Component owner expected to add specific installation-helm.rst (similar to to explain the properties/override specifric to application
Discuss DCAE transformation planned items for J release - DCAEGEN2-2773
Switch components to latest SDK version
OOM charts updates to disable Cloudify/handlers (CBS may be exception depending on above item)
Integration testsuite migration
Helm flow support through MOD
DMaap Provisioning optimization
Pub/sub credential handling alignment - OKAY to proceed
Topic/Feed cleanup on undeploy -
Topic cleanup to be split into separate Jira and assessed later ; Feed cleanup OKAY to proceed.
Impacted by AAF removal, Strimzi Operator introduction
Former user (Deleted) will share example of envsubst issue for CBS SDK migration for DFC
DFC/PM-Mapper config updates cannot be done via Configmap override; will require redeploy or update of application-config.json within POD
Enhancement - Provisioning flow to create a configmap based on resolved/merged config (which can be used for post-deploy update); resource cleanup to be considered. Separate Jira to be created for Jakarta rls
Pub/sub API change - may need to integrate with new SDK provided by DMAAP team; all DCAE MS will have impact to align with new SDK.
SDK client lib need to have backward compatibility with MR (controlled via ENV/deployment property)
Mapping service - Alternate solution proposed by Fiachra Corcoran /DMAAP team could be candidate solution; avoid technology dependency and can be handled generic across all MS without much impact
Provisioning API will change - DCAE helm template job MR provisioning template/scripts to be revisited under Strimzi/Operator