2018-03-07 Functional Testing Meeting Notes

2018-03-07 Functional Testing Meeting Notes

Agenda based on the email

  1. Plans to create the test scenarios (we all need to sync up on some minimal cases to cover)

  2. What emulators/mocks are needed for different components?

    1. OSDF needs emulators for Policy, Conductor, and SO-call-back for vCPE use case

      1. May need MultiCloud and A&AI emulators for stretch goals (Ramki to update this)

    2. HAS needs OSDF MultiCloud, A&AI, MUSIC (real/emulator) (Shankar to update this)

      1. Do you plan to do each HAS component as a separate functional test?

      2. Or, do you plan to club all HAS containers and MUSIC together and test it in an “integration mode”?

      3. Shankar/Leo, please update/clarify these

  3. Do we have representative payloads for different scenarios

    1. Policy: Ankit

    2. MultiCloud: Shankar/Ramki

    3. A&AI: Shankar

    4. Request from SO: Ankit/Sastry

    5. Request from CM Portal: Sastry/Ankit

    6. Multiple responses from Conductor: Ankit/Sastry/Leo/Shankar

    7. Request from OSDF to Conductor: Sastry/Ankit

  4. Dockerization requirements for Functional Testing: Ikram/Leo/Ramki/Sastry/Shankar

  5. Plans to start involving the integration team soon (for guidelines, their requirements, tips, etc.)

  6. Any potential bottlenecks (focus only from a functional testing view point)

  7. If time allows, also sync up on unit test status

Action items for OSDF

Emulators for Policy, Conductor, and SO-call-back for vCPE 
Representative policies
OSDF Dockerization/testing: use local testing