- MSB-293 MSB fixed it; we are retesting why is external url link not a portal tab - Lorraine action item ask Leimeng
- Farhan will update the Risk wiki page, email Steve that's it is updated
- Robot scripts will be updated in Dublin and a med JIRA ticket for the time out issue
- Master branch is now Dublin: work on Low JIRA defect tickest ie PORTAL-253 for Dublin
Last Week:
- We can use 15mins for general updates
- from Arundathi on Jackson libs. -
- security issue: analysis; replacing Jackson lib with gson package, music uses Jackson
com.orbitz.consul:consul-client:jar (is being used in Portal)
uses Jackson - Sunder says contact Shireesha Kota;
- how to tell gson does not have security issues before all the work is done; check nexus server
- gson is currently being used in Portal, check nexus report, if no issues, use it - action item for Manoop or Sunder
- Newer version of Jackson still has some security issues
- do it in phases starting in Dublin
- make user story - Lorraine
- open defect for music - Lorraine
- security issue: analysis; replacing Jackson lib with gson package, music uses Jackson
- from Saravanan on Angular 5 documentation.
- Remaining time should be used to list actions items to close the open defects at pairwise testing - https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Portal+Pair+Wise+Testing+for+Casanblanca+Release .
- PORTAL-434 Failed to retrieve AAIUI role/user via Portal Arul. Fix : Change password in deployment script Apllication on Boarding OOM script - action item - Sunder gave Lorraine new password for A&AI
- PORTAL-435 Portal URL port number change due to OOM deployment Fix: Sunder will recommit code
- PORTAL-436 change port from 8989 to 30215 for OOM deployment Fix: Sunder will recommit code