Control Loop Sub Committee - TSC Status 5-10-2018.pdf
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13:39:25 <kennypaul>#startmeeting tsc-2018-051013:39:25 <collabot`> Meeting started Thu May 10 13:39:25 2018 UTC. The chair is kennypaul. Information about MeetBot at
13:39:25 <collabot`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
13:39:25 <collabot`> The meeting name has been set to 'tsc_2018_0510'
13:39:54 <kennypaul>#chair gildaslanilis, SteveT13:39:54 <collabot`>Warning: Nick not in channel: gildaslanilis
13:39:54 <collabot`> Current chairs: SteveT gildaslanilis kennypaul
13:40:14 <kennypaul>#topic rollcall13:58:28 <SteveT>#info Stephen Terrill, Ericsson13:59:00 <EricDebeau>#info Eric Debeau, Orange13:59:22 <Chaker>#info Proxy Chaker Al-Hakim Huawei13:59:22 <kennypaul>#info Alla Goldner, AMDOCS14:01:54 <kennypaul>#info Lingli Deng, China Mobile14:01:59 <Srini>#info proxy Srini Addepalli, Intel14:02:16 <xinhuili>#info Xinhui Li, VMware14:02:38 <JasonHunt>#info Jason Hunt, IBM14:02:41 <gilbert>#info mazin (AT&T)14:02:47 <RannyHaiby>#info Ranny Haiby, Nokia14:02:50 <Xiaojun>#info Xiaojun Xie, China Telecom14:03:34 <kennypaul>#info Murat Turpcu, Turk Telekom14:03:55 <gilesheron>#info Giles Heron, Cisco (proxy for Frank Brockners)14:04:49 <susana>#info Susana Sabater, Vodafone14:04:56 <ningso>#info Ning So, Reliance Jio14:05:08 <DhananjayPavgi>#info Dhananjay Pavgi, Tech Mahindra Ltd14:05:08 <SteveT>#topic Housekeeping14:05:22 <SteveT>#info Next week is RC2.14:06:08 <SteveT>#info LFN TAC projects to give an update to the GB on the themes for their upcoming release. Discuss early in teh release cycle.14:06:25 <SteveT>#info To provide an update to the GB at June 13.14:07:20 <SteveT>#info Visa letters should have been distributed for the casablanca event. If you haven't got it, please send an email to kenny, with his name in the subject line14:07:53 <SteveT>#info TSC composition survey, closes Tue May 15. Plan is for voting on composition at the TSC next week.14:08:14 <SteveT>#info TSC composition voting on 24/514:09:13 <SteveT>#info bitergia - config setting in bitgera is a config setting not a bug. should be enabled by monday14:10:20 <EricDebeau>#info we could also use revealjs like presentation14:10:24 <SteveT>#info upload documents. keep in mind that uploading .ppts makes it difficult to see. They can be downloaded. There was a suggestion to upload both14:10:43 <SteveT>#topic Integration Update14:11:26 <kennypaul>#info helenychen shared her slides14:11:44 <SteveT>#info For health check. for HEAT all passed. for OOM, 39 passing, 3 to go.14:11:51 <kennypaul>#info heat healthchecks (HC) have passed14:11:57 <kennypaul>#undo14:11:57 <collabot`> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Info object at 0x2997a50>
14:12:21 <SteveT> kenny. I let you capture the notes now, instead of double noting.
