- Action point follow-up
- AP1 Illia Halych : ask OOM for the right place to host helm chart
- unformal exchange. For CDS helm charts are stored intestsuite/cds/mock-* until we coudl move the helm charts to a helm registry
- AP2 Andreas Geißler add warning in doc for backup and restore
- patch done
- AP3 Morgan Richomme contact TSC regarding B&R task force and possible scenario for Honolulu
- done, mail sent, cl664y@att.com answered and agreed on shortmid term plans
- AP4 Morgan Richomme test basic-pnf (macro) on daily master before integrating thsi use case in CI
- done, test issues reported to Michał Jagiełło and added in
Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176 key INT-1822
- done, test issues reported to Michał Jagiełło and added in
- AP1 Illia Halych : ask OOM for the right place to host helm chart
- Admin
- congratulation to the team for the S3P..now it will be cool to fix the issues in Master/Gating
- windriver re-installation: to be planned after honolulu => answer sent to Intel team
- Azure Staging lab reinstalled
- #acrion Morgan Richomme send a mail to the community to indicate that staging azure is back (guilin maintenance release as master is broken)
- congratulation to the team for the S3P..now it will be cool to fix the issues in Master/Gating
- Honolulu
- Troubleshooting campaign status: - INT-1883Reccurent various errors in smoke tests In Progress
- several issues found
- SDC races => including offset to move to pseudo sequential seems to reduces the number of SDC issues. Still one where ceritification seems to take to much time => possibility to add a workaround in the test to retry and/or delay the creation/certification
- #action Morgan Richomme amend pythonsdk_tests to include the workaround
- VID 500 due to the presence of a "U" char in random password (which explains why we did not have always the error...à - deobuscated by VID even if not obfuscated using jetty library interprating U as unicode char breaking everything. Problem found and fixed by Krzysztof Opasiak => last gating seems reasonably better
- SO error (so-bpmn stuck) was alsready observed time to time in guilin, so it is not a new problem...it explains why sometimes an instantiation takes 3 minutes sometimes 20, a jIRA had been created on this aspect
Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176 key SO-3419 - rebase/remerge in gate in progress...gates will burn over the next days...but it means that master chains should be back and usable
- SDC races => including offset to move to pseudo sequential seems to reduces the number of SDC issues. Still one where ceritification seems to take to much time => possibility to add a workaround in the test to retry and/or delay the creation/certification
- several issues found
- Automated tests
- demo Apex pdp Policy Santosh bayas Prudence Au
- test done on Bell labs, adaptation needed to be intgrated in CI (config in a dedicated file not leveraging CM information)..
- #Action Santosh bayas identify inputs to see if parameters are missing + publish robot code in testsuite for review
- test done on Bell labs, adaptation needed to be intgrated in CI (config in a dedicated file not leveraging CM information)..
- CDS regression test (session with JC planned on thursday to give a try on Orange lab and see how we can integrate in CI - helm chart finally with docker file in mock repositories)
- mock in gates
- troubleshooting planned on thursday
- DCAEmod, 5Gbulkpm evolution (Krzysztof Kuzmicki ) → Morgan Richomme
- Could we move this point to next week when bulkpm over HTTPS server will be finished and DCAEMOD in daily CI ?
- #action Morgan Richomme Krzysztof Kuzmicki check why we have a path difference between execution in the robot pod and in the xtesting docker
- pythonsdk (pnf, clamp, .., removal of the submodule, patch to allow test replay)
- tern integration in CI Former user (Deleted) Morgan Richomme - how to test/troubleshoot ansible par
- Former user (Deleted) provides follow up in the MR https://gitlab.com/Orange-OpenSource/lfn/onap/xtesting-onap/-/merge_requests/37
- #action Morgan Richomme reriew MR for the integration of tern in ci-weekly
- #agreed moved weekly reinstallation on Friday next week
- Former user (Deleted) provides follow up in the MR https://gitlab.com/Orange-OpenSource/lfn/onap/xtesting-onap/-/merge_requests/37
- demo Apex pdp Policy Santosh bayas Prudence Au
- S3P tests
- back on B&R mail to the community => only resilience tests to be planned for Honolulu
- stability => target?
- wait for master stabilization
- Figures to be decided: 5 // onboarding during 48, 20 // instantiation during 48?
- feed back on first test executed with litmus
- k8s chaos monkey framework
- it was possible to anote onap component and generate chaos..coudl be used for resiliency testing to check that components are recovering
- use cases
- who knows the list of Honolulu use cases?..
- Lukasz Rajewski shared the link with the Honolulu Release Requirements
- no requests received so far
- no documentation changes seen
- #action Morgan Richomme contact use case owner to collect the possible needs and remind the need to update teh doc
- who knows the list of Honolulu use cases?..
