vFW Helm Chart link:
NOTE: The .tgz file must be a tgz created from the top level helm chart folder. I.e a folder that contains a Chart.yaml file in it. For vFW use case the content of the tgz file must be following
$ helm package firewall$ tar -czvf vfw_cloudtech_k8s_charts.tgz firewall/ $ tar -tf firewall-0.1.0tf vfw_cloudtech_k8s_charts.tgz firewall/.helmignore |
Workaround for R4 Dublin. This step will not be needed from R5.
Edit the configMap helm-release-name-multicloud-k8s for K8s plugin to make changes to the config like below to add ovn-central-address:
"ca-file": "/opt/multicloud/k8splugin/certs/root_ca.cer",
"server-cert": "/opt/multicloud/k8splugin/certs/multicloud-k8s.pub",
"server-key": "/opt/multicloud/k8splugin/certs/multicloud-k8s.pr",
"password": "c2VjcmV0bWFuYWdlbWVudHNlcnZpY2VzZWNyZXRwYXNzd29yZA==",
"database-type": "mongo",
"database-address": "multicloud-k8s-mongo",
"etcd-ip": "multicloud-k8s-etcd",
"plugin-dir": "/opt/multicloud/k8splugin/plugins",
"ovn-central-address": "<IP address of the Kubernetes controller>:6641"
(the configMap is based on oom/kubernetes/multicloud/charts/multicloud-k8s/resources/config/k8sconfig.json )
Restart the Multoclod-K8s Plugin for the changes to take effect.
Register KUD Cloud region with AAI