14:13:27 <kennypaul>#info pairwise 50% ,14:14:07 <kennypaul>#info usecase testing: vFW passed for HEAT, vLB is wip14:15:09 <kennypaul>#info vCPE, Volte both wip, new feature testing started, progress made on benchmark and maturity tests14:16:10 <kennypaul>#need help with jenkins performance and images - Jessica looking at it.14:17:39 <kennypaul>#action kennypaul set up meeting w/ LF-IT today14:18:56 <kennypaul>#info helenycvhen shared the integration dashboards from the wiki14:19:32 <kennypaul>#link <kennypaul>#info vFW blocked by SO for OOM14:22:00 <kennypaul>#info change mangement and manual scaling feature testing in progress. no E2E testing from HPA14:22:35 <kennypaul>#info PNF feature may not be in Beijing14:26:17 <kennypaul>#info discussion on functional requirement testing14:31:08 <kennypaul>#info HPA testing is ongoing14:37:35 <kennypaul>#info Ajay Mahimkar reviewed change management progress14:38:52 <kennypaul>#link <kennypaul>#info e2e testing should be completed by next week14:40:25 <kennypaul>#info Marco Platania reviewed manual scaling progress14:41:57 <DhananjayPavgi>#info Dhananjay Pavgi, Tech Mahindra Ltd14:42:34 <kennypaul>#link <kennypaul>#undo14:45:26 <collabot`> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Link object at 0x27a6190>
14:45:30 <kennypaul>#link <kennypaul>#info Alex Vul reviewed HPA14:46:42 <kennypaul>#link14:46:48 <kennypaul>#link <kennypaul>#info Liu Yue reviewed Benchmark14:48:03 <kennypaul>#info included in Helen's slide deck14:50:11 <kennypaul>#topic Relase Management14:50:31 <kennypaul>#info gildaslanilis reviewed his slides14:52:00 <kennypaul>#info concerned that low-med bugs are being addressed rather than high and critical14:52:21 <kennypaul>#info free up unused resources in windriver and Tlabs14:52:31 <kennypaul>#info review pending coimmits14:52:48 <kennypaul>#info update java and docker manifest14:53:31 <kennypaul>#info do not include "v", "Staging" or other tags14:53:54 <kennypaul>#topic Beijing gating items14:54:08 <kennypaul>#info gildaslanilis shared slides14:55:35 <DhananjayPavgi>#help14:55:56 <kennypaul>#info recommend stability, security, scalabilotyu, oom recilincy be the focus, performance usabiliy and managability come afterwards14:55:56 <DhananjayPavgi>#sorry typed in wrong window14:56:54 <kennypaul>#info regression testing - vFW & vLB OK - focus on vCPE, VoLTE14:57:49 <kennypaul>#info stability testing cannot start until next week.14:59:10 <kennypaul>#info security - cii badging 98% to goal , 2 projects to finalize vulnaribility14:59:51 <kennypaul>#info Jason Hunt asks where the priority recommendations came from15:00:49 <kennypaul>#info do not manage the priorities set at the beginning od the relase15:00:54 <kennypaul>#info gildaslanilis - "from discussions.15:01:12 <kennypaul>#info scalability testing not started15:01:53 <kennypaul>#info resiliency using OOM - testing not started15:03:57 <helenychen>#link <kennypaul>#info PTLs need to update the platform maturity page15:04:32 <helenychen>#link <helenychen>#info Please put the summery at the weather board once you think your project met the goal you put at the first link.15:05:18 <kennypaul>#info goal for beijing is to run for 72 hours15:06:42 <kennypaul>#info logging framework question from Jason15:12:22 <kennypaul>#action ALL PTLs - adding a logging column to their pairwise template15:16:35 <kennypaul>#info Gating- HPA (wip nop eta), CM (e2e next week), MS (almost done), PNF (likely to descope from Alla)15:17:54 <kennypaul>#info gilbert S3P was our commitment for Beijing, functional requirements are a big deal but secondary.15:18:33 <kennypaul>#info CORRECTION functional requirements important but NOT gating15:20:39 <kennypaul>#info to be tested by integration time permitting:15:21:16 <kennypaul> VVP, VNFSDK, VNFRQTS, EXTAPI, CLI, Holmes, OOF
15:21:29 <kennypaul>#info VVP, VNFSDK, VNFRQTS, EXTAPI, CLI, Holmes, OOF15:22:42 <kennypaul>#info discussion about patch release date - not set15:23:56 <kennypaul>#info need clarity on S3P next week15:27:45 <kennypaul>#topic usecase approval15:29:38 <kennypaul>#info approval to take place at usecase sub meeting on monday15:30:56 <kennypaul>#action - Alla Goldner send kennypaul agenda,15:31:06 <kennypaul> kenny to send invite.
15:35:22 <kennypaul>#info discussion of adding new use cases after15:38:30 <kennypaul>#topic modeling15:39:00 <kennypaul>#info 3 Hui Deng - weeks now and unable to provide update15:40:40 <kennypaul>#info slides to be uploaded to the wiki, & sent to onap-tsc list. Also invlude appropriate updates relevant to R2 in helehycheng15:40:48 <kennypaul> report
15:41:25 <kennypaul>#topic vulnarability update15:42:28 <kennypaul>#info SDC and USECASEUI still open.15:42:35 <kennypaul>#endmeeting