- Troubleshooting campaign status: - INT-1883Reccurent various errors in smoke tests In Progress
- Istambul => for information to be discussed next week
- Move Robot pod out of ONAP cluster (including robot)
- certificate and robot pod to be executed in onap-testing cluster
- CI dashboard: improved dashboard to identify regression over time (see xls graphs) - muti platforms?
- PythonSDK
- which tests? what is poorly covered?
- vFWCL? scaleout?
- basic loop (basic_clamp extended)
- which tests? what is poorly covered?
- Add a retry capability in CI? other rules (if onap-helm or onap-k8s Fail "too much" => do not execute E2E tests to save CI time?)
- Robot refactoring: target (slot planned after the meeting if we are short in time)
- #action Morgan Richomme Krzysztof Kuzmicki create Epic and tasks to detail expectations on robot pod refactoring (alpine, split web/robot, python3, execution from outside the cluster, use python baseline image,....)
- Move Robot pod out of ONAP cluster (including robot)
- AoB
- AP1: Morgan Richomme amend pythonsdk_tests to include the workaround
- AP2: Santosh bayas identify inputs to see if parameters are missing + publish robot code in testsuite for review
- AP3: Morgan Richomme Krzysztof Kuzmicki check why we have a path difference between execution in the robot pod and in the xtesting docker
- AP4: Morgan Richomme review MR from Former user (Deleted) for the integration of tern in ci-weekly
- AP5: Morgan Richomme contact use case owner to collect the possible needs and remind the need to update the doc
- AP6: Morgan Richomme Krzysztof Kuzmicki create Epic and tasks to detail expectations on robot pod refactoring (alpine, split web/robot, python3, execution from outside the cluster, use python baseline image,....)
- Action point follow-up
- Admin
- Honolulu
- demo 5g-core-nf simu (praveen v ) 20'
- demo ORAN A1-based Closed Loop (Konrad Bańka ) 20' A1 Policy Enforcement PoCv1.pptx
- demo stability test launcher (Natacha Chéreau )10'
- AoB
(18:02:16) collab-meetbot: Meeting ended Wed Feb 10 17:02:15 2021 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)
(18:02:16) collab-meetbot: Minutes: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_10_2_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_10_2_2021.2021-02-10-16.44.html
(18:02:16) collab-meetbot: Minutes (text): http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_10_2_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_10_2_2021.2021-02-10-16.44.txt
(18:02:16) collab-meetbot: Log: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_10_2_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_10_2_2021.2021-02-10-16.44.log.html
- Action point follow-up
- Admin
- new repo follow-up
- Honolulu
- demo PNF (Michał Jagiełło )
- discussion on simulators
- simulator wrapper in pythonsdk-tests (Illia Halych)
- Preparation vEvent
- AoB
(18:57:32) collab-meetbot: Minutes: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_27_01_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_27_01_2021.2021-01-27-17.29.html
(18:57:32) collab-meetbot: Minutes (text): http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_27_01_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_27_01_2021.2021-01-27-17.29.txt
(18:57:32) collab-meetbot: Log: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_27_01_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_27_01_2021.2021-01-27-17.29.log.html
- Action point follow-up
- Admin
- new repo follow-up
- new Real time support channel: slack (already exists), publick rocket chat, mattermost, ....
- Honolulu
- demo PNF (Michał Jagiełło )
- discussion on simulators
- simulator wrapper in pythonsdk-tests (Illia Halych)
- CSIT redesign updates (Lasse Kaihlavirta)
- stability/resiliency testing (Natacha Chéreau )
- Update on Tern tests (Former user (Deleted) )
- Preparation vEvent
- AoB
(17:40:10) collab-meetbot: Minutes: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_20_01_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_20_01_2021.2021-01-20-16.06.html
(17:40:10) collab-meetbot: Minutes (text): http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_20_01_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_20_01_2021.2021-01-20-16.06.txt
(17:40:10) collab-meetbot: Log: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_20_01_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_20_01_2021.2021-01-20-16.06.log.html
- demo tests DataFileCollector (Krzysztof Gajewski ) 10'
- Guilin Maintenance Release
- Preparation vEvent
- AoB
(16:26:02) collab-meetbot: Minutes: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_13_1_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_13_1_2021.2021-01-13-14.51.html
(16:26:03) collab-meetbot: Minutes (text): http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_13_1_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_13_1_2021.2021-01-13-14.51.txt
(16:26:03) collab-meetbot: Log: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_13_1_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_13_1_2021.2021-01-13-14.51.log.html