S.NO | Time (est) | Topics | Requester/Assignee | Notes/Links | ||||||||
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Istanbul Release topics |
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Review Outstanding gerrit submission and bootstrap updates | RC0 Tasks - Release Process
Istanbul Container version - See below - 20210908DCAEMeetingNotes-IstanbulArtifactsTracker | |||||||||||
Jakarata - Helm migration | Discuss DCAE transformation planned items for J release - DCAEGEN2-2773 Priorities
Impacted by AAF removal, Strimzi Operator introduction Former user (Deleted) will share example of envsubst issue for CBS SDK migration for DFC | |||||||||||
DCAE repositories split | Discuss if subcomponents under https://git.onap.org/dcaegen2/services/tree/components should be split into separate individual repo | |||||||||||
Other ONAP features/changes with DCAE impacts for Jakarta | General discussion
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Topics/Demos' for future meetings | <Topics can be added below by presenters as they are ready> | |||||||||||