The document describes the step by step procedure to setup E2E network slicing use case demo setup for Guilin.
1. SDC:
ONAP Portal: (Username:cs0008, Password:demo123456!)
SDC UUI:!/dashboard
Refer for Template Design for Option 1 respective template creation and distribution.
2. SO:
Copy subnetCapabilities.json to SO-API Handler pod, Refer for sample subnet Capabilities file.
- The service name given for creating the policy must match with the service name in the request
- The scope fields in the policies should match with the value in the resourceSharingLevel(non-shared/shared). Do modify the policy accordingly.
- Check the case of the attributes with the OOF request with the attribute map (camel to snake and snake to camel) in config/slicing_config.yaml, if any mismatch found modify the attribute map accordingly.
You need to restart the OOF docker container once you updated the slicing_config.yaml, you can do it using the following steps,
- Login to the worker VM where the OOF container is running. You can find the worker node by running (kubectl get pods -n onap -o wide | grep dev-oof)
- Find the container using docker ps | grep optf-osdf
- Restart the container using docker restart <container id>
To create Create customer id :
curl --user AAI:AAI -X PUT -H "X-FromAppId:AAI" -H "X-TransactionId:get_aai_subscr" -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -k -d '{
}' "https://<worker-vm-ip>:30233/aai/v21/business/customers/customer/5GCustomer"
To create Create service type:
curl --user AAI:AAI -X PUT -H "X-FromAppId:AAI" -H "X-TransactionId:get_aai_subscr" -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -k https://<worker-vm-ip>:30233/aai/v21/business/customers/customer/5GCustomer/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/5G
Refer RAN-Sim for ransim impacts done for Guilin Release
Refer for configDB setup.