ARC Service Orchestrator Component Description - Frankfurt
Code Freeze : 2nd March the final.
Requirements | M1 committed Requirement details | M4 preparedness Status |
SO-2556 | Migrate PNF PNP workflow to Building Blocks | No risk, merge requests are to be taken care for the config assign and config deploy. Module level is in progress Risk on completing by Feb, decision point API has dependency taht is not yet resolved. Backup plan: The existing flow is intact and we will switch back to the existing code till the new changes are merged. |
SO-2519 | S3P - Improvements of Service Orchestrator | Need to revisit based on the bading demands |
SO-1579 | SO supports ETSI SOL005 Alignment of its interfaces with NFVO | Expected to finish code review by next week. Yet to start Module level testing. |
SO-2432 | Multi-domain Optical Network Service Orchestration Support in SO | This week expected the code review. Module level is in progress. So code is submitted for review. |
SO-2427 | SOL002 Adapter - supports EM-triggered VNF/VNFC Management | SO-2428 in progress. Use-case testing will probably be delayed post M4. |
SO-2404 | SO Catalog Management Support | No risk, code by this week, testing to be completed. |
SO-2368 | Support 5G slice orchestration | working on OOF integration part, FInal integration testing of OOF . Dependency on AAI part for the schema to be tracked. This week the coding is targeted. Testing will contnue next week, have dependency on OOF. |
SO-2281 | SO support of Network Slicing Demo in Frankfurt | Demo will follow the same as above. Last week the demo has been addressed. |
SO-2156 | ETSI Alignment Support - SOL003 Adapter Enhancement for Frankfurt | No risk, testing in progress. WIthinWIth in 2 weeks. Support to HTTPs is not yet provided by the ETSI catalog manager, this is to be resolved either by the change the adapter or the api. The functional test is intact and the final decision on this will be taken by this week. Next week finish the testing. |
SO-2087 | AAI update for VNF improvements | |
SO-2086 | SO Multicloud plugin to Multicloud improvements | Testing effort, will need to take it as per the need. Https call to the MC. dependency on the changes of the MC. Plan to complete this by next week. |
SO-2046 | support Java 11 upgrade | The initial analysis is done. the code is being done in a separate branch and testing is in progress for the vFW usecase. Oparent should be 3.0.0 Java SDK should be the one from Integration team. |
TSC must have | SO code coverage after the migration to sonar cloud is 65% - PASS SO/libs - In progress Upgrade capabilities - In progress Vulnerabilities fix - So/libs - In progress. |
Issues open :
Jira Legacy | ||||||
SECCOM Perform Software Composition Analysis - Vulnerability tables
SECCOM Password removal from OOM HELM charts – This is being discussed with ATT team SO-2535