- Plans to create the test scenarios (we all need to sync up on some minimal cases to cover)
- What emulators/mocks are needed for different components?
- OSDF needs emulators for Policy, Conductor, and SO-call-back for vCPE use case
- May need MultiCloud and A&AI emulators for stretch goals (Ramki to update this)
- HAS needs OSDF MultiCloud, A&AI, MUSIC (real/emulator) (Shankar to update this)
- Do you plan to do each HAS component as a separate functional test?
- Or, do you plan to club all HAS containers and MUSIC together and test it in an “integration mode”?
- OSDF needs emulators for Policy, Conductor, and SO-call-back for vCPE use case
iii. Shankar/Leo, please update/clarify these
- Do we have representative payloads for different scenarios
- Policy: Ankit
- MultiCloud: Shankar/Ramki
- A&AI: Shankar
- Request from SO: Ankit/Sastry
- Request from CM Portal: Sastry/Ankit
- Multiple responses from Conductor: Ankit/Sastry/Leo/Shankar
- Request from OSDF to Conductor: Sastry/Ankit
- Dockerization requirements for Functional Testing: Ikram/Leo/Ramki/Sastry/Shankar
- Plans to start involving the integration team soon (for guidelines, their requirements, tips, etc.)
- Any potential bottlenecks (focus only from a functional testing view point)
- If time allows, also sync up on unit test status
- Do we have representative payloads for different scenarios
Leonardo Bellini
- Jerry Flood
- Ikram Ikramullah
- Sastry Isukapalli
- Ramki Krishnan
- Shankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan
- dr_patel_an
- Vishnu Ram
- Sharon Smith (ss4663/att)
- Former user (Deleted)
Vikas Varma (vv8305/att)
- Alex Vul
- @ak228u