R2 VoLTE Use Case Known Issues

R2 VoLTE Use Case Known Issues

Issue 1: Exception in VFC catalog during e2e service instantiation. 

Error in vfc_catalog runtime_catalog.log
2018-02-07 18:32:39,533:[catalog.packages.ns_package]:[ns_package.py]-[100] [ERROR]:Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/service/vfc/nfvo/catalog/catalog/packages/ns_package.py", line 96, in parse_nsd     ret = {"model": toscaparser.parse_nsd(csar_path, inputs)}   File "/service/vfc/nfvo/catalog/catalog/pub/utils/toscaparser/__init__.py", line 22, in parse_nsd     tosca_obj = EtsiNsdInfoModel(path, input_parameters)   File "/service/vfc/nfvo/catalog/catalog/pub/utils/toscaparser/nsdmodel.py", line 23, in __init__     tosca = self.buildToscaTemplate(path, params)   File "/service/vfc/nfvo/catalog/catalog/pub/utils/toscaparser/basemodel.py", line 39, in buildToscaTemplate     valid_params = self._validate_input_params(file_name, params)   File "/service/vfc/nfvo/catalog/catalog/pub/utils/toscaparser/basemodel.py", line 52, in _validate_input_params     for key, value in params.items(): AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'items'

Workaround: the bug is fixed in master branch, get a copy of /service/vfc/nfvo/catalog/catalog/pub/utils/toscaparser/basemodel.py and update it in vfc_catalog container.

Issue 2: Failed to create VL between VNFs in VFC due to multivim call failure

Workaround: Remove VLs from vEPC and vIMS service design.  

Issue 3: Update SDC URL in vfc_catalog container configuration file /service/vfc/nfvo/catalog/catalog/pub/config/config.py

# [sdc config] SDC_BASE_URL = "" SDC_USER = "aai" SDC_PASSWD = "Kp8bJ4SXszM0WXlhak3eHlcse2gAw84vaoGGmJvUy2U"

Issue 4: Update aai URL in vfc_nslcm container config file /service/vfc/nfvo/lcm/lcm/pub/config/config.py

# [aai config] AAI_BASE_URL = "" AAI_USER = "AAI" AAI_PASSWD = "AAI" REPORT_TO_AAI = True

Issue 5:  After ONAP installation, update testlab_mso_1 docker container file /etc/mso/config.d/topology.properties with correct MSB and SDNC ip and port. Every time SO VM is restarted, this file needs to update again (don't restart the docker after config file update).

Issue 6: SO query to A&AI fails due to SSL certificate issue

Workaround: Copy onap-ca-new.crt to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates and /shared in SO docker. 

onap-ca-new certificate

Also you should check AAI certificate expiration

keytool command

Issue 7: SDC model distribution to A&AI fails due to the reason that aai babel docker doesn't come up. See details in AAI-1136: Babel doesnt start in HEAT due to log directory permissionsClosed 

Workaround: change log directory permission and restart the docker 

babel docker log

Issue 8: SDC missing E2E Service and Network Service categories

Workaround: Manually add those two service types in SDC→Category Management under demo login

Issue 9: Exception  in VF-C when get vim type from A&AI


Workaround: the bug is fixed in master branch, get a copy of /servicefc/nfvo/lcm/lcm/pub/msapi/extsys.py and update it in vfc_nslcm container.

Issue 10: SDC service design GUI doesn't respond

Workaround: Try Firefox browser instead of Chrome

Issue-10: Exception in VF-C  when receive NS Instantiate request

Workaround: the bug is fixed in master branch, get a copy of /servicefc/nfvo/lcm/lcm/ns/views.py and update it in vfc_nslcm container.

Issue-11: Exception in holmes when receive the ves-heartbeat event from Dmaap (the ves-heartbeat event is between from emsdriver and vescollector)


2018-05-22 00:38:18 997 ERROR [org.onap.holmes.engine.dmaap.DMaaPAlarmPolling][Thread-17] invocationID:{InvocationID} - Failed to process alarms. Sleep for 60 seconds to restart.
org.onap.holmes.common.exception.CorrelationException: Failed to convert the response data to VES alarms.
        at org.onap.holmes.dsa.dmaappolling.Subscriber.subscribe(Subscriber.java:81)
        at org.onap.holmes.engine.dmaap.DMaaPAlarmPolling.run(DMaaPAlarmPolling.java:49)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null

Workaround: The heartbeat event no need send to the SEC_FALT_OUTPUT topic. You can change the configuration on VEScollector and then restart the  VEScollector container.

VEScollector configuration:  /opt/app/VESCollector/etc/DmaapConfig.json .  Change the topic to SEC_OTHER_OUTPUT.

Issue-12: huaweivnfm can't deal with vnfinstancename 


Issue-13: aai-search API is not defined in MSB, but used by Holmes

Workaround: Add aai-search in MSB from command line: 

Issue-14: SO can't find recipe for vIMS service (NullPointerException in log when searching recipe for the service)

Workaround: Recipe for resource VF type is only defined for "Generic"/"Network Service" category/subcategory in SO database. However "Network Service" subcategory is not defined in SDC Generic resource category, we need to manually add it and choose "Network Service" when creating vIMS_NS.

Issue-15: Holmes receives DMaaP event from VES, but doesn't seem to do any process from engine-management docker log file

Workaround: It seems rule-management docker needs to restart after engine-management docker restarts

Issue-16: Service model distribution fails

Solution: Try to restart DMaaP

Issue-17: AAI query fails

Solution: Check aai1 VM to see if all dockers are running. If not, try to restart docker.

Issue-18: After upgrade SDC, sdc-fe docker doesn't come up

Solution: If TOSCA data type changes, the old data can't be read successfully. You need to clean old data by deleting all files under sdc-vm:/data/CS/ and rerun SDC vm_init script