13:55:38 <kennypaul>#startmeeting tsc-2018-06-2813:55:38 <collabot`> Meeting started Thu Jun 28 13:55:38 2018 UTC. The chair is kennypaul. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
13:55:38 <collabot`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
13:55:38 <collabot`> The meeting name has been set to 'tsc_2018_06_28'
13:55:51 <kennypaul>#topic rollcall13:56:06 <Davide>#info Davide Cherubini, proxy Vodafone13:56:33 <kennypaul>#chair phrobb SteveT gildaslanilis13:56:33 <collabot`> Current chairs: SteveT gildaslanilis kennypaul phrobb
13:57:06 <Lingli>#info Lingli, CMCC13:58:52 <RannyHaiby>#info Ranny Haiby, Nokia13:58:55 <Xiaojun>#info Xiaojun Xie, China Telecom13:59:23 <ningso>#info Ning So, Reliance Jio14:00:44 <Huabing_Zhao_>#info Huabing Zhao Proxy of ZTE14:00:58 <elynn>#info Ethan Lynn, proxy of Xinhui Li for VMware14:01:03 <frankbrockners>#info Frank Brockners, Cisco14:01:10 <EricDebeau>#info Eric Debeau, Orange14:01:52 <cdonley>#info Chris Donley Huawei14:02:05 <JasonHunt>#info Jason Hunt, IBM14:03:08 <kennypaul>#info Alla Goldner, AMDOCS14:03:40 <kennypaul>#info Murat Tupcu, Turk Telekom14:04:22 <gilbert>#info mazin gilbert14:04:45 <SteveT>#info Stephen Terrill, Ericsson14:14:12 <kennypaul>#topic housekeeping14:14:42 <kennypaul>#info kennypaul reviewed the slide deck14:14:58 <kennypaul>#topic Casablanca M114:16:12 <kennypaul>#info gildaslanilis reviewed his slide deck14:17:24 <kennypaul>#info functional req- HPA, change mangement, scaling, 5g/PNF, 5g/Performance. partial commits14:17:48 <kennypaul>#info slicing no commits14:18:24 <kennypaul>#info EA/Cloud partial commit from OOF14:19:35 <kennypaul>#info catherine- usecase owners needed for some of these14:20:25 <kennypaul>#undo14:20:25 <collabot`> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x30e72d0>
14:21:29 <kennypaul>#inof no functional reqiuirement is agreed to end-to-end14:22:06 <kennypaul>#info no functional reqiuirement is agreed to end-to-end14:23:34 <kennypaul>#info func req owners need to meet with the PTLs14:24:19 <kennypaul>#info gildaslanilis - that has already been requested for weeks.14:25:39 <kennypaul>#info gilbert requests an update at the PTL meeting monday14:27:03 <kennypaul>#info discussion of operator input14:29:15 <kennypaul>#info func reqs are broken out into features - hard to tell from the wiki14:30:11 <kennypaul>#info some fun req features are fully committed across, others are are not14:33:09 <kennypaul>#info Alex_Vul some company's are willing to staff/fund the efforts. Intel will cover HPA14:34:33 <kennypaul>#info Alex_Vul, Intel, proxy14:36:53 <kennypaul>#info Hpa in 2nd phase, change mangement is in 3rd phase14:39:18 <kennypaul>#iaction- owners are to meet with PTLs14:39:47 <kennypaul>#action TSC members are to attend the PTL meeting on Monday14:41:45 <kennypaul>#info S3P - maturity table is filled out by all14:43:18 <kennypaul>#info JasonHunt requests for assistance from the community to take ownership of specific areas14:44:03 <kennypaul>#info appc, clamp, dcae not committed to S3P upgrade14:47:38 <kennypaul>#info link to requirements requested14:48:02 <phrobb> Not to pile-on regarding tasks to be done during the Casablanca Release cycle, but should the TSC make a formal statement on if there will be any support for the Beijing release and if so, for how long?... I.e. will there be one or more bug-fix release(s) for Beijing?... will there be vulnerability fix/support for Beijing?... or for Amsterdam any longer?... and if so, for how long?
