The data presented below was pulled by me from Bitergia. Code reviews cannot be pulled from Bitergia and must be pulled directly from Gerrit. I have not done that step. If you have performed code reviews in gerrit and believe that including code review data would change your status, please respond on this page with a comment which includes your query. People listed as "Review" are especially encouraged to do so.
UPDATE: August 16:
As per the email sent sent Aug 8 (https://lists.onap.org/g/ONAP-TSC/message/3598) and shared on slide 10 of the housekeeping deck at the Aug. 9 TSC meeting, (TSC 2018-08-09) the list of eligible voters is now locked. If it can be demonstrated that there has been an error in your voter eligibility categorization, I will change it up until Aug. 20th.
- ERROR: Your posted numbers add up to >= 20, but you are not marked as "Pass"
- ERROR: Your data which adds up to >= 20 total is listed under multiple accounts belonging to you that were not merged
- NOT AN ERROR: You are just now asking for code review stats to be added to your number
UPDATE: Post TSC Meeting July 26:
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The wiki stats have been re run and now are inclusive of page edits, page creations, comments, attachments, and blog posts. These are noted as wiki(re-run) in the table. This moved 48 people into the "Pass" criteria and 25 into "Review". If you want to see the before and after wiki stats, look here: