Duration | Agenda Item | Requested by | Notes / Links | ||||||||||
START RECORDING | |||||||||||||
Review Action Items | |||||||||||||
M3 checklist update - TSC approves "Has the Project team provided links to Data Models (e.g, JSON, YANG, Swagger, etc.) for all Shared Information (e.g., APIs, API Payload, Shared Design Model)?" (non-blocking) | M3 Checklists are due by March 13th, 10am EST/4pm CET/8.30pm Indian time/11pm Beijing Time. TSC reviews M3 on 2019-03-14. 15 out of 30 submitted.
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10min | Certificate expiry for Dublin Action for Casablanca Expired certifs in Casablanca AND some Dublin certs that will expire before the release is done. 9a Central time 2019-03-12 AAF meeting Jonathan will demo method of getting certif at install time. | Brian Freeman | for server in aaf-service.onap:8100 aai.onap:8443 vid.onap:8443 portal-app.onap:8443 sdc-fe.onap:9443 sdc-be.onap:8443 clamp.onap:8443 pap.onap:8443 ; do host=$(echo $server | cut -d ":" -f 1) echo | openssl s_client -showcerts -servername $host -connect $server 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -inform pem -noout -text | grep -E "Not After|Not Before|Issuer:|Subject:" done Recommended model in the comments section. | ||||||||||
5min | oParent contents and delivery plan | Please provide the plan to deliver the oParent contents BEFORE M3 Latest releases of the libraries in the oParent changes merged once. Ready for distribution - use 1.2.3 for Dublin. May be additional updates - Amy Zwarico to followup. Not clear what the latest release? Need a process for making this clear - where can the integration team publicize this info? Recommend oParent documentation on the Integration team wiki | |||||||||||
10 min | oParent issues with current release 1.2.3 compilation per ChrisC and need for a strategy to address JDK 11 upgrades. | Gary Wu - can you please attend? Can this be combined with what Amy and Pawel are presenting in previous agenda item? | |||||||||||
10min | Helm chart migration plan | Jessica Gonzalez | Discuss the options for transferring history out of OOM and back into a project subdirectory | ||||||||||
10min | global-jjb update | Jessica Gonzalez | Snapshot dependencies prohibited | ||||||||||
5min | Follow-up from Footprint Optimization call - any question from PTLs? | ||||||||||||
5min | Where to find the containers to be certified by the Integration Team? | Follow up from 2019-03–04 meeting q) the meeting involving? | |||||||||||
5min | Proposal: Wind River lab VM deletion - VMs > 100 days old to be deleted | ||||||||||||
5min | TSC Policy on ONAP Maintenance Release Request to provide final feedback about v5 before March 11th EOD |
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5min | Jeopardy of Integration blocking issues for M3 approval | Yang Xu | Dublin Release Integration Test Blocking Issues Appears that pairwise testing is not being performed. May be a result of not having an E2E env. Pamela Dragosh notes that pair-wise is not required until M4. Marco Platania notes that a some code has not be written due to blockers. |
- Helm Chart Transfer: 4 projects have been identified for trial: A&AI, Log, Policy, APPC, CLAMP and ONAP CLI. Mike Elliott will work with PTL to gather/transfer knowledge and create training materials. Training to be done the week of Jan 14 and PTL to provide their commitment or not by M1 on Jan 24.<1-7/2019>: Work in progress. Schedule might shift to another week. Michael will follow-up with Mike. Training will be open to everybody. The objective is that each team will take over the management of their Helm Charts.
<1-28/2019>: Meeting is organized on 1/29 with LF. Training will be organized early in February. Additional information on the next PTL call (2/4)<2019-2-19: Meeting on this topic today - review the process - develop training material. OOM subcharts complete - A&AI this week><2019-03-04: Ready to do the first project A&AI; after testing on the first project make video on process flow, several others will follow Jessica Gonzalez Mike Elliott><still working out the A&AI details - in progress; once the POC is complete the other repos will follow> - What is the plan for the June ONAP Developers Forum - dates/location/etc Kenny Paul<includes outreach to education - looking at universities>
- Propose a process for Casablanca security updates Former user (Deleted)Kenny Paul
<need to provide any more feedback to Terrill and vote on 3/14 TSC> - PTLs - to review TSC Webcast on footprint optimization from 2/28 starting from 30th minute - https://r.lfnetworking.org/lfn-zoom/ONAP/TSC-Meetings/TSC-2019/tsc-2019-02-28.mp4
- Modify code freeze checklist to include a certificate expiry check Former user (Deleted) Brian Freeman