There is an alternative where you would not use CDT self service GUI, when repopulating vnf and template artifact to APPC DB. There is a RESTful API call between CDT GUI and APPC's Proxy service could be used for this need. Here are the steps that could be used by curl curling POST request to populate vnf/template artifact to APPC DB.
- In ONAP OOM environment, access to CDT GUI: https://XYZ:30289/index.html#/home
- Turn on debugger mode: For Firefox, click the right top hamburger menu, click "Web Developer", then click "Debugger"
then debugger console shows on the browser bottom:
- click "network" on the debugger console in Firefox browser
- Follow CDT guide for VNF self service
- When clicking "SAVE ALL TO APPC" button, VNF Reference artifact would save to APPC DB. Look at the debugger console, a new POST request shows in debugger console. click "Params" on the right panel in the debugger console. The payload for the VNF Reference artifact is shownshould show.
- copy & pastes the "request payload" and save to a json file:uploadArtifact-test.json (for example)
- write a shell script for curl command: