- Agenda bashing - 5 minutes
- Model Proposals - 30 minutes
- license management - 15 minutes
- allotted resource - 15 minutes
- 5G RAN service - 0 minutes
- Modeling Documentation - 10 minutes
- Modeling Glossary - 10 minutes
- Modeling Process discussion - 0 minutes
- Agenda bashing
- PNF instance model status & plan
- Jimmy re-start the meeting? Jacqueline will help check with Jimmy
- Meeting time check
- possible overlap meetings:
- Fred's ETSI alignment call (2 hours earlier)
- use case call (1 hour earlier on the calendar), Michela will help check with Ben
- PTL call (2 hour earlier)
- will keep the current meeting time based on the current information, and collect information first
- Model Proposals
- license management
- License Model Review Comments
- 1) what is the use of the colors in the figure? Answer: highlight the objects that ask for agreements. Then suggest to also highlight "BusinessInteraction" class
- 2) LicenseKeyInstance and EntitlementInstance classes should add notes to clarify they are not stored and used in ONAP now
- 3) software should be replaced by VNFD, not VNF
- 4) description of LicenseKeyPool is suggested to be refined
- 5) SPPoolLimit and VendorPoolLimit are not progressed yet, need further action
- 6) multiplicity of "validFor" attribute in the DesignedEntity class is suggested to be "0..1"
- 7) check VNF instance relationship with LicenseKeyInstance
- 8) #19 not progressed
- ...
- will try to update today
- sequence diagram, needed or not? consider to remove it for now
- allotted resource
- 5G RAN service model
- Modeling Documentation
- wiki page to record approved models
- how to document relationship classes in Papyrus and readthedocs
- Michela will give presentation on tomorrow's modeling subcommittee
- how to treat "experimental" objects in readthedocs
- opnion from Michela: not include "experimental" objects in the release readthedocs
- Andy: agrees the release document should be clean
- Jacqueline: "experimental" objects are accessible through papyrus
- Michela: in wiki, show approved models with the release name
- Jacqueline: do we need 2 gendoc templates? 1 for release document (only contain approved objects), the other for generating working documents/proposals (contain all objects)
- seems so, have 2 templates
- Xu: what about the figures? should we remove "experimental" objects out of the figure?
- Jacqueline: suggest to generate a clean figure
- Jacqueline: is it possible to approve only part of the model?
- the current agreement:
- only contain clean models in the release readthedocs
- figure should also only contain clean models (need manual works)
- AP: generate a new gendoc template for the release readthedocs, contains only the preliminary objects; Xu will look at this issue
- Modeling Glossary
- Modeling Process Discussion
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