14:48:44 <kennypaul>#info S3P Arch Alignment cdonley to follow up w/ PTLs14:49:46 <kennypaul>#info non-func I18N . passed Arch sub review14:51:55 <kennypaul>#info non func Testing - facing infrastructure issues14:52:16 <kennypaul>#topic usecases14:53:20 <kennypaul>#info CCVPN, OSAMPNF - mainly an integration effort rather than code development14:53:52 <kennypaul>#info Vijay VK cannot commit dcae to this14:54:38 <kennypaul>#action PTLs to update Casablanca wiki page14:55:28 <kennypaul>#Agreed M1 milestones to be decided on Monday14:56:55 <kennypaul>#info discussion of Amsterdam security patched and maintenance releases in general.14:57:35 <kennypaul>#info from SteveT All: We need to make a statement about the mainatance of Amsterdam (and Beijing) as well; at least from a security pespective. I propose that we do not maintain Amsterdam and any vulnerabilities are fixed in relation to Beijing only.14:58:41 <kennypaul>#agreed that any Amsterdam issues - answer is to move to Beijing14:59:27 <kennypaul>#topic community feedback15:01:37 <kennypaul>#info KennyPaul shared Alla's slides15:02:52 <kennypaul>#info PTL and TSC members’ tracking15:04:51 <kennypaul>#info discussion15:13:39 <kennypaul>#info to be discussed in email and vote to be on next week's agenda15:17:50 <kennypaul>#info TSC meetings15:19:19 <kennypaul>#info proposal to short meetings to 1 hour and have a 2nd meeting if needed.15:24:01 <kennypaul>#action Alla to take conversation to email15:24:21 <kennypaul>#info Docs on the wiki15:26:02 <kennypaul>#info discussion of consistency15:30:04 <kennypaul>#action KennyPaul to send a proposal out on template and directory structure15:30:35 <kennypaul>#info PTL and Release manager participation in voting15:33:15 <kennypaul>#info discussion on consistency of process and vetting15:36:27 <kennypaul>#info TSC needs to assure that PTL & Release Manager input is received before a vote15:37:05 <kennypaul>#info15:37:21 <kennypaul>#endmeeting
Zoom Chat Log
07:00:06 From Alla Goldner : Hi 07:00:14 From Alla Goldner : Kenny, please register me on IRC 07:02:30 From Milind Jalwadi to Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) (Privately) : Hi Kenny - Please register me (Milind Jalwadi) as Proxy for Tech Mahindra. Sorry not able to access IRC 07:02:38 From Murat Turpcu ( Turk Telekom) to Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) (Privately) : hi kenny please log me in 07:03:47 From Murat Turpcu ( Turk Telekom) to Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) (Privately) : thanks 07:20:57 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : Alla, Milind & Murat logged in IRC 07:26:15 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : ramki i have muteds you 07:27:45 From Sharon Chisholm (Amdocs) : A 1..N prioritization of the requirements might of helped. 07:36:24 From Scott Blandford (AT&T) : Where do the Functional Requirement Owners send their analysis of the commitments? 07:37:47 From Michael O'Brien : yes, priorities for each hpa subcomponent (for exampe geo redundancy could be a stretch goal) 07:38:31 From Michael O'Brien : monday at the PTL? meet 07:38:40 From Michael O'Brien : yes monday 07:39:13 From Eric Debeau : OK to attend PTL meeting 07:40:08 From Dan Timoney : I think in the future, it might be good to have a milestone prior to M1 for presentation of the prioritized candidate requirements, and to ask each reqt owner to schedule a review with all PTLs between that milestone and M1 to gain commitment 07:40:22 From Alla Goldner : Dan, we had it 07:40:37 From Alla Goldner : we had SP input, and we had milestone for requirements' endorsement 07:40:51 From Alla Goldner : the problem is that we didn't have a full picture of alltogether 07:40:59 From Alla Goldner : functionsl, non-functional, S3P etc. 07:41:04 From Dan Timoney : But that was not a tracked milestone 07:41:18 From Alla Goldner : well, endorsement was a tracked milestone 07:41:35 From Alla Goldner : problem is that it didn't include PTL commitment, which comes later 07:41:38 From Dan Timoney : ok 07:41:42 From Alla Goldner : while PTL didn't have a full picture 07:41:48 From Alla Goldner : and this is what we are facing now 07:42:01 From Alexander Vul : I don't think we have a process that actually lasts for more than a week... 07:42:20 From Alexander Vul : we invent processes on the fly with no regard for the impact they may have... 07:42:43 From Alla Goldner : Alex, if we fully followed the process 07:42:53 From Alla Goldner : with no exceptions and, as you say, by re-inventng it, 07:43:03 From Alla Goldner : we would have pretty much nothing into the release 07:43:17 From Alla Goldner : as almost nothing was there on time 07:43:36 From Alla Goldner : this is why we try to apply some level of flexibility, community is learning 07:44:17 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : ramki I have muted you 07:44:32 From Alexander Vul : the notion of endorsement was never formally approved by the community... 07:45:02 From Alexander Vul : we need to have a process subcommittee that considered the totality of impact for each process we create and each process change... 07:46:14 From Stephen Terrill : I think alla is right. there is a process described and the time line provided. I assume that if we want to update that can be done, as these can always be improved. However lets not create a process sub-committee. 07:47:03 From Alexander Vul : @Stephen - i just want consistency from release to release... 