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Setting up SDNC, RAN-sim controller and Honeycomb simulator locally:


Running CSIT tests locally within CPS

If using Windows, first install WSL using the following command within Powershell as an administrator and restart your machine (If using a Linux environment, these steps can be skipped)

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titleDocker compose command from sim folder
wsl --install

Enable WSL 2 and run the following command within Powershell as an administrator and restart your machine.

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titleDocker compose command from sim folder
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart

Download and install the Linux kernel update package

Set WSL 2 as the default Linux distribution

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titleDocker compose command from sim folder
wsl --set-default-version 2

Install Ubuntu 20.04 for Windows from the Microsoft store

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Once this is launched, it will then install the Ubuntu Machine, this may take a few minutes.

You will need to set your Unix Username and Password.

  • Remember your password, you will need it for SUDO commands!

Next step is to setup docker desktop with WSL2

Download and install docker desktop at 

Once docker desktop is installed go to Settings>General and check 'Use the WSL 2 based engine'. Click apply and restart

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Once restated, go to Settings>Resources>WSL Integration and check 'Enable Integration with my default WSL distro' and enable your integration

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Click Apply & Restart

From your Linux/WSL terminal

Update package index

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sudo apt update

Install Python3

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sudo apt install python3

Install pip

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sudo apt install python3-pip

Upgrade pip

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sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip

Install Robot Framework

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pip3 install robotframework

Install git

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sudo apt install git

Install maven

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sudo apt install maven

Clone CPS and Dmi Plugin repos to home directory

Note - You will need to set up your ssh key as outlined here Setting Up Your Development Environment

Copy the settings.xml file from the oparent repo to your .m2 folder located within your home directory

Note - This folder will be hidden, but it should exist once you have maven installed!

Verify the docker daemon is accepting connections.

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docker ps

If you see this error

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Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/containers/json": dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied

Issue the following command

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sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock

Do a mvn clean install on both directories to pull down the necessary libraries from the POM.

Navigate to csit directory.

Run the following script

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sudo bash

Note - The first time this runs it will download all the libraries defined in the CSTI scripts. This may take awhile be patient (smile)

Once the scripts have run, the output should look like the following

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As part of this process docker containers are created for cps-and-ncmp, dbpostgresql, ncmp-dmi-plugin, mariadb and sdnc, once the testing is finished these docker containers are stopped and removed.

To prevent these docker containers from being stopped as part of this process for any reason, within the script located in cps/csit/plans/cps comment out the following line.

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Potential issues

This issue may also appear when running the scripts from a windows WSL environment

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Error response from daemon: invalid IP address in add-host: ""

To resolve this, do the following:

Issue the following command

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sudo apt install net-tools
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From the eth0 configuration take the inet address

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And manually add this address to the LOCAL_IP variable within the script located in the following directory cps/csit/plans/cps

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Save this configuration.

Run scripts again.

If your tests don't run after doing this, as seen above check for this error.

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/tmp/tmp.rgIeMxiRCGrobot_venv/bin/python: Error while finding module specification for '' (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'robot')

In the file located within the cps/csit directory

Look for the following line.

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Change this to

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Run scripts again

If there is further issues downloading libraries due to the system date being out of sync with windows issue the following command and run the scripts again.





How to fix "Error: could not open `{argLine}'when running unit tests from Intellij IDE ?
