Yan, maopeng, jinhua , Fei Zhang, Guole, jinhua, mingzhang li, Shobana, Sirisha, Tianxin Liu
- Integration testing summary
- SOL005 alignment in NSLCM (Verizon, Zte)
Meeting Slides:
ONAP-VF-C weekly meeting_20181203.pptx
- Yan summarized the Integration testing status and thanks the outstanding contribution of the team member
For VFC,mainly participated in vCPE with Tosca VNF use case which tested in CMCC lab. In this use case, All VNFs are deployed by GVNFM , not rely on third-party software and devices.
For design time, Because SDC doesn’t support distribute ETSI –Aligned VNF packages and NS packages, we use a workaroud way during testing: the ETSI-aligned VNF/NS packages are uploaded as VNF/NS artifacts.
For runtime, we found that due to SO containerization architecture adjustment, all tosca path coudn't work perperly , in order to avoid so block our testing and considering UUI have supports VF-C interfaces in this release, we just bypass so, using UUI to trigger the NS LCM operationAll test related link can be found in the meeting slides
. - VF-C requirements collection for Dublin release
VF-C requirements collection for Dublin release
look through the current requirements.
Need to consider the operators' requirements and use case as the Dublin release input - SOL005 alignment
Maopeng present the work that need to be done to align SOL005
will continue to discuss with Version offline to see the task assignment
1. Yan check the operators' requirements and use case requirements for VF-C Dublin input
2. Committer follow up the coming email about "Confirming your committer role for VF-C"
3. Yan, Maopeng and shobana discuss the SOL005 alignment work in Dublin release offline
4. Yan ,Maopeng and Bharath discuss the SOL003 alignment work in Dublin release
5. Yan collect the contribution from contributor in Casablanca release and prepare to nominate new committer
6. Contributors and committers feel free to fill the Resource commitment column in VF-C requirements collection for Dublin release