ONAP Meeting 11 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
| Time (est) | Topics | Requester/Assignee | Notes/Links |
| Project Status & General updates (Honolulu) | | Honolulu Reference (Important Links) Honolulu Release Key Updates
- Release notes updates for new feature add-on/reference are done
- To DO - Reference appropriate jira# and revise component version (pending RC1) - Vijay Kumar
- OOM submissions for Istanbul must hashtag set to "istanbul"
| Review H release artifact changes | | |
| DCAEGEN2-2630 - DCAE Helm Transformation (Phase 2) / REQ-685 | | Review EPIC/stories & discuss openitems/issues - Review stories and address questions any
- Discuss commitmments for I release
To-Do - Python CBS client lib updates required for configmap retrieval - Looking for volunteer
Focus topics (To be discussed next week) - Configuration managements
| Outstanding issues |
| |
| PMSH Demo - Follow-up | | Followup from previous discussion (TOSCA CL POC) Presentation : ----- Meeting notes from 03/24/2021 discussion I release DCAE integration candidates - DCAE Handling (CL Handler) should be made generic to support both cloudify/Helm deployment
- Separate consul handling/loader not reguired in either deployments (PMSH hardcoding to be fixed)
- Under helm deployment of DCAE service, consul-loader-container is used for uploading configuration into consul
- DCAE Handling (CL Handler) will be deployed as standalone container/process handling all CL updates/tracking for DCAE services (this could be also generalized at ONAP level as all components are deployed under same cluster)
- POC supporting components (which are Cloudify Workflow specific) may be retained under CLAMP/Policy for interim time
- Helm chart generation support from MOD (based on template introduced in H release) and integration to CL/Tosca workflow
| VESCollector refactoring |
| (Deferred to next week) Pubish syncronization |
| Topics/Demos' for future meetings |
| <Topics can be added below by presenters as they are ready> |