Workaround: the bug is fixed in master branch, get a copy of /servicefc/nfvo/lcm/lcm/ns/views.py and update it in vfc_nslcm container.
Issue-11: Exception in holmes when receive the ves-heartbeat event from Dmaap (the ves-heartbeat event is between from emsdriver and vescollector)
2018-05-22 00:38:18 997 ERROR [org.onap.holmes.engine.dmaap.DMaaPAlarmPolling][Thread-17] invocationID:{InvocationID} - Failed to process alarms. Sleep for 60 seconds to restart.
org.onap.holmes.common.exception.CorrelationException: Failed to convert the response data to VES alarms.
at org.onap.holmes.dsa.dmaappolling.Subscriber.subscribe(Subscriber.java:81)
at org.onap.holmes.engine.dmaap.DMaaPAlarmPolling.run(DMaaPAlarmPolling.java:49)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null
Workaround: The heartbeat event no need send to the SEC_FALT_OUTPUT topic. You can change the configuration on VEScollector and then restart the VEScollector container.
VEScollector configuration: /opt/app/VESCollector/etc/DmaapConfig.json . Change the topic to SEC_OTHER_OUTPUT.