07:47:26 From Alexander Vul : it would be good to follow the *same* process for approval of new projects two releases in a row... 07:49:22 From Alexander Vul : We also need to consider the big picture... we created the notion of functional requirements because we said we wanted to a general purpose platform.. so we went through hours and days of distilling use cases into generic features that would be needed by the platform... 07:50:00 From Eric Debeau : As discussed in Beijing, Orange can help to maintain Heat 07:50:23 From Alexander Vul : so what now... we have a bunch of half-finished work and in the end the platform is no better off than it was... 07:50:23 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : all muted again 07:50:59 From Alla Goldner : Alex, I believe all functional requirements not completed in Beijing will move on 07:51:13 From Alla Goldner : it really requires one more round of discussions with PTL, most likely 07:51:17 From Alla Goldner : for them to commit 07:51:46 From Alla Goldner : to me, all new requirements and 2 new use cases (untouched today during the TSC meeting, btw), seem to be more problematic 07:53:32 From Stephen Terrill : All: We need to make a statement about the mainatance of Amsterdam (and Beijing) as well; at least from a security pespective. I propose that we do not maintain Amsterdam and any vulnerabilities are fixed in relation to Beijing only. 07:58:38 From Mazin : Gildas deserves a star for finishing a head of time! 08:08:07 From Chris Donley : suggested vote: If a TSC member is absent from 3 TSC meetings in a 12-month period without designating a proxy, that member shall be removed and the seat will be filled according to the TSC composition method specified in the Charter. 08:08:28 From Alla Goldner : I would say 6 month 08:08:48 From Mazin : Why 6 months when the term for each member is 1 year. 08:08:55 From Alla Goldner : if we go for 12 month - the majrity would be removed 08:08:58 From Jason Hunt : … and we don’t know what the new “TSC composition” is, which makes this unclear
08:09:41 From Lingli : this is something I have not been part of discussion 08:10:07 From Lingli : I am not comfortable voting for this without proper discussion publicly 08:10:14 From Murat Turpcu ( Turk Telekom) : these are not consecutive meetings right 08:10:48 From Lingli : there was something similar but not this one 08:12:09 From Steven Wright [AT&T] : is the issue attendance at meetuings, or participation in votes e.g. email votes ? 08:12:10 From Murat Turpcu ( Turk Telekom) : really can anybody be a proxy? is this healthy. 08:12:26 From Lingli : I dont think so 08:12:37 From Alexander Vul : me neither 08:12:50 From Alla Goldner : that depends on composition 08:12:59 From Alla Goldner : if it is based on individuakls - yes 08:13:19 From Alla Goldner : if based on company's Platinum membership - then company member could ve appointed as a proxy, I guess 08:17:33 From Jason Hunt : Survey asked about # of consecutive meetings that a TSC member can miss before being dropped from the quorum requirement. Consensus on those votes was 2 consecutive meetings. Another question asked if member should also be removed from the TSC if removed from quorum. Answers were split (community said Yes, TSC said No) 08:18:49 From Eric Debeau : I agree with Jason. We only discussed about 2 consecutive meetings 08:19:40 From Alexander Vul : We should be inspired by other orgnaizations that have similar rules about attendence and participation... 08:19:47 From Mazin : Jason/Eric, Can you formulate a language for the community and share in an email for comments. 08:21:34 From Jason Hunt : Alex, do you have some examples? 08:22:20 From Timo Perala (Nokia) : Regarding anybody can be proxy: I believe it is up to TSC member to nominate, it is totally in her discretion. Including affiliation aspect. 08:23:33 From Alexander Vul : @Jason - OASIS/TOSCA has a good attendence policy, so does ETSI/NFV and ETSI/ZSM 08:24:19 From Michael O'Brien (Amdocs, LOG) : Michael drop off to Acumos/AT&T meet in 5 min 08:25:39 From Mazin : If each TSC member input their proxy on the website and if that proxy attends when the TSC member is unavailable then there is really nothing to worry about or debate. 08:26:45 From Timo Perala (Nokia) : @Mazin: agree fully 08:29:43 From Ranny Haiby : It is better to have tagging for easier search than to attempt to enforce strict hierarchy on project workspaces. 08:29:48 From Michael lando (SDC) to Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) (Privately) : you can use the example we tried in sdc we have a portal to mange it for us 08:30:39 From Ranny Haiby : My experience indicates hierarchy is open for interpertation, so things may not be placed where you expect them to be 08:31:40 From Murat Turpcu ( Turk Telekom) : if we want TSC to function properly may be we should discuss participation to votings instead of attendance 08:32:48 From Roger Maitland : With respect to the wiki, we should be encouraging people to refer to the official documentation where appropriate and not the wiki. 08:32:54 From Eric Debeau : PTL should provide guidance. But, the vote should be under TSC. 08:33:39 From Stephen Terrill : i need to drop 08:33:44 From Eric Debeau : +2 with Roger on documentation. Still a lot to do ! 08:35:27 From Kenny Paul (Linux Foundation) : @Roger +1, but believe that “documents” in this context should not include info that shopuld in in RTD. 08:35:29 From Steven Wright [AT&T] : +2 roger 08:36:29 From Ramki Krishnan : Another common wiki challenge is searching for material. We need to have consistent naming for the parent and child pages.