Link to Project Proposal training materials
Project Name:
- Proposed name for the project:
- Proposed name for the repository: vid,vid/asdcclient
Project description:
- Provides a well-structured organization of infrastructure deployment, instantiation and change-management operations used by Operations to derive orchestrations and change-management.
- Invoke instantiation of a Service and all of its sub-components (e.g. VNF/VF, VNFC/VFC, Modules, Deployment Flavor, etc).
- Invoke instantiation and creation of cloud logical environment (e.g. tenants).
- Integration with Operations ticketing system for instantiation and change-management ordering requests.
- Instantiation
- Instantiation modes.
- Macro orchestration.
- A la carte orchestration.
- Choose target instantiation environment (e.g. multi-clouds, testing environment, etc.).
- Check availability of already-created and reserved cloud resources.
- Invoke the creations of cloud resources.
- Customize Service and VNF/VF to fit a current instantiation.
- Based on SDC Design specific assignments.
- Feedback on instantiation process according to the instantiation workflow.
- Ability to invoke maintenance operations on an unsuccessful instantiation.
- Instantiation modes.
- Change-management
- Integration with inventory (A&AI) to retrieve current deployed Services.
- Agnostic and specific change-management workflows derived from SDC Service and VNF/VF models.
- Invoke a CM for a given Service and VNF/VF.
- invoke a CM for monitoring-templates (MTs: control-loops).
- invoke a CM for policy changes
- Invoke a CM for license changes
- etc..
- Ability to operate on a workflow (e.g. actions as stop, start, restart, resume).
- Ability to schedule a workflow
- notify
- automatic instantiation upon reaching the scheduled time.
- Invoke Security, Load and performance test on a given Service and VNF/VF.
- Collaboration
- Project/Admin dashboard (include user management, VNF/VF and Services relevant to the project).
- Interfaces:
- SDC - get models
- A&AI - get current deployment (inventory)
- Scheduler MS - set/get schedule
- MSO - invoke instantiation and change-management.
Architecture Alignment:
- How does this project fit into the rest of the ONAP Architecture?
- Please Include architecture diagram if possible
- What other ONAP projects does this project depend on?
- How does this align with external standards/specifications?
- APIs/Interfaces
- Information/data models
- Are there dependencies with other open source projects?
- APIs/Interfaces
- Integration Testing
- etc.
- Primary Contact Person:Hemli, Amichai
- Names, gerrit IDs, and company affiliations of the committers
- Names and affiliations of any other contributors
- Project Roles (include RACI chart, if applicable)
Other Information:
- link to seed code :;a=summary
- Vendor Neutral
- if the proposal is coming from an existing proprietary codebase, have you ensured that all proprietary trademarks, logos, product names, etc., have been removed?
The current seed code has been already scanned and cleanup to remove all proprietary trademarks, logos, etc. except openecomp to be replaced by onapSubsequent modification to the existing seed code should continue to follow the same scanning and clean up principles.
- if the proposal is coming from an existing proprietary codebase, have you ensured that all proprietary trademarks, logos, product names, etc., have been removed?
- Meets Board policy (including IPR)
Use the above information to create a key project facts section on your project page
Key Project Facts
Project Name:
- JIRA project name: Virtual Infrastructure Deployment
- JIRA project prefix: VID-
Repo name: vid/asdcclient,vid
Lifecycle State:
Primary Contact:
- David Shadmi dshadmi@interwise.comGerrit ID sd200p Company AT&T
- Eden Rozin Gerrit ID er434w Company AT&T
- Zahi Kapeluto Gerrit ID zk093v Company AT&T
- Hemli, Amichai Gerrit ID ah0398 Company AT&T
Project Lead:
- David Shadmi Gerrit ID sd200p Company AT&T
- Eden Rozin Gerrit ID er434w Company AT&T
- Zahi Kapeluto Gerrit ID zk093v Company AT&T
- Hemli, Amichai Gerrit ID ah0398 Company AT&T
- Earle West AT&T
mailing list tag [Should match Jira Project Prefix]
Hemli, Amichai Gerrit ID ah0398 Company AT&T
*Link to TSC approval:
Link to approval of additional submitters: