOM team on repo for DCAE service charts and ONAP CI/CD - Vijay Kumar Will discuss DIscussed with OOM /team on 12/16/2020 meeting team and initial charts will be delivered under OOM repository
Cloudify 5.1 upgrade Cloudify 5.1 integration status
Issue when TLS enabled; being investigated Validated deployment (with Dmaap integration) on non-TLS mode - DONE Python 3.x plugin version to build in ONAP CI - DONE K8S plugin for IPv6 enhancement (require k8spython client upgrade) - DONE Cloudify patch for TLS ready today; Jack Lucas will integrate and update into gerrit soon.
VES OpenAPI Manager H release proposal. Slides:
View filename DCAE_openAPI_Manager_2021-01-06.pptx height 250
DCAE Committer update Joe and Kornel left company/ONAP assignment.
New DCAE committers promotions will be considered soon; if intrested - pls review below and complete the template
DCAE Committer Role Approval process
Acumos-DCAE Adapter Shabnam Sultana Multiple json in model is creating issue for Acumos Adapter; need fix to pick only meta-data docker image was using info on meta; need to override part of deployment the docker credentials
Deferred H Release security and release complaince OpenAPI manager Discussion Deferred
H release proposal
DCAE Committer update Cloudify 5.1 integration status
18 Nov 2020
All current plugin (used in bootstrap) build locally on 3.x and loaded into 5.1 container Bootstrap deploy verified (Next) - CI update for plugin 3.x wagon Guilin remains on 2.7 Master - switch to 3.x and once Nokia submission are delivered; we'll reassess if those should go separate under 2.7 for H release (Next) - CM update to fetch 3.x (Next) TLS - Need to be investigated further
Honolulu Artifacts Tracker ...
Open Action Items Create separate jira/story for SECCOM vulnerabilities identified under /wiki/spaces/SV/pages/16093039 - Vijay Kumar Review SECCOM list for Python/Java noncomplaince component in DCAE and share with team - Vijay Kumar New Action items DCAEGEN2-2551 - SECCOM/vulnerabilities - Create sub-task/Jira for individual component - Vijay Kumar New Action items